Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/190

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. v. JULY, 1919.

their own families and (b) for the souls'- of those killed in the battles of Northampton, Mortimer's Cross, St. Albans, Wakefield and Sherborne, special mention being made of the Duke of York, the Earl of Rutland, and the Earl of Salisbury. The original Chantry Book, a Latin MS. of 13 folios, dated 1483, is in the possession of E. Williams, Esq., who has kindly supplied the particulars above stated. Master Thomas Kent, Doctor of Laws, was buried in the Church of St. James Garlickhithe, London, near to his former wife Isabella. His second wife Joan, daughter of Sampson and Joan Haynes, and widow of Thomas Dounton, was subsequently buried there. Her will, dated July 12, 2 Hen. VII., 1486, was proved Nov. 3, 1492 (P.C.C. 15 Doggett). See Hasted's 'Kent,' by H. H. Drake, part i. p. 48. The signature of the said Thomas Kent is preserved in Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Galba B.I, 151 (' D.N.B.').

James Kent, musician. His wife Eliza- beth, dan. of John Freeman, died Dec. 10, 1736. Grove's ' Dictionary of Music and Musicians,' Lond. 1880, vol. ii. p. 50.


W. R. W.'s contribution (ante, p. 106) regarding Clement Kent of Thatcham, M.P., and the descendants of Griffith Kent of South wark, Norway merchant, is very serviceable. " The grandfather of Clement Kent, Esq., of Thatcham, late Member of Parliament for Reading, and my wife's grandfather Griffith Kent (who was born at Sunning, Berks), were brothers' sons." See ' A Genealogical Account of the Family of Druce of Goreing, co. Oxon,' by George Druce, Lond. 1735, p. 29. The relation- ship stated ante, p. 52 (No. 7), is therefore confirmed. The names of Griffith Kent and John Shorter, merchants, appear on the committee mentioned in an Act of July 14, 1659, for settling the Militia for the Borough of Southwark (' Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum,' vol. ii. p. 1312). Griffith Kent was born at Sonning, probably in March, 1611/12. The entry in the Church Register reads, " Griffin son of John Kent "; but the Register for that period being a transcription, the name Griffith may have been wrongly transcribed, or misappre- hended when the baptism was entered. In his will, dated Mar. 30, 1677, proved P.C.C. March, 1682/3 (Cottle 35), he is described as of Redriffe, co. Middlesex, merchant. He desired to be buried in the parish church of St. Saviour in Southwark (Southwark Cathedral) in or near the grave or graves of

his wife and children. His stepson Sir John Shorter, Kt. (1625-1688), Goldsmith, and Lord Mayor, was also buried there ; but their inscriptions are now obliterated. The Shorter pedigree occurs in Le Neve's ' Knights ' (Harl. Soc. vol. viii. p. 301). Sir John was the grandfather of Katharine- Shorter, wife- of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Walpole, K.G., afterwards Earl of Orford. Her sister Charlotta Shorter was married to- Francis Lord Conway, father of Francis,. Earl of Hertford (James Brown, F.S.A.).

As regards Elizabeth Latham, who was married to Thomas Kent, brewer, of Sonning- (ante, p. 53), I find that her will, dated Sept, 16, 1679, proved P.C.C. June 8, 1680- (Bath 82), appears in ' Geneal. Gleanings in England,' by Henry F. Waters, A.M.,. Boston, 1901, vol. i. p. 759. It bequeathed her wedding ring, her silver tankard, and her Great Bible (probably Cranmer's). By~ her said marriage it is interesting to state that she became stepmother to John Kent of St. Michael Bassishaw, London, merchant,, citizen, and Merchant Taylor (ante, p. 53). The said John Kent was bur.* "wrapped in woollen onely," Feb. 6, 1694, and his wife Elizabeth - - was buried * in woollen,. Mar. 8, 1708. Her will, dated Jan. 22, 1702,. was proved P.C.C. March, 1708 (Barrett 64). They had the following issue :

1. John Kent living Sept. 16, 1679, prob- ably dead Sept. 19, 1693.

2. Ruth, of whom presently.

3. Walter Kent of Kingston-upon-Thames,, Esq., formerly Turkey merchant, died Feb- ruary, 1746, cet. 84, presumably s.p.s. He married (M/ L April 11, 1688) Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Whincopp of Esher, co. Surrey. She was living Oct. 27, 1724. His willv dated July 8, 1740, was proved P.C.C. March,. 1746 (Edmunds 90).

4. Elizabeth, cet. 22 years July, 1687,. married (i.) to Charles Mitchell, who died ante January, 1702, leaving a son Edward Mitchell, and (ii.) to William Brown, by whom she had Eleanor and Hannah. Thejr were living Jan. 22, 1702.

5. Hannah, married* May 18, 1695, by licence to Robert Hooke, Esq. She was a widow Jan. 22, 1702, with a daughter Elizabeth.

Ruth Kent aforesaid, the eldest dau., was twice married : Istly,* Aug. 31, 1679, by licence, to William Kent of London, mer- chant, who was bur.* in woollen, April 17 r

  • St. Michael Bassishaw, now united with

St. Lawrence Jewry.