Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/337

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12 S. V. DEC., 1919.]



' Writings of Philo,' by Prof. C. D. Yonge, [.A. ; ' Eusebius,' by Rev. C. F. Cause, LA., both in Bonn's Ecclesiastical and heological Library.

For ' Origen ' and ' Irenseus ' he can onsult T. & T. Clark's Ante-Nicene Library.

ANEURIN WILLIAMS. Menai View, North Road, Carnarvon. [MR. W. A. HUTCHISON also thanked for reply.]

CHURCH BRIEFS (12 S. v. 294). A fully lassified and indexed list of these will be ound in a book by Mr. W. A. Bewes entitled Church Briefs, or Royal Warrants for Collections for Charitable Objects,' 8vo, L & C. Black, 1896. The late Dr. ?. N. Brushfield published two pamphlets >n ' Devonshire Briefs ' (sixteenth-eigh- eenth century), 8vo, 1895-6. The late Ir. Cornelius Walford also published a small volume on ' King's Briefs, their Purposes tnd History,' privately printed, 8vo, 1883. H. G. HARRISON.

Aysgarth, Sevenoaks.

I have an essay by the author of ' Paro- ihial Memorials ' that was published under ,he title of ' Bygone Briefs ' by Wightman & 3o., Westminster, in 1896. It contains nteresting matter on the subject and a iseful schedule of more than one thousand >riefs laid in the parish of St. Margaret,

estminster. PRESCOTT Row.

Miss M. E. CORNFORD also thanked for reply.]

BISHOP OF SORRON (12 S. iii. 109, 178). lere was a see called Sorra in Sardinia, tiose Bishop Arnold granted benediction Simon Langham, the famous Abbot of Vestminster, in July, 1349.


ENSIGN OLIVER CROMWELL : CROMWELL 'RICE (12 S. v. 292). Ensign Oliver Crom- ell was the grandson of Henry Cromwell, orcl Lieutenant of Ireland, the Protector's urth son. Henry's second son, Major enry Cromwell, married Hannah Hewling,

whom he had a family of eight sons and daughters. After the death of the dest son Oliver, born in 1687, at the age oi 3," the youngest son, born in 1704, received le name of Oliver. In Waylen's 'House

Cromwell,' p. 38, it is recorded : " He, like his father, served in the British army id held an ensigncy in an Irish regiment ; but, dis- king the situation, resigned his commission, anc 1 iissed the rest of his life in privacy, dying un arried in 1748. This is the fifth Oliver Cromwel /ing without issue."

N. W. HILL. ! 35 Woburn Place, W.C.I.

Cromwell Price was the third son of~

ueneral Nicholas Price and grandson of

Nicholas Price of Hollymount, co. Down, by

is wife Catherine, widow of Vere Essex

romwell, Earl of Ardglass.

Cromwell Price was later M.P. for Down- Datrick. Dying without male issue, he was succeded in the family estates by his brother Nicholas.

The present representative of the family s Major Blackwood-Price of Saintfield,. co. Down. KATHLEEN WARD.

Cairnbinn, Whitehouse, co. Antrim.

[M.R. A. R. BAYLEY and PROF. BENSLY also- thanked for replies.]

" TOPONYMICS " IN GREAT BRITAIN (12 S. v. 290). There is very little variety in the English endings of these words, and few of those of towns are used. County names are much more usual. But in French there are several varieties, e.g. :

Auscitain a man from Auch.

Arrageois Arras.

Chartrain ,, Chartres.

Blesois ,, Blois.

Palois Pau.

iSpirialien ,, Epinal.

Lexovien Lisieux.

Malouin ,, St. Malo.

Bizontiri ,, Besancon.

Foxieti ,, Foix.

Ti6cqrrois ,, Tr6guier.

Messin ,, Metz.

Auvergnat ,, Auvergne.

Berrichon Berry.

Beauceron ,, La Beauce.

Castrotheodoricien ,, Chateau Thierry.

Tourquennois ,, Tourcoing.


WILLIAM PEER : THE ALLEGED ACTOR (12 S. v. 263). There can, I think, be no real : doubt as to the existence of William Pere, or Pierre, in the flesh. The following is from a letter supposed to be addressed by " Julian, late Secretary of the Muses to Will Pierre of the Play-house" ('Letters from, the Dead to the Living,' by Mr. Tho. Brown and others, 2nd edn., 1702, pp. 64-5) :

" For you, Sir, if I mistake not, are one of the most ancient of his Majesty's servants, under the denomination of a Player, and yet cannot advance above the delivering a scurvy message, which the strutting Leaders of your House would do much mure awkwardly, and by consequence 'tis the par- tiality jof them or the Town that have (sic) kept you in this low post all this while."

  • Will Pierre's Answer,' ibid., p. 68, is dated.

" Lincolns-Inn Fields, Novem. 5, 1701: Behind the Scenes."

There is nothing to suggest that the other persons, in so far as they are mentioned by name, to whom these letters are addressed