Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/367

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.



Jaggard (Wm.), Capt., on an American link with Winchester, 206. Aviation in XVIIIth century, 64. Bluecoat Schools, 159. Derivation of names, 326. Early reference to British Navy, 6. " Get the needle," 194. Giants' names, 329. Phila- delphian link with London, 148. Rime about Dr. Fell, 315. Rime of East Anglian characters, 178. Shakespeare and the garden, 193. West- minster Hall roof, 121. Wilson's (John) motto, 297

Johnston (G. D.) on Manor records, 244

Johnson (Gifford H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 183

Jones (A. D.) on misuse of " up " and " down," 262

Jones (E. Alfred) on Newton (G. S.), R.A., 236. Use of salvers and patens, 50

Jones (T. Llechid Jones) on Fletcher of Madeley and North Wales, 320

K. (H.) on the cock as French national emblem, 131. Henry de Langenstein, 299. " Tribion," French neologism, 287

K. (J.) on classical parallelism to the war, 189. Exchange of souls in fiction, 246. Finkle Street, 279. " Scores," 279. " Thunder,"peculiar mean- ing, 181.

K. (J.) (2) on author of book wanted, 267

K. (L. L.) on La Cour on Danish windmills, 103. St. Cuthman, 77. St. Henry the Englishman, Finnish bishop, 50. Three bishops in fifteenth century, 107

Kaye (F. B.) on Bernard de Mandeville's works, 210

Kealy (Rev. A. G.) Chaplain, R.N., retired, on the chaplain of flagship Constant Reformation, 10. Four gun salute at officer's burial at sea, 106. Kettle (Tilly), 189

Kellond (Walter M.) on Kellond surname, 154

Kent (W.) on Queen Anne's exercise of Royal Veto, 95. Browne (Sir Thomas) and Tom Brown, 110

Knowles (Sir Lees) on St. Helena ' Life of Marl- borough,' 70. " We Four Fools," 316

L. (F. de H.) on " Apo chromatic," 250. Surtees (R. S.), 245. ' The Village Blacksmith's ' shop, 248

L. (G. G.) on accentuation changes in ' New English Dictionary,' 166. Elliston's (R. W.) place of education, 193. Proclamation stones, 221. Williams (Miss Helen Maria), 244

L. (J.) on Arnold (Matthew) and proving a nega- tive, 38. Johnson (Samuel) confused with Ben Jonson, 38

L. (M. N.) on Fielding (Miss Sarah) at Yew Cottage, 182

Lambarde (Brigadier-General F. F.) on Gavelacre as place-name, 333

Lampso on Odessa in Roman times, 98

Lane (John) on Denis (Sir Peter), 206. Tradesmen's cards and billheads, 317

Jjangenfelt (G.) on " toponymies" in Great Britain, 290

Lau-Dza on medieeval immurement, 320

Le Couteur (John D.) on devils blowing horns or* trumpets, 48. Herodias and St. John the Baptist's head, 67 p

Leffmann (Dr. Henry) on " standard " in poem, 238

Leggatt (E. E.) on Newton (G. S.), R.A., 277. Shepherd (George), 332

Lewis (Penry), C.M.G., on Lilliput and Gulliver, . 156. Paget (Sir Edward), 126. Tombstone inscription at Badulla, 78, 167

Librarian on Charles Morris of Portman Square, - 330

Lincoln (C.) on author of quotation wanted, 295

Lingwood (H. R.) on Clements family, 126

Littow (E.) on Epictetus in Johnson's 'Anthologia * Grseca,' 49

Loane (George G.) on changes of accentuation in " N.E.D.", 105

Love (J.) on " ney " in surnames, 290

Lucas (J. Landfear) on Austrian money from the London Mint, 12. Countless Stones, Aylesford, 318. The Court of St. James in diplomacy, 265. Cowap surname, 206. Elephant and Oliphant T - 238. The French national emblem, 94. Kettle (Tilly), artist, 154. Lombe (Sir John), 42, Marazion place-name, 292. Napoleon's con- versation with Lord John Russell, 12. Rome- land, St. Albans, 294. Washington's (George) wealth, 94

Luces on author of quotation wanted, 268

Luck (M.) on Caractacus and the Druids, 237

Lumb (G. D.) on Todd Anthony, 164

Lupton (E. Basil) on 'The Village Blacksmith,*" 299


M. on epitaphs to slaves, 26. A gilt wand, 97.

Kellond surname, 220. Morris (Charles), 330.

Pre-Raphaelite stained glass, 74. Pseudonyms,

329 M. (A.) on the Court of St. James, 324. Dehany

family and Lord John Vaughan, 330 M. (R.) on Seven Kings, place-name, 210 M. (W. J.) on metal mortars, 256 M.A. on May family, 194. John Price, clock- maker, 305. " Old Lady of Threadneedle Street,'

302 M.A., Oxon., on Caractacus, 275. Clarke (Mary)

of New York, 278. ' Deacon in love,' 42.

Martins at Westminster, 277 M.D., E.E.F., on manor records, 182. War slang,

195 Me. on ancient British coins, 121. Births at sea

registered at Stepney, 261. Official peace

rejoicings, 234. Pyrgo Park and Old Bow

Bridge, 229. Raleigh's (Sir Walter) birth and

history, 15, 51. Reverie in Old Ratcliffe, 171.

Royal Commission on Public Records, third

report, 314. Thames peace pageant, 1919, 197.

Walthamstow's Manor House and Cogan's

School, 286 MacArthur (William) on bibliography of epitaphs,

130. ' Irrelagh,' Irish story, 139 McCord (David Ross) on Bunnett (Henry), artist,

66. Cartwright family, 97. Danvers family,

320. Palliser (Capt.), explorer, 123