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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. SEPT. 4, 1920.

my girl," means "my hair was poured out (or fell out) as I was in great grief over the death of iny daughter " ; " Her brain is in her knees " means "she has no sense in her."

A note relating the terrible cruelty to unfor- tunate bears perpetrated by pitiless gypsies will lead all animal-lovers to urge that representatives of the S.P.C.A. with their propaganda, should form as important a feature of the village fairs in the Balkans, as are at present the " temptingly displayed packets of sunlight soap " ! In our world generally gypsies are held to be of no value. They are not only regarded as vagabonds but, as the Editorial Note in Part 2 points out, they are even held to be "a very real social disease that cries aloud to be extinguished by the energies of all right-thinking men." But gypsy depravity is mainly the result of the artificial conditions of life in " civilized countries," and is, after all, not worse than that displayed by many orthodox members of society ! To condemn the gypsy to extinction for petty crimes would be a return to the brutality of former days, when sheep-steal- ing meant capital punishment.

In the gypsy peoples and in their customs, employments and dialects are hidden away relics of ancient times, relics which are as " fine gold " to the " prospectors " in philology, ethnology, social-psychology, and perhaps one may add, religious rituals. Their defenders may well urge that the gypsies are the only people who seem never to have forgotten the advantages of an open air life so much belauded by our men from the front and by all modern health-seekers.

The Fishing r Gazette of July 24 last records a discovery by MB. W. COURTHOPB POBMAN which will give great satisfaction to lovers of Isaak Walton. It is the discovery of the hitherto un- known date and place of Walton's second marriage with Anne Ken. MR. COURTHOPE FORMAN was led to search the Registers of St. James's, Clerken- well, and there in vol. 13 of the Register Series of the Harleian Society appears the entry :

1647. April 23, Mr. Isaack Walton and Ann Keen^were married.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers" at the Office, Printing House Square, London, E.C.4. ; corrected proofs to the Athenaeum Press, 11 and 13 Bream's Buildings, E.C.4.

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W. C. F. " Sleepe after Toyle," &c. Spenser 4 Faerie Queene,' B.I. Canto ix. 40

CORRIGENDUM. Ante, p. 154, col. 1, 1. 21 frorr foot, dele comma between " croix/' and 'd'or" 1. 20 from foot, for "ecu " read ecu.


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