LONDON, APRIL 17, 1920
CONTENTS.—No. 105.
Notices to Correspondents.
This will is mentioned by Dugdale ('Warwickshire,' p. 683), who gives a few items. The MS. from which this copy was made is in the possession of Mr. Ronald Holbech of Farnborough Hall, Banbury, Lord of the Manor of Fenny Compton, part of the lands inherited by Margery, daughter of Beaufitz. Another Farnborough deed shows that in 1530, Margery, then widow of Robert Bellyngham, granted the manor to Ric. Wyllys, gent., and Joan his wife. Some of the Willis family emigrated to America in the seventeenth century (Ribton-Turner, 'Shakespeare's Land,' p. 293). The Prior of St. John's leased to Beaufitz the lands of the Hospitallers at Fletchamstead by the "indenture of St. John's" mentioned in the will; he also farmed their preceptory or commandery of Temple Balsall. After Beaufitz's death Bellingham seems to have taken over his father-in-law's lease; at all events there was difficulty in ejecting him when the Grand Prior of the order wished to install Robert Turockmorton, another tenant, and a writ was served on Bellingham in Erdington Church ('Victoria County Hist. Warw.,' ii. 101). Ralph, Lord Boitiler of Sudeley (Dugdale, 37), mentioned in the will, was standard-bearer of Henry VI. and Lord Treasurer of England; his wife was Alice Deincourt (ib., 669).
Item, the said Abbot shall haue a gylte pese to the valewe of x marc' or nye by the day after my discease to' pray for me specially by name dayly in his masse during his life. And he and his brethren to assoyle me in thaire chaptour howse.
Item, the sayde Couent shall haue X marc delyuered egally among the chanons prestes the day of my discease. And they to pray for my sowle specially by name and to assoyle me in thaire chaptour howse, wherof Ser Thomas Stretche shall haue xxs. and eche of the noves iis. iiid.
Item, the said Abbot and Conuent shall haue a basen and a Ewre of iluer, the borders gilte, to thentent that they shall finde a chanoun dayly to sing for me during the space of iiij yeres. And he to pray for my said lorde Sudeleys sowle, my lady Alys sowle and for my sowle, specially by name. And the said chanon to haue euery weke xijd. of the said basen and Ewre, wherof they shall take yerely of the same at the daye of myne obite to departe among powre men vjs. viijd. And xiijs. iiijd. the same day to be deuyded among the Chanons by thaduyce of the said Abbot. And they to assoile me in thaire chaptour howse.
Item, I will that the said Abbot and Conuent shall haue my cloth of bawdkyn silke.
Item, I will that my Lorde of saint Johanes haue xxli. in redy money assone as I am dede to pardon me of all maner maters.
Item, the Abbot of Stonley and his Conuent shall haue 5 marc', that is to saye, xxs. to the said Abbot and the remenaunt to be deuyded among the Conuent. And they all to pray for my said lorde Sudeley, my lady Alyse sowles and for my