NOTES AND QUERIES. 1 12 s.vi. APRIL 10,19-20.
4. AN NO DO MI NI l93
Diam. 34f ins. Tenor.
17f D w : K : B : F (crown) Diam. 36J ins.
s. d.
1660, April 23. Paid Humphrie Eayres and John Eayres mending the
bells 050
Paid for mending the Church wall
& for washing the Church Linnen 014 Laid out for Bred & Wine against
Easter . . . . . . . . 3 10
1862. For a sserplesse 1176
For macking and .... . . . . 050
For a Carpett for the Communion
Tabell 170
For washing the Church Lining . . 010 1665. To ye ffoxe hunters .. ..050
To Geo. Master for a floxe killing ..010 '1666. To Mr. Barker Vicar of Sher- borne for Leech-rest 4 yeares last past . . . . . . ..034
To Xtoph Manfyell for new casting
two Bell braces 13 6
ffor ye ffyre at London . . ..026
^1670. Paide to Daggle for earring of ye money to Soesbury [Salisbury] yt was catheredffor ye redeaming of ye Inglesh outt of Torke ..010
For a glass Bottle 006
"1671. Given to ye young men at Ester
tomake them Dreink . . ..010
To Mr. Wats in order to ye setting
up of ye Church Clock . . ..100 K578-9. fjor conveyance of ye contri- bution towards ye rebuylding of St. Pauls London . . ..010
1679-80. Spent with Tho Purdy at
Closthworth & at Thomforde ..028 Paid John Eares for takeing downe
of ye Litell Bell 016
for beere when ye bell was downe 006 for hollinge of him awaye . . ..016
ri 680-1. Spent on ye parish at ye tak-
inge downe of ye bells . . ..036
for our expences for five days about
ye bells . . . . . . ..096
paid y two urites [Wrights] of Yet-
minster for ye Iron Worke . . 16 3 Spent upon Perdew [Purdue] & ye other workmen at ye hanginge ye bells . . . . . . ..020
paid to John Eares and his sonnes
for there worke . . . . ..180
for ye can-edge of ye bells out &
home again . . . . ..100
paid & secured to be paid to perdew for castinge of ye bells & over mete 11 <fc for casting of ye brasses 21 9 6 1683. Laid out for a new bel wheal . . 15 paid ye smeth for Clams & nails &
his laber . . . . . . ..026
Laid out in beare at ye bargain
making . . . . . . ..006
Laid out for beare at ye setting of
ye wheal . . . . . . . . 10
3687-8. ffor ye Church bibells new
forell <fc claspes . . . . . . 18
1688. Gave in beer to the ringers att
the freeing of the Byshops . . 040 Paid for ye King's proclamacon &
the book for Thanksgiveing for ye
young prince feigned . . ..020
1690. Gave the ringers for the victory
in Ireland 006
1693. Paid to 5 seamen ruenated by
ye frinch . . . . . . ..003
1697. pd. John Moore for meanding
the Quofjer [coffer] . . ..004 Gave a woman that was carryed from tything to tything by Eob rt Tuck 006
1698. Gave to a Captain soldier ..010 1702. Oct. 18. John Hankins Church- warden killed then in Eivor Wood
2 hedge hoges . . . . ..004
1702. Dec. 23. Lett then unto John Tucke mason & George Dunham a tutt Bargon [a piece-work agreement] to laye Downe the stones in ye Chancell & for other work about ye Church . . ..076
Gave the day of Thankesgiveing of the newes from Vigse unto the Ringers & on ye 5 of Xov br . . 016
1706. Spent in beer at the viewing of the work to bee done about the
oyle [aisle] . . . . ..Old
1707. paid to George eyars for a new
church hatch [gate] . . ..030
paid to thomas hont [Hunt] for the
eiere geare [iron work and nails] 020 spent in Beer on George Eyers about
making bargain for tymber for
the oyle [aisle] . . . . ..010
1708-9. pd. for casting the Bell ..700
pd. for 71 pounds of new mettle at
!. 2(7. p. pd. is 4 2 10
Paid lor 5 dayes & half for a Car- penter to hang the Bell at 2s. Qd.
p. day is 13 6
pd. John Moore for 4 dayes worke
and half about ye same . . ..053
pd. Thomas Hunt for the Iron worke
about the Bells . . . . ..068
It pd. for small nailes to Geo Winter
and about ye Belys . . ..016
spent in expences at Closatt [Clos-
worth] & at kane about ye bells 090 pd. for leather for the Clappers of
the Bells 007
It paid for Oyle for the Bells ..00 4 It paid for Loch for the Tower Door 012
1712. Gave the workmen in bere & some of the p'sh to let down the
bell 016
pd. the Smeth for Rightinge the
Eiergare abt the letle bell ..009
Spent at Mounters with Mr. Goller & some of the p'sh of Thornford to try to make the bargon about the leds of the Church . . ..013
1713. Gave to Blandford fc-icr [fire] ..010 Paid for mending the loock of the
dooar & macking the cay . . 009
for a Roap for the medel bel . . 032 No date. Gave 4 semen that there
sheep wors cast away . . ..006
Gave 3 travelers mooar that have
los 2 legs &, 1 arm . . ..006