Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/78

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NOTES AND QUERIES. 112 s. iv. MABCH, ms.

ancestral connexion with the trade of brewing is thoroughly discussed by a contributor to ' N. & Q.' (Miss GUINEY) in The Dublin Review for April, 1914 (published by Burns & Gates, 28 Orchard Street, W.). A. S.

CRUCIFORM TOWNS. (See 9 S. xii. 104.) On p. 5 of " Goodall's Guide to Glastonbury ....By G. W. Wright. Sixth Edition," we read of that place :

" Viewed from higher ground, it will be seen that the town was originally built in the form of a cross : High Street, Bove Town, and Benedict Street forming the stem, while Magdalene and Northload Streets would each form an arm ; and it may be but a fancy, but if so it is a pretty one, that if this were the design, the higher or St. John's Church, and the lower or St. Benigmis', would represent the positions respectively of the heart and head of the Crucified One."


" HABIT OF LIVING " : SIR T. BROWNE AND DICKENS. The expression of this idea by Sir Thomas Browne and 'Dickens seems worth a corner in ' N. & Q.' :

" The long habit of living indisposeth us for dying." Sir Thomas Browne, ' Urn Burial,' chap. v.

" Mr. Wopsle's great-aiint conquered a con- firmed habit of living into which she had fallen." Dickens, ' Great Expectations,' chap. xvi.



WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on fa.mily matters of only private interest to atfix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

NELSON DIARIES. Can any readers of ' N. & Q.' throw light upon the subjoined fragment ? Has it ever been published ?

There <ire in the British Museum (Add. MSS, 34,908, fo.s. 07-71) a fow Nelson diaries of dates immediately previous to the Last Diary, bound up in three volumes, and nnm bored 2 to 13 ; among them a few leaves unnumbered, and noted in the catalogue as apparently to be dated October, 1805 which contain the following entries :

Convoy to be ordered to sail from Malta as soon after Octr. 20th as the trade can be collected & at any rate if the fruit Ships are there not to be detain 'd longer than Novr. 1st. Merlin and Childers to be the Convoy to keep along the Barbary Shore and not upon any account on the Spanish. Seahorse and Weazle to be sent im- mediately to me calling at Gibr. to compleat Provisions & Water if absolutely necessary the Aurora must take her place.

Pursers of the Larbd. Dn. deputed to go to Lisbon to purchase Necessarys for that Division Mr. Tait of the Prince, Mr. Lamport of y e Achille*

Starb d Division Mr. Bundock Ajax Mr. Hemphill Donegal






Spartiate [struck through]


Neptune Defence Orion Minotaur Colossus

Crew of the Guirrier to be sent to me Mi-. Barclay Britta. Mr. Forster Colossus. Mr. John Bingham Prince. Lt. Brett of the Guirrier Memo.

To write to Mr. Blunt about his Grapes. To enquire abt. Davd. Wilson belonging to the- Phoebe to whom belongs a story.

Tallow Chandler forgot at Mertou. James Millman on board Bellerophon off Cadiz to be promoted. Memo.

I have a letter to send to Mr. Bulra.m at Cirita Vecchia when I can Send a Vessel to bring from thence a Packet for the Prince of Wales the Packet when reed, to be kept by Lord Nelson untill a sure conveyce. to England.

According to the B.M. Catalogue, thisr fragment is contemporaneous? with the Last Diary now preserved in the Probate Registry.

GILBERT HUDSON, Editor of ' Nelson's Last Diary.' Kia Ora, Marsh Road, Pinner, Midd.

EAST INDIA HOUSE IN 1711. I should be glad of assistance in tracing the where- abouts of a drawing of the old East India House made by George Vertue in 1711. At present this is only known to me from three reproductions : (1) an early copy, without date or artist's name, in the India Office ; (-2) another copy, with the date 1711, in the Print Department of the British Museum (Crowle's Grangerized Pennant, vol. xii. No. 68) ; (3) an etching by W. B. Rye, 1851, " from a copy of a drawing by Vertue in the possession of Robert Graves, Esq., A.R.A." Some years ago, by the kindness of Mr. Algernon Graves, I was enabled to learn from Mr. Robert Edmund Graves that the copy referred to under (3) was a reduction made by himself from the original, which had, he thought, been bought at Sotheby's by his uncle Frank, and was [afterwards sold, either to Mr. Carpenter