Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/206

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Vicars. Patrons. 18oO Newton Dickinson Rev. N. D. H. New


Hand Newton ton


1854 William Newton (Patronage vested ii

the Newton famil-

BOTH churches were built early in the

until 1918, when i

Norman period at dates unknown. The two parishes were united by an Order in Council

lapsed pro tempor\ to the Bishop.) 1862 Samuel Clark

in 1851. In 1873 the dilapidated nave of

1871 John Houseman

Brobury Church was demolished, and the

1877 Robert Francis Kil-

chancel converted into a mortuary chapel. Bredwardine thus became the parish church

vert 1879 Henry Trevor Wil- lictrnson

for both parishes.

1909 Owen Randal Slacke

The following lists are compiled from

1911 James Jobling

(a) Episcopal Registers (Hereford), pub-

1918 Herbert Fuller Bright Bishop of Hereford

lished by the Cantilupe Society, the com-


pletion of which series will help to fill up

(38 names.)

some gaps in the lists ; (b) the parish registers


(Bredwardine from 1723, Brobury from

Rectors. Patrons.

1786) ; (c) notes of a paper published in The

1305 Peter de Brockbury William de BrocE

Ross Gazette by the late Canon Phillott and

bury (i.e. Bra

kindly sent me by my predecessor, Pre-

bury. The nan*

bendary H. T. Williamson ; (d) Duncomb's

occurs in variou

' History of Hereford ' (Cooke's continuation) for Brobury only (an inaccurate and in-

forms.) 1325 Thomas of Bosbury \ , ~- K , 1329 Walter de Marstone ) Wm - de Brockburj

complete list). I am also indebted to Canon

1366 Robert de la Mare Simon de Brockburj

Bannister for some facts and verifications.

j 1372 John Caundile \-nr-ii- 1391 Richard Bron Bene /William Seymour


1421 Philip Clad Sir John Baskervilll

Vicars. Patrons.

(Guardian of Rogei

1277 Walter de Middleton Abbot and G'onvent of Wigmore (Wig- m ore held the advowson up to

Seymore's heir.) ] 1423 Thomas Warde \Tnhn Hevmore 1436 John Forgvs 1440 Griffin ap David Bishop of Hereford

its dissolution in 1537.)

(by lapse) 1444 Lewis ap Jevan Sir John Seymore

1332 Walter Heys 1369 William Kemmus

? Lewis Jones 1482 Walter Hygins Bishop of Hereford! ? John Marske

13TO \Villiciin (.AH toys 1371 Richard Palmore 1371 Thomas Martyn 1375 Thomas Wymaston

1524 David ap Lewes ) c - T,VK ^ 1529 Richard Pvtt } Sir John Se y more j 1561 John Owgan (In 1565 John Scudamorj permitted to hold (of Holm Lacy] Brobury along with and J ames Warnej Holrner and St. comb

1.3QO \Vyvc 1396 John Poore de Black- in. 01*0

1398 William Pontesbury

Mary, Staines.)

1416 William Tynkere

1569 John Williams

1420 John Smyth 1421 John Walter 1432 Walter Russel 1456 Matthew Mason 1462 John Persy vale ? Laurence ap Harry 1506 Philip Vayne ? Joshua Molde

1572 Richard Browne

1601 George Bannister 1613 Edward Francis 1618 Edward James 1629 Thomas Reading \ John, Viscount 1637 Robert Tetlowe / Scudamore 1664 John Stilling Thomas Bennet ? Thomas Aubrey (See

1542 James Tern King Henry VIII.

also under Brewar-

1557 Roger Browne John Walwyn 1616c.Richard Brampton ? John Stilling 1671 Thomas Aubrey (d. 1709)

dine, 1671-1680.) 1681 John Stilling (jun. ?) \JohnScudamoreanJ 1694 Benjamin Griffith / Viscount Sligo 1702 Francis Harris \Rev. W. Harris, V, 1709 Higgins Harris f of Bredwardine

1680 William Harris

1751 Samuel Prosser Exors. of Anne

1731 Higgins Harris William Brydges 1751 Samuel Prosser Exors. of Anne Wright

Wright 1789 James Beebee Mary Beebee 1816 Will Tylnev Spurdens Rev. W. T. Spurdens

1789 James Beebee Mary Beebee

1830 Newton Dickinson Rev. N. D. H. New-

1816 Will Tylney Spurdens Rev. W. T. Spurdens

Hand Newton ton