Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/31

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NOTES AND QUERIES: 3V LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. "When fonnd, make a note of." CAPTAIN CUTTLE. No 117 r TwELFTH l iIO. ll/. |_ SERIES. J JULY 10, 1920. PKICE SIXPENCE. Post free 7d. Registered as a Keicspaper. To Book-Collectors and Students Messrs. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO. will be pleased to hear from Collectors who are in want of any individual Book, of which they will endeavour to find and report particulars, without any obligation to the inquirer. They also keep a register of special Subjects, and if Collectors will let them know the class of Book they are interested in, they will report suitable items as they come into stock from time to time. ROSSETTI BOOKS. SIR E. J. POYNTER'S ART LIBRARY. "Messrs. Sotheran and Co. have just issued a substantial catalogue of second- hand books, which comprises the fine art library of the late Sir Edward J. Poynter, P. R.A., and a selection from the library of the late W. M. Rossetti, some of which belonged to his sister, Christina Rossetti. Nearly all the Rossetti books have associations which render them specially attractive to the collector," The Times, March 1st. "In Messrs. Sotheran's newest book-list there is offered * Church Vestments : their Origin, Use, and Ornaments, by Anastasia Dolby, Embroidress to the Queen, 1868,' and in a note the book- sellers observe : ' It is curious to specu- late how Queen Victoria was inveigled into patronising church embroidery. The work on church vestment gives them in their dignified and beautiful mediaeval shapes which Pugin fought for, and which the Book of Common Prayer orders, and not {in the bastard baroque banality reminiscent of sand- wich men, and admired by spiritual sons of Anchises.'" Church Times, Mar. 19th. Post free on application. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140 STRAND, W.C.2, and 43 PICCADILLY, W.I. Telegraphic and Cable Address : BOOKMEN, LONDON. Telephones : (Strand) CENTRAL 1515. (Piccadilly) GERRARD 7741.