Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 6.djvu/364

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vi. JUNE 12, 1 920.

GUY ROSLYN (12 S. vi. 274). Guy Roslyn could not have been the pseudonym of Joseph Hattoii as after 1907 he was editing a series of biographical notices of ' Men and Women of the Time.' His name may have been G. R. Hatton, but he had a very characteristic handwriting and, I believe, several pseudonyms.


The British Museum Catalogue enters Guy Roslyn as "i.e., Joshua Hatton," and mentions two other books by him. Cushing's ' Initials and Pseudonyms ' also gives Joshua Hatton as the author, but adds that the work is also ascribed to George Barnett. Allibone, in his ' Dictionary of English Literature,' has " this is said to be a pseu- donym of George Barnett Smith," who wrote the introduction to the work in question, as the full title shows : " George Eliot in Derbyshire : a volume of Gossip about Passages and People in the Novels of George Eliot, by Guy Roslyn ; reprinted from London Society, with .... additions and an introduction by G. B. Smith." London, 1876 ARCHIBALD SPARKE.

Guy Roslyn was the pen-name of Joseph Hatton's brother. A. R. BAYLBY.

NURSERY TALES AND THE BIBLE (12 S. vi. 271). The most popular derivation of ' Punch and Judy ' is from ' Pontius cum Judseis' (Matt, xxvii 19), an old mystery play of Pontius Pilate and the Jews. But the Italian pnlicinello seems to be from pollice, a thumb ; and our Punch, in its origin, short for the form Punchinello. On Aug. 22, 1666, Pepys went with his wife " by coach to Moorefields, and there saw ' Polichinello,' which pleases me mightily ' '; on May 2, 1 668, at the Duke of York's Playhouse, " a little boy, for a farce, do dance Polichinelli " ; and on Aug. 31 same year, "thence to the Fayre, and saw Polichinelle." Maccus, a Roman mime of whom a statuette was discovered in 1727, appears to have possessed all the characteristic features of our Punch. Tho drama or story of our ' Punch and Judy ' is attributed to Silvio Fiorillo, an Italian comedian of the seventeenth century.


LATIN AS AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE (12 S. vi. 202, 234, 261, 282). Will J. W. F. very kindly furnish a note on the pronuncia- tion of Latin employed by the various partie in the interesting incidents he describes.

T. D. F. G.

HUNGER STRIKE (12 S. vi. 249). I add o the seventeenth-century instance of the hunger strike one in the next century. Alexander Cruden of the ' Concordance * went mad from time to time, and during: one of his incarcerations in a Chelsea mad- louse (called an Academy) went in for lunger striking. This is recorded in his urious pamphlet about his sufferings written, in the third person and called ' Alexander the Corrector.' V. R.

BROWNE : SMALL : WRENCH : MACBRIDE (12 S. vi. 208, 256). Sir Benjamin Wrench, Kt., d. Aug. 15, 1747, set. 82, "for sixty years a physician in Norwich " (Gent. Mag)~ On Mar. 11, 1728, " Dy'd the lady Wrench,. Wife of Sir Benjamin Wrench of Norwich, D.D." (sic, in ' Hist. Reg.,' in error for M.D.)" 1 His second wife (m. 1738 or after) was the " Lady Wrench, wife of Sir Benjm. W., Kt., medic., Norwich, who d. January, 1741 (London Magazine). His dau. m. (1) to Marcon (query of that family of Swaff- ham, Norfolk, of which John Marcon d. Sept. 23, 1772), and (2) May 17, 1737,. to Harbord Harbord, M.P. of Gunton, Norfolk, who d. Jan. 18, 1742 (see ' Peerage,' under Lord Suffield). Shaw's ' List of Knights ' would give date when he was knighted. Lieut. -Col. Robert Laton was made captain in Col. Piercy Kirk's 2nd) Regt. of Foot (as Layton) Mar. 1, 1692, and his commisssion as Captain of the^ Grenadier Company was renewed by Queen Anne, June 25, 1702. He was taken pri^- soner with his regiment at Alovanza, ia Spain, 1707, and was made Brevet Lieut. - Col. of Foot, Jan. 1, 1712 (Dalton, v., vi.). He exchanged to captain of one of the two Independent Companies of Foot doing duty at Carlisle, June 25, 1730, which he held until his successor was appointed. His son< Robert Laton, jun., was made lieutenant in the army, Mar. 13, 1711 (A. L., 1728),. propably in Disney's 36th Regt. of Foot,, as he was the " Lieut. Layton, a minor," in it in 1711 or 1712, being placed on half- pay thereof in 1713 ('Half-pay List, 1714 '), which latter fact may be added to Dalton, vi. 390. He was on half pay 9 years, till he became lieutenant of his father's Company in the 2nd Foot, June 27, 1724 (ibid, vii.,. viii.) and then was promoted to capt. -lieu- tenant, Nov. 5, 1735, and captain, Jan. 23, 1735/6, but died v.p. shortly before Jan. 22,. 1737/8 (Com. Regs, in R.O.).

Alexander Small was surgeon to Brig.- General Henry Mordaunt's Regt. of Foot,.