Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/351

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12 s. .vn. OCT.?, 1020.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


of our judgments, takes hold of our admiration ^Srradiance or blaze of spirit."

With this wonderful definition of the rartistic impulse which leads to literary creation, we may terminate the selection of '.extracts from this modern, eighteenth cen- tury writer and quote, as an example of how little our modern criticism differs from it in ^essentials, a passage of Benedetto Cro'ce's essay * Intorno alia storia della critica dan-

tesca ' (Nuova Antologia, 1 Luglio 1920):

" In truth, to understand Dante or any other creative spirit, it is necessary to possess that fundamental knowledge and historical conscience which is formed and grows with the formation sand growth of our inner personality ; and, in the ,/caee of Dante, it is necessary to have a Dantescan soul and also, since he was poet, to know what poetry is in its eternal nature."



(See ante, pp. 141, 184, 225.) CHAMBERLAIN'S ACCOUNT-BOOKS.

IN 1576 "porpas pastis " were delicacies isent as presents.

1576 f{Item He of y e toune of Baddinghm to y e Re-

liefe of Harrye gardner [Blind Harry] for

y whole yeare endinge at mihelmes 1577

xxvi s viii d lleceived of mistries goslyn th* hir husbonde

bequeathed . . . . . . xiii 11 vi 8 viii d )

Paide to Edmonde bence senr for his chargs

about Snape Bridge . . . . iiii" iiii d

To James Loggie for Sawinge of y e maides

Legge xvi* viii d

To father Childe for y e maides Roume in his

house th* hadde hir Legge cut of v 8

for a shete to burye the Lame woman . . ii s "To them th* didde take paynes to bury hir xx d "To y 6 writer of y 3 nomber of y Cattell iiii d To y 6 Cryer for twise Cryeing 6 y* Cattell viii d

To Fyve Dryvers of y e ' Catteil . . . . xx d To m r wentworthes man for bringinge y e

townes writings . . . . . . xiiii d

To Robt Hind e for his chargs in sute by Loggye

xiu> viii d

To John Boches wifie for ii Swordes . . viii 8 To y e Constables for y e tenthes and fiftenes

xxix s i d

tor y e chargs to y c visitr of v e Churche . . xx d To y pson of Kockshall when he pched . . v" To Benedick for playenge on y e Drume at y e

muster . . . . . . . . . . x ii d

for a Cbevne for y e b~r>ke of martirs . . viii d for cryeuge of a bull iii serall m r kett dayes iiii d To my L of Bathes players . . . . . . x 8

JTo mayer for xxx 11 Candell fetched by wi"m

bence for thuse of y Toune . . . . vi s iii d To y e Ringers upon y Coronacon daye iiii*

To y e catcheman for caryenge the porpas to

London and for cariedge of it to slaughtinge

vii 8 iiii To Brimble for his chargs in fetchinge of a doe

from framlinghm . . . . . . . . vii"

To John wightman for bakinge y e venison th*

S r Robte Wingefleld sent to the Toune x s To manbye the Roper for Layenge of a iii stone

Roape and for a belter th 1 Burleye was

hanged w h . . . . . . . . xviii d

To Eves for Ringinge y Bell eveninge and

morninge in y winter untill Twelthe vi 9 -vin d for a bushell of Chorcole to mende y e Clocke

w th . . . . . . . . . . . . vi d

for drinke for them th* Removed y great bell iiii d To palmer for his journye to Saxmodhm for y

armorer . . . . . . . . . . xii d

To John Clarke for caryenge of bloomes witte

to London . . . . . . . . . . yi s

To my L Sheafildes players . . vi 8 viii d

To John Tonnes for mendinge of y e great bell iiii 9 more to him for mendinge y e clocke hamer and

yron woorke for y e grates . . . . xiiii d

To nicholas battell for a Ii of match . . viii d To Ryed clemence for ii Chists for y porpas

pastis . . . . . . . . '. . y 9

for mendinge y e Clocke to towers . . . . ii 9

more to him for medinge y e stooles and lockes

of y churche . . . . . . . . ii a iiii d

for a baxstringe for y e Sansebell and v e Clocke

iii 8 iiii d

for mendingo y greate bell wheale . . vi d

To mother bennet for iii monthes bourde of

y e child for ii Coyfes and for mendinge of hir

shoes and for neckerchifs . . . . . . xx d

In 1577 more fines paid for transgression of the " Cappe " statute.


To w m Skrutton for palinge in the Toune ^ house yarde . . . . . . . . iii 1 ' xvi s x d

To Thorns Lovenes y e Clarke for makinge thinveteries of y e mariags christenings and buryalls iiii*

(also paid for keeping Reg r and Washing Church Linen).

To y e smithe for tryminge of y Chancell door a Stoole and for makinge 'of locks of the churche D cores . . . . . . iii 3

For Bates his Coate his dublett and all things belonginginge to them . . . . xx s ix d

To Durrant for setting uppe of a benche at y e chansels end and nailes . . . . . . iii d

Item p d to one for hue and crye . . . vi d

To m r Foxe for ii Craggs of sturgion delived to M r Buxton for his counseill and Friend- shippe in the Devisinge and ingrosinge of the Lease of o r m r she and gettinge my L his hande to y e same w ch y Feffees hadde made . . * . . . . . . . . xxvi 9 viii d

To Roger Cooke for y e Stanchiens in the Channseill xvi d

To y e Skavell menne for y rest of the nighte tides * . . . . xvi d

To Allen y e preacher at m r bailie Fremans requeste . . . . . . . . V s

Loste of y e iii 1 ' i s in goulde and silver th* was sent uppe to London to exchange as Robert hinde can witnes . . xiii 8 vi d