Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/182

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146 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. Aua. 21, 1020. AN ENGLISH ARMY LIST OF 1740. (See 12 S. ii. passim; iii. 46, 103, 267, 354, 408, vii. 83, 125.) 438 ; vi. 184, 233, 242, 290, 329 ; The next Regiment (p. 64) was raised in 1685, and then ranked as the 9th Regiment of Horse, being styled the Queen Dowager's Regiment. It was stationed in Ireland from 1714, its title then being the " 3rd Irish Horse." Since 1788 it has been designated the biniers)," wiiich title it still retains. His Majesty's First Regiment of Carabiniers, commanded by Lord Cathcart. " Sixth Regiment of Dragoon Guards (Cara- Colonel Lieutenant-Colonel Major 'Captains Captain Lieutenant Lieutenants . Cornets Lord Cathcart (1) John Folliott Richard Shuckburgh . . r Philip Chenevix (2) . . J. Robert Maxwell _Lord George Sackville (3) John Arabin (4) /'Charles Tassell (5) John Orfeur (6)

Urmston Pepys (7) 

Walter Wilson I James Newcomen David Dickson (8) Edward Guyon (9) Ellis Cunliffe (9) John Skottowe (10) Henry Bernard Sir John Houston (11) Dates of their present commissions .. 7 Aug. 1733 3 July 1737 .. 11 July 1737 . . 19 June 1722 . . 22 Nov. 1729 .. 11 July 1737 . . 11 June 1733 .. 20 Feb. 1721 . . 26 April 1724 5 May 1724 .. 13 Mar. 1728 1 May 1738 24 May 1725 . . 13 Mar. 1728 . . 10 April 1729 . . 11 June 1733 .. 13 Feb. 1737 14 Jan. 1737 Dates of their first commissions. Captain, 29 June 1703. Lieutenant, 1 June 1709 Captain, 14 April 1718. Cornet, 25 June 1711. Captain, 28 Jan. 1716. Captain, 11 July 1737. Cornet, 2 Sept. 1717. Cornet, 8 Nov. 1710. Lieutenant, 29 Aug. 1708. Cornet, 22 May 1718. 9 June 1720. 14 Oct. 1718. 26 Oct. 1721. Cornet, Cornet, Ensign, Ensign, 1 June 1720. The following names are entered in ink on the interleaf : Lieutenant .. .. John Scrutone (12) .. .. 1 Aug. 1741 Cornets /John Bowling .. .. ..19 Aug. 1740

  • Charles Carr 1 Aug. 1741

(1) Charles, 8th Lord Cathcart. Died at sea on Dec. 20, 1740, then being in command of the expedition against the Spanish possessions in America. (2) Lieut.-Colonel in the Regiment, June 1, 1745. Retired in 1750 and died in 1758. (3) George Sackville Germain, 1st Viscount Sackville. Served in other regiments after 1740, but was appointed to the Colonelcy of this Regiment on January 18, 1750. He was transferred to tne 2nd Dragoon Guards in April, 1757. See ' D.N.B.' (4) Captain, July 19, 1740. Lieut.-Colonsl, April 15, 1749 (after serving as Major in the 8th Dragoons from Sept. 7, 1742). Appointed to the Colonelcy of the 57th Foot, Dec. 27, 1755. Died in 1757. (5) Captain-Lieutenant, July 19, 1740. (6) Son of Philip Orfeur and Mary, daughter of Colonel Richard Kirkby, of Kirkby Ireleth , Lanes. He married Juliana, daughter of Colonel Thomas Palliser, of Portobello, Co. Wexford. Retired as Captain Lieutenant in 1745. Died in Ireland in 1753. (7) Captain, .Aug. 1, 1741. Major, 1 June, 1745. Retired- in 1757. Died at Bath, Nov. 15, (8) Lieutenant, July 19, 1740. (9) Had previously served in the 3rd Troop of Horse Guards, as Sub-Brigadier and Cornet. Was knighted on April 18, 1756, then being M.P. for Liverpool. Died in 1767. (10) Captain, April 8, 1755. Still serving in 1760, but not in 1763. (11) 4th Baronet, Died July 22, 1751, when the Baronetcy became extinct. X12) Probably mis-written for " Skottowe." J. H. LESLIE Lieut. -Col. (Retired List). (Tc be continued.)