Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/345

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12 S. VII. OCT. 9, 1920.J




C N T E N T S. No. 130.

' Th* Cruikshanbs, Artists, and West and Jameson, Publishers, 281 -Italian Literary Criticism in the Eighteenth Century : Francesco Montani di Pesaro, 285 Extracts from the Aldeburgh Records : Chamberlain's Account Books, 287 Burial of Kemains of Scrolls of the Law The Ship on the Arms of Pans. 283 4 Prosopopoeia Tredegar ' Sir William Everett Edmund Pyle, D.D. St. Cutlayce, 289.

cQUERIKS : Coronation of Louis XL Porcelain Masonic Mug Francis Lherondell-Oii-Pamting of Willian: and Mary 289-Hzn, or H.z n.. Dutch Abbreviation Sir William John Stroth Book by Major Henry Shrapnel, Royal Artillery Fothergill Family Klizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of Kingston Disraeli's ' Cpningsby ' Com- Bander Graham Gore Nunc Dimittis The Surname Mayall London Postmarks - E pitaph : Author Wanted Heathtown or Heathton, 290 -Quotation from Cartwright Thomas J. Wis Caister, Norfolk Theana Authors of Quotations Wanted, 291.

^REPLIES : Patrick Archer of London and Waterford, Merchant. 291 Aldgate and Whitechapel Silver Wine Cisterns for Cooling Wine Bottles, 294" Heightem, Tightem and Scrub " Novels of the Noith Woods- Domestic History in the Nineteenth Century, 295 Sydney Smith's " Last Flicker of Fun "St. Anthony of Padua The Miraculous Host of Wilsnack Missing Words: Recovery Desired Francis Gasrrell, 296 French Songs 'Wanted Principal London Coffee-houses, Taverns and Inns ' Die Englische Pferdedressur ' The University family Bible: Henry Southwell Kitty Clive, 297 ' Stalky & Co.' The Vagaries of Indexers Stourhead and Alexander Pope Bedfordshire Churchyard Inscriptions Bibliography of Lepers in England Romney Marsh- North American Indians, 293.

!NOTES ON BOOKS : The Chronicle of Muntaner.'

Notices to Correspondents.




IN the elaborate and carefully compiled catalogue of * The Works of George Cruik- .shank ' by the late Captain Richard John Hardy Douglas, R.N., published in 1903, -which I referred to in my note on G. Cruik-

shank and G. Childs (12 S. i. 203), he attri-

'butes to the Cruikshanks many prints of various kinds for the 'Juvenile theatrical drama, 'some of them intended to be used for the Juvenile or Toy Theatre : for example those Captain Hardy numbers from 1013 to 1029 published by J. H. Jameson,

and by Hodgson & Co. None of Hodgson's

prints that I have seen are by Cruikshank. As to Hodgson's I made some comments in my note on 'Cruikshank and Childs,' quoted above. Captain Douglas states that ihe had one thousand copies of his catalogue

printed, notwithstanding the book is now scarce and expensive. Copy "No. 1 " is in the British Museum Library. No copy is in, the Print Room, Britisl) Museum where the etchings by the Cruikshanks that are not in books are kept, but this deficiency does not so much matter as it is partly com- pensated for by the collection being arranged in order of date, and every print is numbered in pencil after Reid's Catalogue, which is in the Print Room.

There is also an extraordinarily miscel- laneous collection of Cruikshanks in the Print Room at the Victoria and Albert Museum in eight enormous boxes, which I have been right through, as they are open to inspection. This includes proofs of the illustrations to novels, early sketches on letters, backs of prints, and any odd bits of paper that happened to be at hand I Paper was dear in those days. I am told this collection was bequeathed by George Cruikshank ! Of this there is no catalogue ; to make one would be an enormous work, as it is so miscellaneous. Oddly enough as in the National Library Captain Douglas's Catalogue (it is No. 81) is not in the Victoria and Albert Museum Print depart- ment, but in the ' Art Library. ' Neither the Print Department at the V. & A. nor the Library has Reid's Catalogue, but at the V. & A. in the Library Catalogue they use- fully, under Reid, give a reference to Douglas. So that now times of peace have come, it appears to me there is still a want for another Cruikshank Catalogue if only on account of the price of the present cata- logues. Reid's, I believe was issued at twelve guineas and Douglas's at two. There are probably many more omissions, &c., in Douglas, that I have not noticed ; in so great a work, it is impossible to prevent them at all events in a first edition.

The Cruikshanks drew more for J. H. Jameson the juvenile theatrical publisher than for West; in fact, I believe all Jame- son's are by the Cruikshanks.

The following is a list of all the West prints that I know, that I consider to be by George or his brother Isaac Robert, com- monly written J. R. Cruikshank, with the numbers of Reid's and Douglas's Catalogues. It will be seen how few were known to Douglas, and fewer still to Reid. They are all by George except those to which I have put I. R. C. 's initials, for none are signed. Captain Douglas's list is in chronological order, but I arrange mine alphabetically, as some of West's early dates were altered in