Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/45

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12 s. iv. FEB., 1918.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


admitted of Gray's Inn in 1640 ? Or were they related to Richard Alexander, who went up from St. Paul's School to Queen's College, Oxford, in 1656, and who may possibly have been the person of those names who was admitted to Gray's Inn in 1661 ?

Thomas Ayres, 1702. Was this a relation of

Col. John Ayres, the writing master who taught

in St. Paul's School, and who also conducted

a private writing school in St. Paul's Church-

' yard ?

John Baggs, 1698. Can he be identified with John Baggs, the son of Zachary Baggs of London, Esq., who was admitted to Gray's Inn in 1677 ?

"William Bonner, 1698. Can he be identified with William Bonner, son of T. Bonner of Newcastle, who was admitted to Gray's Inn in 1659 ?

Richard Crawley, 1699. Was he related to John, the son of Francis Crawley of Northaw, Herts, Esq., who was admitted a pensioner of Caius from St. Paul's in 1669, aged 18, and was admitted to Gray's Inn in 1671 ?

John Downe, 1702.

Robert Fowle. Can he be identified with Robert Fowle of Sedlescombe, Sussex, gent., who was admitted to Gray's Inn in 1649 ?

'Thomas Fowke, 1701.

MICHAEL F. J. MCDONNELL. Bathurst, Gambia, British West Africa.

(To be continued.)


(See 12 S. iii. 1, 44, 81, 122, 161, 205, 244, 262, 293, 323, 349, 377, 409, 139, 470, 498.)


Richard Ed war da to John Smith (rough draft). (O.C. 3533.)

Cassumbuzar Janry. Ult. [1671.]. To Mr Smith

Yours of the 19th Curient received, and am glad mine of the 14th and 30 past month,* togither with the note you ordered me to take up, came Safe to yoxir receipt, whereof I was in Some doubt, not hearing any news from you of long time, occasioned by the miscarriage of the Cossid in his returne hither.

I give you many thanks for your promise of providing the curtains, and Sending a ps. Tanjeeb or Ad thy f Per next, whose amount Shall thankfully repay to your Selfe or orders.

I am Sorry to hear you are in So greate unlikelyhood of disposing of my Swords, which (if any occasion offers) 1 desiro you would doe at. any price above 3 rs., and

  • These three letters have not been traced.

t Tanzib, adhotar. See Letters XV. and XXXIII.

also give me Such bad incouragement from Gohatte,* of which fellow's heressy Mr March however gives me Some assurance f

If you put Such an estimate on the triviall and inconsiderable Services I have been able to doe you, what must then become [torn away] besides the inequallity, being already the obliged, doe irnpos[e torn away] troubles on you, and have withall So Small meane [s torn away]

[Unsigned] [Endorsed] To Mr Smith Ult. Jany.


Notes of Letters from Richard Edwards to Edward Reade, John Billingsley, John Vickers, and John Marshall.

(O.C. 3560.)

Cassumbuzar March the 24th [1671].

To Mr Reade. J Sent him 2 setts strings for horsmaines and promised to get ready the other things to send per next.

To Mr Billingsley. i Sent him 3 large strings to tye gownes.

To Mr Vickers, Advising the receipt of his of the 1st past mont and .5 peices sannoes') at 3 rupees, for which had credited him, also for the 8 rupees paid on account lungies.^l Desired him to send 2 peices sannoes at 5 or 6 rs. the peice. To receive 60 rups. of John Bugden** on account Mr March. To procure me some rose water and wine and any other raritys &ca from Persia, and to receive of Mr White or his order what he hath brought for me. Gave him account that had proved his [illegible], and sent 1 pr cottstringsft and 1 pr pUlowstrings. Promised to send slippers.

To Mr Marshall. Acknowledging the receipt of his, and that had bespoke 2 strings JO covids;JJ 4 do. 6, according to his order. [Endorsed] To Mr Vickers and severall merchants

  • Gauhati. See Letter XXI. for Edwards'e

investment there.

t Edwards means that March had assured him in the matter of bad faith imputed to his agent at Gauhati.

J Edward Reade and John Billingsley, Com- pany's servants, will be noticed later.

This letter has not been traced.

II Sanu. See Letter V.

if Limggi. See Letter XVII.

    • John Bugden, a brother of Edmund Bugden,

Company's servant, was captain of a coasting vessel. "Later on, he acted as pilot in the river.

ft See Letter L. J j Covado, cubit, ell. See Letter LVII.