Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/16

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8 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. JULY 3, 1920. This omits to mention that he was (as on the title-page of my edition the tenth of the work above quoted) also " sometime Grinfield Lecturer on the Septuagint in the University of Oxford." J. B. McGovEBN. NINETY-NINE YEAB LEASES. Can any of your readers furnish references concerning the origin of the custom of executing leases for the term of 99 years and likewise for 999 years ? WENDELL HEBBBUCK. Canton, Ohio. A LITEBABY HOAX. At 2 S. vi. 196 an account is given of a literary hoax played off in the name of W. C. Bryant, the Ameri- can poet, which establishes the fact that no matter how atrocious an effusion may be, if a well known poet's name is appended to it, it becomes true poetry in the eyes of a large majority of poetry readers. Have there been recent examples of this ? I seem to remember a case a few years ago of a poem in a reputable daily newspaper to which Kipling's name was attached, but which he denied having written. ARCHIBALD SPABKE. SABINE. Burton, in his ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' p. 359, refers to a writer named Sabine as author of a " commentary on the 10th of 'Ovid's * Metamorphoses.' " Who was this Sabine and when was his work written ? W. S. ' ITINEBABY ' OF WILLIAM or WOBCESTEB. Seeing that no edition of this work has been published since 1778 it is high time that a scholarly version in English of this traveller's notes was issued. 'Before the final proofs be passed, however, every portion dealing with a county should be submitted for annotation to a capable antiquary of that 'county. These comments could be embodied as footnotes and thus a standard edition of William of Worcester's work would be given to the world. In whose keeping is the original MS. ? J. HAMBLEY HOWE. PBOHIBITED MASSES. By the Decrees of the Sacred Congregation of Rites issued in the reign of Urban VIII. (1623-44), and prefixed to most editions of the ' Missale Romanum ' are forbidden all Masses not offi- cially approved. They especially prohibit by name " signanter Missas nuncupatas S. Gregorii pro Vivis et Defunctis, Missas quindecim Auxiliatorum, Missam de Patre JEterno." Can any reader tell me in what Missal these three Masses S. Gregory for the Quick and the Dead ; of the Fifteen Helpers ; of the Eternal Father may be found, and why were they so particularly forbidden to be said ? MONTAGUE SUMMEBS, F.R.S.L. ENBICO NOBIS (16.31-1704). Concerning this celebrated Cardinal, whose baptismal name was Girolamo, and whose name Enrico (or as some say Arrigo), was taken on his entering the Order of St. Augustine, Waller's ' Imperial Dictionary of Universal Bio* graphy,' says : " The current story that his family was of Irish origin appears to be incorrect, as the race has been traced back in the territory of Bergamo to the beginning of the thirteenth century." I have been unable to trace this " current story": but Beeton's 'Dictionary of Uni- versal Biography ' states that the Cardinal's father was " a native of Ireland." Moroni's ' Dizionario Ecclesiastico,' the * Nouvelle Biographie Generale,' the ' Biographie Uni- verselle,' the 'Catholic Encyclopedia,' the ' Nouveau Larousse Illustre,' and Chalmers* 4 Biographical Dictionary,' all assert that his ancestry was English. The ' Biographie Universelle ' says : "Jacques Noris, 1'un de ses aneetres, general d'artillerie, aprea avoir defendu vainement la capitale de 1'ile de Chypre contre les Turcs, viub a. s'etablir a Verone. Alexandre, pare de Henri, a publie entre autres ouvrages une traduction italienne de ' I'Histoire de la guerre d'Allernagne,' terminee par le traite de Lubeck." Is anything actually known as to th& ancestry of this eminent theologian ? Waa it Bergamesque, Irish or English ? I have not consulted the various lives by Girolama Razzerio, Pietro and Girolamo Balliriiii,. F. Bianthini, and others, as they have been consulted by the biographical dictionaries- above cited. JOHN B. WAINEWBIGHT. POBTBAITS BY COTES. - In ' Anecdotes of Painting,' edited by Dallaway* vol. iv., p. 3, it is stated in a footnote that " In The Gent.'s Magazine for 1786 is a catalogue of portraits painted by I. Cotes." I at once procured this number of The Gentleman's Magazine, but Cotes is not mentioned in the index, nor can I find any reference to him in the magazine. Could any one tell me where I could get a complete catalogue of his portraits ? I am anxious. to trace the portrait of a lady, signed and. dated 1760. It is of a brunette, and was bought from Easton Park, the residence ol