Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 5.djvu/369

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Notes and Queries, Jan., 1920.



P. (C. H. S.) on epitaplTto slave, 81

P. (F. J.) on key to " Trilby," 245

P. (G.) on Gilbert White'sTsupposed portrait, 333

P. (C. A.) on key to " The Private Life of Henry Maitland," 269

P. (W. S.) on ' The Village Blacksmith's ' Shop, 248

Page (F.) on atithor of 'quotation wanted, 295

Page (John T.) on^augury in Shakespeare, 116. Authors of quotations wanted, 26. Heraldic : sable, on a chevron argent, 80. Pre-Raphaelite stained glass, 74. Bain and mowing, supersti- tion, 41. Raleigh v (Sir Walter), 51. Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 89, 245

palmer (J. Foster) on Caractacus and Druids, 275. Cockle (James), 190. The gender of " Dish " in Latin, 266. " Oh, dear ! What can the matter be ? " Latin version, 133. " Pro pelle cutem," 93, 217. Shakespeare and the garden, 193. " When you die of old age I shall quake for fear," 278 >* ;

Park (Rev. R.) on Charles I.'s journey from Oxford to Southwell, 182. Lord Roberts' death- place, 219

Parker (Harry) on etchings by T. Parker, 241

Parker (R. James) on Rev. Sir Robert Peat, 23

Parry (G. S.) Lieut.-Col., on inscriptions in St. John the Evangelist's, Waterloo Road, 63

Patching (John) on Queen Anne and the Sover- eign's Veto. 156

Paterson (Miss E. W.) on Scotland's four royal rivers, 291

Paton (Jas. A.) on Shakespeare and the garden, 153

Paul (Miss Bertha F. H.) on "Bambino "wax figure, 207

Pawson (Montague) on Dr. Stocks, 237

Payen-Payne (de V.) on Gibbon's prophecy about ' Tom Jones,' 268. Keys to Du Maurier's ' Trilby ' and Roberts' ' Life of Henry Mait- land,' 151. Origin of word " camouflage," 136. " Rain cats and dogs," 108. " Spidometre," French neologism, 287. " Toponymies," 331

Pearson (Howard S.) on Bluecoat School at Birmingham, 158

Pengelly (R. S.) on Beaconsfield's (Disraeli, Earl of), birthplace, 328. Bluecoat schools, 302. Dillon (Chevalier Peter), 272

Penny (Frank) on " Deacon in love," 104

Phillips (Lawrence) on " If I should die to-night,' ' 318. An unfinished eleventh-century law case, 293

Phillips (Maberly), F.S.A., on " Old Lady of Threadneedle Street," 238

Phillips (Walter H.) on convex and conic lights, 125 .; . : - ;

Pierpoirit (Robert) on Capt. B. Grant, 298. Dealers in back-magazines, 40. Dessin's Hotel, Calais, 20. " Est melius nunquam felicia tempora nosse," &c., 317. Exchange of souls in fiction, 279. "Fire out," 121. "Hints to Freshmen in the University of Oxford,' 290. " Let the weakest go to the wall," 222. Master gunner, 278. Moresnet, 205. " Never pro- phesy unless you know," 315. Origin of name " Tanks," 176. A Philadelphian link with London, f 188. Piano legs in trousers, 261.

Pierpoint (Robert) on

Regimental nicknames, 19. The Sovereign's Veto, 155, 214, 272. " State room " pas- senger's cabin, 104. Tennyson on opium, 36. " Yeoman of the Mouth," 322

Pigott (Wm. Jackson) on Divorce lists, 207. Vickers family of Fulham, 123

Pinchbeck (W. H.) on Folk-lore : red hair, 218. Good Friday pleasure fairs, 163 4 .-

Pinfolder on submerged tracks or footpaths, 70

Pirie-Gordon (H.) on Alexander Collingwood's wife, 320

Pollard (Harry P.) on Huett tomb, 206. Mary Clarke of New York, 236, 278

Ponder (S.) on a version of " Malbrook s'en va- t-en guerre," 25 (

Powlett (N.) Col., on lona place-name, 40. ' Quentin Durward,' 306. A tombstone in- scrpition, 305. " Valhalla," its form, 237

Price (Leonard C.) on Andrews family, 124. " Argyles " or gravy-pots, 154. Arms on stone entablature, 293. Chapman family, 40. Duffus family, 207. Egioke family, 14. Garnham and Hillman families, 67. Glamorgan Volunteer Rangers, 67. Le Hardy (F.) miniaturist, 207

Prima Facie on Heraldic : stags and eglantyne, 100

Prior (C. M.) on Alabaculia, name of racehorse, 98

Prosser (G.) on Richard Prosser, civil engineer, 319

Purblind on author of quotation wanted, 322

Quarrell (W.' H.) on metal mortars, 277

R. (G. R. Y.) on Stanhopes at Westminster School,


R. (H.) on inscriptions in Gipping Church, 138 R. (J. H.) on bats as pattern of door-knockers,

149. " Gram " in place-names, 266. MS. list

of Crusaders, 236 R. (J. P.) on " Penniles Bench," 194. Records of

merchant marks, 22 R. (L. G.) on absence of memorials to first Duke

of Maryborough, 91. " The beautiful Mrs.

Conduitt," 321 R. (W. D.) on rede-birds, 265 Radford (A. J. V.) on Thomas Wakefield, Hebraist,

91 Ramsey-Kent (P.) on Kent family of Winchester

and Reading, 52, 183 Raner (A. Kate) on Boase family, 161 RatclifEe (Thos.) on bird-scaring songs, 132.

" Mantle-maker's twist," 75. Smoking before

introduction of tobacco, 82 Regi Semper Fidelis on Clifton family, 98 Rickword (G.) F.R.Hist.Soc., on Bluecoat schools,

332 Rivett-Carnac (Col. J. H.) on Hotel Bristol in

Calcutta, 25

Rigbye (R. E. Kellet) on Blades family, 40 Rockingham on toad-juice, 166 Roe (Herbert C.) on Byron's ' Don Juan,' cantos 17

and 18, 240 Rogers (J. Docwra) on brasses at East Hatley,

260 Row (Prescott) on church briefs, 331. ' Swiss

Family Robinson,' 320