Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/35

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128. V. FEB., 1919.]




NOTES : ' Double Falsehood ' : Shakespeare, Fletcher, and Theobald, 30 The 'New English Dictionary': Changes in Accentuation. 32 Richard Edwards's Corre- spondence, 33 First American Soldiers to fall in the Great War Tanks in the Great War Tennyson and Opium, 36' Our Mutual Friend ' : a Topographical Slip Herrick's Debt to Andrew Willet Sheridan on Puffs- George Stepney at Vienna Badulla, Ceylon : Tombstone Inscription, 37.

QUERIES : 'N. & Q.' : its Offspring in Other Countries- Samuel Johnson and Ben Jonson Matthew Arnold and " Anglo-Saxon contagion "Matthew Arnold : Proving a Negative " Nunquam minus solus quam cum solus" Burial at Sea : Four Guns fired for an Officer, 38 Clay Balls as Christmas Collecting Boxes Goldsworthy as a Place-NameBorough Courts : " Jur de la vile" Vauve- nargues: "La clart^ st la bonne foi de philosophes " S. T. Coleridge on Immortality Scotch University Graduates. 39 Back-Magazine Dealers lona : its Ety- mology Foundling Entries in Parish Registers Byronic Statue in Fleet Street Edward Ingleby's Descendants- Chapman Family of Ormsley Blades Family of Covedale and Wensleydale, 40 Rain and Mowing Pewter Paten The Ainslie Bond Sir Sanders Duncombe's Powder Newton Robert Blake, 1744 Parliamentary Blue Books, White Papers, Ac., 41 Sir John Lombe Pragell Family Spurs: Feather-necks and Rough-necks " Camou- flage " Euler on the End of the World Deacon in Love Authors of Quotations Wanted, 42.

REPLIES : Col. A. R. Macdonell's Duel with Norman Macleod, 43 Hampshire Church Bells, 44 Christmas Verses at Sheffield, 46 Napoleon and Lord John Russell, 47 Sons of Ichwe " Devils blowing Horns. 48' Antho- logia Grseca ' : Epictetus Wyborne Family of Elmstone " John Robertson, " Pseudonymous Nineteenth-Century Poet, 49 Crest on Church Plate Paten or Salver? Neate St. Henry the Englishman : Bishop Thomas in Finland " Water-pipes," Psalm xlii. 9, Prayer Book Version, 50 Dessin's Hotel, Calais Sir Walter Raleigh, East Londoner Lakes Pascholler and Calendari, near Thusis President Wilson's Ancestors Forster of Han- slope, 51 Kent Family of Winchester and Reading, 52 Mrs. Legh of Lyme. Cheshire French Revolution : " Eat Cake" St. Trunnion: his Identity, 53 -Col. Colquhoun Grant Rutter Family Name Joseph Brown, 54.

NOTES ON BOOKS : Fielding's ' Tragedy of Tragedies.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.

Notices to Correspondents.


e N. & Q.' has already received congratula- tions on having weathered the storm : we hope such congratulations are not premature. Most of our readers will feel more reassured when we are able to resume our weekly issue. A semi-monthly issue might perhaps be a step in that direction. At present, however, we see no likelihood of even the latter, and we must say that had we the money to enable us to produce this, we should need convincing that labour, paper, and print would not be more wisely used at the present time in striving to allay the growing unrest, and turning the attention of all to the need of plain living and hard working. Nevertheless we can sympathize

with those who feel that ' N. & Q.' is still doing good work in enabling people to turn aside from the hurly-burly for a few hours and find rest and relief in the perusal of its pages.

There is, in our opinion, another matter which at least equals in importance the desirability of our resuming more frequent publication that is, the issue of a General Index to the last Series, completed iri December, 1915. The value of ' N. & Q..' to searchers after knowledge lies largely in accessibility to the treasures stored in its pages an accessibility that is greatly lessened by the absence of a General Index to the Eleventh Series. The cost, however, involved in preparing and printing a General Index has so far made it impossible to under- take this.

We are glad to be able to say that the result of the last half-year's working shows the comparatively small loss of 11. Ss. 9c?., which has been more than covered by the friends who undertook to pay, if necessary, sixpence more for each issue. We also thank those readers who have already sent their subscriptions without formal application from the office.

The storm that is gathering against the unwarrantably high prices of certain com- modities is likely soon to bring about a considerable reduction in the price of paper, though, like other things which were low in price partly because of low wages, paper is likely to command a healthier price than the present generation was accustomed to pay before the War.

The unexpected diminution of loss on the last half-year is again mostly due to the helpfulness of friends who have purchased back numbers of ' N. & Q.' It is, however, increasingly difficult for the proprietor to give the time required for editorial and managerial purposes ; yet the appreciation of his efforts continually shown makes it difficult for him to relinquish the work until it can be placed in other hands with the confidence that the traditions of the paper will be preserved.

It is hoped to publish the Index for 1918 (price Is. Id. post free) with the March issue.

The Balance-Sheet for the last six months will be forwarded to all who have contributed to the Continuation Fund during that period, or to any one who sends a P.O. for 2.9. Qd.

Promises of help towards our Central Index and more frequent publication will be welcomed.