Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/43

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123. IV. FEB., 1918.]



8 Jan. For going by water w th my wife to St. Mary Overies and coming backe by water w th out her.

11 Jan. For coming by water from Westm r to the Temple, 5d.

13 Jan. For botteling at supper, 6d.

14. For five yards of ribon for shoostringes, 2s.

16. For a velvet nightcap for myselfe, 6s.

18. For a paire of three soled shoes liquored, 2s. 8d.

26. For a paire of three soled shooes neats- leather, 2s. 8d.

1611, November. 2. For cutting of my haire, 12d,

6. For 9 yardes of cloth for three liveries for my men, 5li.

29. For a kegge of sturgeon for Justice W mB , 21s.

1611, December. For a paire of Kidskin shoes "bought of Jo Bird, 15d.

4. For a quarter of curranes whereof 25 li. weight given me, 10s.

For a quarter and halfe a quarter new Baisings of the Sun which 25 li. weight given to me, 17s.

Forgot Pruines at I4s. p.c. whereof twentie pounds weight given to my brother, 3s. Qd.

6. For a paire of thicker Kidskin gloves bought of Jo Birde, 15d.

10. For 90 yds. and a qrt. yd. of blacke Naples silke lace for a cloth cote at 2s. Qd. the ownce, 2s. 8d.

For an oz. of sowing and stitching silke for the eame, 2d.

For 3 dozen buttons for the same, 12d.

For 12 gallons and a pottle of Muscadine for my Lo. Coke at 4s. the gallon.

23. For a paire of double Kidskinne gloves faced with tafeta and fringed and lined with eilke for Mrs. Anne Sadler, 3s. 5d.

Januarie, 1611[12]. 20. For a fealt hat iaced and lined with tafeta and a treble Cipres bande, 13s.

1611/12, Februarie. 5. For two paire of whyte -woosted stockins sent me from Norwich by Mr. John Grey, 17s. Qd.

18. To the minister of St. Dunstane according to the St* [Statute] uppon my license to eat flesh, 6s.

22. For a runlett of sacke of 14 gallons and a pottle and a pinte for Mr. Andrew Powell, reader- elect for Lent next.

For a paire of embroidered gloves sent by Mr. Nelsone, 5s.

For a paire of double black silke Frenche garters ....

1612, April. 10. For two dozen round silke points, Qd.

11. For two round cappes, the one a clothe cappe lined and furred with velvet, the other an ordinarie cappe, 12s.

October 31. To Hies Powell for carieng my wives pilion to Hackney, Qd.

November 7. To the Steward his man who brought me a minced pie and two little pots of jelly from his Mrs., Qd.

1613, May 6. For a paire of spectacles, havinge 'lost my olde which I found again, 3s.

For a paire of Spanish lether shoes, 3s. id.

May 16. To Jo Holies for running by my horse from Hackney to London, 3s.

October 28. For garnishing of a stone pot given me by Mr. Jacob Torado, the potte being cut out as he said of the stone called Lapis serpentine, 40s.

Dec. 11. For 16 gallons and three quarters of Muscadine for S r Edw. Coke, Lo. Chief Justice of England, 3 7s.

1614, April 5. To Mr. Chambers his man Blythe that brought the maiming cloth for a gown for myselfe and cloke for my man after the death of the yo. Lord Harington.

6. For a new key to the Benchers' House of Office, 10s.

1614, May 23. To the cokes boxe this daye, 18d. June 3. To Dor.'Chetwin, chambermaid to my

sister Hen., for her paines taken in making almon milkes, brothes, Posset ale and other things for me in the tyme of my being visited w th an ague .

6. For an ounce of syrup of violets bought yesterdaie, Qd.

July 2. For one wrought dra wen worke cup, 6s.

9. For a lode and a half of old coles at 40s. the lode.

December. To my servant Jo. Chilton for his wages, 10s.

16. For a paire of irish sheepskin gloves bought of W ra Knight, Qd.

20. For making of holes in my bedstead at Mrs. Gravenor's in Paternoster How to put Bedstaves in, 4td.

For sugar candle and luxe num for my wives daughter, 2d.

24. For sixe paire of lambricke ruffles bought of Jane, my Laundres daughter, 3s.

31. For a paire of shoes for my wife lined w th cotton, 2s. xd.

1614/15, Januarie. 1. To Jn. Watkins for a paire of blacke silke garters w 1 * I gave my wives father yesterdaie, 6s.

For conserve of Roses for my wives daughter, having taken colde, 2d.

16. To Tho. Harley to buy three bushelles more of hastie peaze to sowe my new broken field at Hackney, 22s, Qd.

17. For a boke called the Jewell hour of art and nature.

1614/15, Febr. 8. To the Vicar of Hackney for the poor uppon my license to eat fleshe.

1615, April 20. For bote hyre from the old Swan to old paris garden sluices and backe from thence to the Temple, 8d.

May 3. For the whole Bible bought by itself e in 8, an a new testament by itselfe bought at the second h . . . . , 3s.

For a knot of seales bought of Tho. Watkins, 2d.

May 24. To a woman that found the keyes of my studie and chamber doore , they falling out of my gowne pocket as I passed from Ram Alley to my chamber in the Temple, Qd.

June 5. To Mr. Tassell, my taylor, for a yard of satten w h he bought to make canions to my new satten breeches and for all other thinges to make them up, the outside excepted.

June 13. For a paire of writing tables w th a pen w th blacke leddor, I2d.

16^5, October 16. To Jo Chilton for buttons, thread and silke w h he bought to amend my thick laced satten doublet, 5d.

1616, May 27. For bokes covered w th vellum, the one intituled Hills Art of gardenning, the other the Gardines labarynth, 2a.

June 5. To goodwife Whitworth that brought Strawburyes from Hackney, 2d.

15. To goodwife Whitworth that brought me a litle basket of harte chearies from my gardener,