Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 6.djvu/327

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12 S. VI. JUNE 5, 1920.]



brief style of the passages in question, however, is more in the manner of Shake- speare than of Middleton. But the second scene is undoubtedly non -Shakespearian. The word " apperiJ," not found in Shake- speare, is in 'Michaelmas Term' ("at her j own apperil"). Phrases that suggest Mid- j dleton are : " There's much example for 't " (" You have example for 't," ' Old Law,' j ii. 2) ; " 't has been proved " and " 't has i been done" ("'t has been threatened,"! 'Wit at Several Weapons.') The thought in " the fellow that sits next him now, parts bread with him .... is the readiest man to kill him " is echoed in ' No Wit, No Help, like a Woman's ' : " And yet, ofttimes, sir, what worse knave to a man than he that eats his meat." In the encomium on friend- ship we have : " They were the most need- less creatures living, should we ne'er have use for them, and would most resemble sweet instruments hung up in cases, that keep their sounds to themselves " ; in ' More Dissemblers Besides Women ' :

I commend

The virtues highly, as I do an instrument, When the case hangs by the wall. i, 3.

Compare, also, a similar passage in ' The Roaring Girl,' Act IV. sc. i. More phrases that savour of Middleton, in the scene under notice, are : " They are fairly welcome," " I shall accept them fairly," and " let them be received, not without fair reward."

Act II. is nearly all Shakespeare's, though Middleton is evident in the second scene. But Shakespeare scarcely appears in the third act, his only important contribution being the last speech of Timon in the sixth scene. The opening of the first is charac- teristic of Middleton :

Why, this hits right ; I dreamt of a basin and ewer to-night.

This association of a dream with a gift occurs in two other of Middleton's plays :

I dreamt to-night, Jack, I should have a secret supply. ' Your Five Gallants,' iv. 2.

See also Act I. sc. i. of ' The Widow.'

The first three scenes of the third act (as well as the second of the second) are mainly concerned with the abortive attempts of Timon to borrow money. How closely the language agrees with Middleton's will be seen by a comparison with quotations from his work, mostly in ' Michaelmas Term.' It will be the better plan to quote the extracts from ' Timon,' with the appro- priate parallels from Middleton underneath.

Where no play's title is given, the passage is from ' Timon ' :

You are very respectively welcome, sir. Gentlemen, you are all most respectively icelcome. ' Your Five Gallants,' ii. 1.

I am proud, say, that my occasions have found time to use 'em. toward a supply of money : let the request be fifty talents.

I come to entreat your honour to supply who, having great and instant occasion to use fifty talents, hath sent to your worship to furnish him, nothing doubting your present assistance therein.

Bun presently to Master Gum, the mercer, and will him to tell out three hundred pounds for me or more, as he is furnished.

' Michaelmas Term,' ii. 1.

Let them both rest till another occasion ; go to Master Quomodo, the draper, and will him to furnish me instantly. Ibid., ii. 1.

Has only sent his present occasion, now, my lord, requesting your lordship to supply his instant use.

Run to Master Gum, or Mastre Profit, and carry my present occasion of money to 'em.

' Michaelmas Term,' ii. 3.

I count it one of my greatest afflictions, say

that I cannot pleasure such an honourable


It is my greatest affliction at this instant, I am

not able to furnish you.

' Michaelmas Term,' ii. 3. I would we could rather pleasure you otherwise.

Ibid., iii. 4.

Can six pounds pleasure the gentlewoman ? ' Your Five Gallants,' i. 1.

What a u-icked beast was I to disfurnish myself against such a good time.

What a beast was I to put out my money t'other day.

' A Mad World, my Masters,' ii. 5.

From the above quotations, it will be seen how frequently Middleton uses the verbs " to supply," " to furnish," and " to pleasure," in situations where other terms could be employed just as correctly. Indeed, he seldom varies this language in such circumstances. For example, in the first scene of the second act of ' The Roaring Girl,' Laxton protests himself to be in extreme want of money, using the words, if you can supply me now with any means." Upon which, Mistress Gallipot asks : " What's the sum would pleasure ye, sir ? " And, later, in the second scene of the third Act, Laxton, again soliciting money, this time in writing, employs the phrase, " furnish me therefore with thirty pounds."

Scene 4 is clearly not Shakespeare's, though there is nothing outstanding to connect it definitely with Middleton beyond, perhaps, the phrase, " I'm of your fear for