Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 4.djvu/99

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12 S. IV. APRIL, 1918.]





NOTES: A Penn Armorial Relic,, 93 Southey's Contri- butions to 'The Critical Review,' 94 -Richard Edwards's Correspondence, 96 St. Panl's School : Stewards of the Feasts, 98 The ' De Nngis Curialium ' of Walter Map- Silver : Weight and Value, 99 Boscobel Relics "Dobbie" "Ccl." Parliamentary Papers, 100.

QUERIES: Stendhal : a Forgotten Article Barrel- Organs, 100 Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel Fulcher's 'Life of Gainsborough' Simpsons cf Aberdeensbire Sieves MSS. " Trouucer " Palinarstoniana Maunsell Roll of Honour " Mr. Lloyd, Founder of London Ex- change," 101" Buiching " Gerontius's Dream Oliver Cromwell's Daughter: Sir John Russel " Gamp " as Adjective " Vitta Latta " : Napoleon's 'Moliere' "Bold Infidelity ! turn pale and die" Lavater in French Shelley : Schubart, 102 Ben Jonson and the Colby Family ' Conjunctio Saturni et Martis,' 1473 Roupell Family Mario Sforza " Benedict," 103 Spur Proverbs : Chaucer D.Koberts, R. A. : Cathedral Interior Thomas Gauze Flower : Autumn's Glory" Cid " : its Derivation Crest : Bearer Wanted Conserve of Roses Mary Wad- dington Empress Eugdnie and Kirkpatricks of Close- burn, 104 Rev. Griffith Hughes Shroll Surname Mistletoe on Oak Trees Sir Thomas More on " Neither rime nor reason " Flearbottom Sir Walter Scott : " As I walked by myself," 105 Hutchinson Family Capt. J. Macbride and Margaret Boswell " Colonel of the Hat- men " " Flat Candle " ' H ibernian Magazine 'Jack Price of Pepys's Diary Shield Sable Icke Family- Authors of Quotations Wanted, 106.

REPLIES : The Steelyard in Thames Street, 106 Macaulay and Misquotation, 107 Margaret Douglas's Epitaph, 108 Arresting a Corpse Tankards with Medals Inserted" Ward-room," 109 Mottoes of William III. Poetical Enigma The Knifegrinder Pre-Raphaelite Tapestries Anthony Arms and Ancestry Rev. George Jennent Saint and the Devil, 110 The Dutch in the Thames Book about Pirates London Suburban Place- Names, 111 Dutch Literature Claude Duval Members of Long Parliament Submarines : Ironclads, 112 Swine in Britain Anthony Todd, Secretary G.P.O. Sugar introduced into England' Art of Book-keeping ' Tonks Surname, 114 Jacob or James Grant on Wellington Burt, Miniature Painter, 115 ' The Rat-catcher's Daughter ' ' Tom Brown's Schooldays' Bp. John Buckeridge Maw : Romestecq, 116 Sixteenth-Century Maps Mervyn Stewart " Mr. Basset " of Helperly, 117 Carcassonne " Act of Parliament Clock "Authors of Quotations Wanted, 118.

NOTES ON BOOKS:-' The History of Totnes Priory' 'Cathay and the Way Thither,' Vol. IV.

OBITUARY : Francis Joseph Baigenb; Richard Bissell Prosser.

Notices to Correspondents.


ADMIRAL SIB WILLIAM (1621-70), father of the great William Penn, married in 1643 Margaret (d. 1682), daughter of John Jasper of Rotterdam. The arms used by Margaret Jasper are apparently unrecorded in any work on the Penns. " Jasper " is not found in Rietstap's ' Armorial General,' a repertory which contains a great number of Dutch burgher coats ; nor does any armorial manuscript or printed, which it has been po-sible to consult in a fairly thorough search in London, seem to include them.

A piece of English embroidery, a wallet emp. Charles I., owned by Mr. Percival D. xriffiths of Sandridgebury, St. Albans, may laim importance if it preserves, as t seema ikely, the arms of alliance of Sir William Penn and of the mother of the Founder of Pennsylvania. These insignia are : Argent, on a fesse sable three bezants, and in chief a rescent couched or (for Penn ?), impaling Argent, a chevron gules between in chief a mullet (6) and in base a crescent or (for Jasper ?). Above the shield are worked he initials W. P.

1. As to the arms. The query standing

o the identifications proposed is necessitated

>y the fact that both present a variation in incturing from what might have been jxpected. The branch of Penn to which, n the third generation, Sir William belonged the third generation, that is, descended rom William of Minety (Gloucester), whose will was proved i n 1592 charged a fesse with plates, not bezants. In the impaled or wife's) coat, moreover, the subsidiary harges are seen to be worked in gold upon a silver field. If inaccuracy has in this case to be presumed respecting the embroidered tincturing of the supposed Penn coat, it has to be remembered also, as regards the wife's ide of the arms, that infringements of the rule governing the display of tincture upon metal and vice versa are continentally, at all events, by no means the rare thing they are supposed to be in the British system. It appears tolerably certain that the combina- tion, a chevron between in chief a star and in base a crescent, is not a British one. Papworth fails apparently to give a single instance of it, but Renesse-Rietstap supply more than one.

The Penn arms being Argent, on a fesse sable three plates, the crescent embroidered in the chief of the dexter coat has to be construed as a second son's difference. William, the progenitor of the Gloucester- shire Penns, waa younger son of David Penn (d. 1664) and his wife Sybil, who was apparently that " sister of Sir William Sidney's wife," the Sybil Penne nominated chief nurse to Edward VI. in 1538 (' D.N.B."), and a daughter of William Hampden of Dunton and Wingrave (d. 1521 : Lipscomb's ' Bucks,' ii. 346). David's elder son John (d. 1596) was ancestor of the Penns of Penn (Bucks). Among evidences that may be cited for the armorials of the younger branch are :

Sir William (1621-70) ; mural monument in St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol : arms un- differenced.