Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/152

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NOTES AND Q UEKIES. t i 2 s. v. JUNE, 1919.


Donnybrook, co. Dublin. In the centre of the Cross Roads is a granite obelisk inscribed as follows :

N. MDCCCXXXVIII I Erected | to the | Memory I of I the late | Alderman | Arthur I Morrison.

E. As | Lord May->r | of the city of | Dublin | he was | respected | and | esteemed.

S. He was | a | sincere | friend | charitable | kind I and I generous.

W. As a | Christian | and | Citizen | there were | few to | equal | none to | surpass him.


Kew, Surrey. In February, 1904, a stone seat was placed among the beech trees on the south side of Kew Gardens. It was presented by friends in memory of Miss Cassell, who for twenty years was super- intendent of the College for Working Women. It contains the following inscriptions :

Li!e too gjit. Let -as tak-3 our hands and help, this day we are

alive together. Look up on high, and tbank the God ot all.


Colchester. Among the marble busts at the Town Hall are the following :

Alderman David Wire, Lord Mayor of London 1859. Born at Colchester 1800. Died 1860. (Presented by Mr. A. O. Stopes.)

Sir George Henry Smyth, Bart., M.P. for Colchester 1825-50. Died 1852. (Presented by Mr. Wm. Peck.)

Henry Vint, Mayor of Colchester 1843-4. (Presented by Mr. H. Goodyear.)


Wisbech. This memorial fountain is erected in the Old Market from designs by Mr. H. H. Armstead, R.A. It was unveiled by the donors, Mrs. S. J. Pocock and Mrs. Prankard (daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Collins). The main structure is of red Mansfield stone, the water vases and panels being of Sicilian marble. Above the horse-trough is in- scribed : " The righteous man regardeth the life of his beast" (Proverbs xii. 10). In front are two panels, one of which depicts gurnards playing in the water and bears the following line from ' Timon of Athens ' : Honest water which ne'er left man i' the mire. The other is thus inscribed :

" Erected in memory of George Duppa Collinfe and Mary Anne Collins, for many years resident in -this town, by their loving daughters." Mr. Collins was for a long tune clerk to the Wisbech Board of Guardians.


Wisbech. In the park near the Lynn? Road is a memorial to Alderman Young consisting of a column and a drinking - fountain. It was inaugurated Oct. 31, 1872,. in the presence of the Lord Mayor of London (Sir Sills Gibbons) and the Sheriffs. It cost about 300Z., being constructed from designs by Mr. J. Wallis Chapman of London. It was blown down during a gale on Dec. 11, 1883, and eventually re-erected with slight alterations to ensure its stability. The- base is thus inscribed :

Memorial to Aid. Bichard Young, .T.P., D.L.,

Born 1809. Died 1871. M.P. for Cambridgeshire 1865-1868. .

Mayor of Wisbech 1858-1863.

Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1871.

Erected by Subscription 1872.

Fredc. Ford, Mayor.

Bestored 1885.

Fredc. Poatling, Mayor.

" Indignante invidia florebit Justus. "


Wisbech. This fountain, erected in the- Market Place, was provided by a legacy from the Rev. Henry Jackson, Vicar of Wisbech St. Mary, to perpetuate the memory of his parents, the Rev. Jeremiah Jackson and Mrs. Jackson. It was opened by the Mayor, Alderman J. W. Stanley, OIL Oct. 27, 1879. Over the horse-trough is sculptured a representation of Arabs watering: their horses. Over the drinking-fountain is inscribed :

" The Gift of Henry Jackson, M.A., 1878."


Cardiff. In front of the Free Library is a- bronze statue of John Batchelor. He is represented bareheaded, in the act of speaking, with right hand outstretched.. The pedestal is thus inscribed :

John Batchelor

B. 1820 D. 1883

The Friend of Freedom.


Daventry. On Oct. 25, 1916, Councillor T. Brown of Birmingham inaugurated a gift to the borough of Daventry of new entrance gates and boundary wall to the Recreation Ground. It was provided by means of a- clause in the will of his brother, Mr. Alex. A. Brown of Birmingham, a native of Daventry. The work was designed by Mr. A. Harrison (brother-in-law), and carried out by Messrs,