Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/80

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. iv. MARCH, wis.

rendering, equally happy, of the same notice, which he told me was by Prof. B. H. Kennedy. The notice runs thus :

BEVEEEXD SIB, You are requested to attend a meeting of the Bridge Committee on Saturday, Nov. 10, at 12 o'clock, to receive Mr. DifftVs report upon the propriety of laying down gas- pipes.

We are, Rev. Sir, your humble servants.

SMITH <fc SON, Clerks. Replies may be sent to me direct.

SEYMOUR R. COXE. Precincts, Canterbury.

GAEGOYLES. Is there any separate pub- lication hereon, or where can I collect information ? JAS. CURTIS, F.S.A.

[See the authorities cited in the replies at 11 S. i. 269.]

KING HENRY'S STAIRS : KING JAMES'S STAIRS. I notice on the map that, near the London Docks, there are stairs leading to the Thames called " King Henry's Stairs," and, further on, " King James's Stairs." Can anybody kindly give the explanation of these names ? INQUIRER.

PRE-RAPHAELITE TAPESTRIES. Can any one tell me where Burne-Jones and Wm. Morris (i.e., Pre-Raphaelite) tapestries may be found in Great Britain ? I have a fairly complete list of the Pre-Raphaelite stained glass, and now wish to get together one of the tapestries with their subjects.

WM. M. DODSON. 238 Westmoreland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

NORTH -COUNTRY CUSTOMS. I should be glad to know what old country customs still linger (and where) in Northumberland, Durham, and Cumberland. Please reply direct. WM. M. DODSON.

238 Westmoreland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

BANGOR WILLS. Where are the wills proved at Bangor before 1635 ?


ANGLESEY TOPOGRAPHY. Can any Welsh reader identify the following places mentioned in the seventeenth century as being in Anglesey ? (a) Rhydygroes or Rhydcroyse. (6) Llan Goven. FAKENHAM.

ETON COLLEGE PRESS PUBLICATIONS. Particulars of issues and the initiators will greatly oblige. ANEURIN WILLIAMS.

' LONDON SOCIETY.' When was this monthly magazine started, and who were the successive editors ?

Please reply direct.


Menai View, North Road, Carnarvon.

FLOWERS IN LONDON PUBLIC GARDENS. Who was it who collected subscriptions, about fifty years ago, to plant London's public gardens with flowers ? These were promptly stolen. He tried again, with the same result : tried a third time, when the public recognized the good intended for them, and thenceforth protected the flowers from further pillage. This public -spirited man died about 1914. Who was he ?


West Bridgford, Notts.

ST. DECLAN'S STONE, ARDMORE, co. WATERFORD. Will one of your Irish corre- spondents give some information as to the above ?

1. Date of the first known reference to this stone, and where the reference may be found.

2. How long has the stone occupied its present position ?

3. Is it of the same geological formation as the rocks on which it rests ?

I am acquainted with the reference to the stone in Smith's ' Waterford,' 1774.


" BARLEYMOW " : ITS PRONUNCIATION. The Oxford Dictionary gives the phonetic pronunciation of " barleymow " as if the last syllable rimed with " how." " Mow," as to mow the grass, is pronounced as " mo," and " mow," a stack of hay, as " mow." I have asked over fifty people how they pronounce " barleymow," and they with one accord pronounce it as "barleymo," and cite an old well-known song called ' The Barleymow ' as so pro- nounced. Will your readers kindly inform me which is the correct pronunciation ?


BISHOP JOHN BUCKERIDGE OR BUCK- RIDGE. Can any reader give details of the life and place of burial of the above-named personage ? I have reasons for believing that he was a Bishop of Rochester, and master of one of the Cambridge colleges, about the time of the Reformation or soon afterwards. CHAS. T. BUCKERIDGE.

10 Ronver Road, Lee, S.E.

SILVER CURRENCY temp. GEORGE III. I received recently among silver change a crown piece of George III. which obviously had never been in circulation previously. The date of issue under the king's head is erased, but on the rim appears " Anno regni LIS." There are several flaws in the