Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/206

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. A. 23, 1920.

Major General Ligonier's

Dates of their

Dates of their

Regiment of Horse.

present commissions first



. J. L. Ligonier (1)

.. 18 July 1720


20 Feb. 1702-3-

Lieutenant Colonel .

. Francis Ligonier(2)


23 Dec. 1711.


. William Gee (3)

.. 15 Dec. 1738


18 Mar. 1717.


fDaniel Webb (4) . - Richard Maddan t Richard Fresco tt (5)

.. 20 May 1732 .. 24 Jun. 1733 .. 15 Dec. 1738

Ensign, Ensign, Ensign,

20 Mar. 1720 14 Aug. 1721. 22 April 1712.

Captain Lieutenant

Solomon Desbrisay

.. 15 Dec. 1738


22 Aug. 1717.

fGeorge Robinson (6)

.. 23 Dec. 1732


24 Mar. 1708.

1 Lem. Richardson (7)

. . 15 Nov. 1734


24 Feb. 1713.

lieutenants .

. 1 William Waldron

.. 10 Jan. 1734


21 Jan. 1720.

I Anthony Morgan

.. 15 Dec. 1738


May 1718.

vFrancis Stenart

. . 21 June 1739


May 1735. I

f Jeffrey Amherst (8) .

.. 19 July 1735

1 Thomas Congreve

.. 15 Dec. 1738

J William Hucks (9) .

. . 19 June 1739


1 Charles Robenson

. . 20 June 1739

1 i .

Charles Sibourg

.. 30 Aug. 1739

l^Nathanael Cholmley .

.. 31 Aug. 1739

'. ,.-.;>">

The following

names are added in ink

on the interleaf :

fHenry Campbell

. . 28 April 1740

| Matthew Richardson . .

.. 19 July 1740


1 Stephen Moore . .

1 Aug. 1741

V. Pennefather


(1) Jean Louis, transferred to the 2nd Dragoon Guards in 1749. Died April 28, 1770, aged 91. See ' D.N.B.'

(2) Younger brother of the above. Appointed to the Colonelcy of the 48th Foot in April, 1745,

  • nd of the 13th Dragoons in October of the same year. Died in 1746. See ' D.N.B.'

(3) Appointed Lieut.-Colonel of the 20th Foot, Mar. 29, 1742. Commanded it at the battle of Fontenoy, 1745, in which he was killed.

(4) Lieut.-Colonel of the regiment, May 27, 1745. Appointed Colonel of the 48th Foot, Nov. 11, 1755 ; of the 8th Foot, Dec. 18, 1766; and of the 14th Dragoons, Oct. 20, 1772. Lieut.-General, -Jan. 19, 1761. Died Nov. 11, 1773.

(5) Of North Clonmore, Co. Tipperary. Had served in this regiment since 1715. Died 1747.

(6) Captain-Lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1741.

(7) Leming Richardson. Fort-Major, Duncannon Fort, Feb. 18, 1745.

(8) Lieutenant, July 19, 1740. Afterwards 1st Baron Amherst (1776) ; Field-Marshal .(1796), .'&c. Died Aug. 3, 1797. See ' D.N.B.'

{9) Lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1740.

J. H. LESLIE, Lieut.-Colonel (Retired List).

(Tc be continued.)

EDWARD FABLEY OF * FARLEY'S EXETER -JOURNAL. ' The Farley Family are well known as pioneers of provincial journalism ^tfid probably Edward Farley was the son of Samuel Farley, about whom a great deal has been written. Edward was the pub- lisher of Farley's Exeter Journal, represented .-at the British Museum by No. 169, for Aug. 19, 1726, to No. 286, for Nov. 8, 1728 (most of the intervening numbers are missing). 'The Farleys seem to have been Jacobites and this fact cost Edward his life. On Aug. 24, 1728, Mist, the Jacobite proprietor of Mist's Journal prefaced his paper by an ^attack upon the House of Hanover, which took the form of a Persian allegory ; and, as a result, fled to the continent probably <fchus escaping the hangman. Andrew Erice,

the proprietor of Brice's Weekly Journal, the Whig opponent of Edward Farley, challenged him to reprint this and, unfortunately, Farley took his advice.

The sequel was told in Henry Stonecastle's (I do not think this name is a pseudonym) Universal Spectator and Weekly Journal in the following year 1729.

On March 15 Stonecastle reported that Farley had been sent from Newgate to Exeter to be tried for High Treason at the ensuing assizes and, on April 5, printed a letter from Exeter, as follows :

" Exon. March 31. The Court sat this morning at the Guildhall, exactly at six, and proclamation being made for silence, a Bill of Indictment for High Treason against Mr. Edward Farley, for reprinting Mist's Journal, August 24, was read. But before he pleaded, thereto, Mr. Serjeant