Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/373

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12 s. vii. OCT. 16, 1920] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Apr. 12, Sunday. I Went to see S r Tho : Osborn sicke. My sister and I came out of Towne and lay at Hatfeilde.

Apr. 13, Tuesday. Wee came home to Chick- sands.

Apr. 20, Tuesday. I sent to Mr. Edmonds.

Apr. 21. Wednesday. I went to S. Browne and carried him the writings of Fambridge to haue his opinion how to begin the suite with my Vncle Francis.

[In his Advice to a Son Francis Osborne speaks bitterly of the treatment he had received from his relatives. Works (1673), p. 16.]

Apr. 30. Saterday. I received an order from the Committee of Bedforde to produce at Haber- dashers hall my father's discharge for his Com- position.

May 3, Munday. I went to Elstow Faire.

May 5, Wednesday. I went vp to London about S 1 ' I. Isham.

May 14, Friday. In the morninge my sister came to Towne to mee at Sanders house.

This night wee remoued to Mr. Staley the gold- smith at the Corner house in Henrietta streete.

May 17, Munday. S r /. Isham came to Towne and came to my sister.

May 19, Wednesday. My aunt Gargraue and my C. Thoreld came to Towne and lay in Queene Street.

May 20, Thursday. My sister was sicke.

May 21, Friday. My sister and my L. Osborn mett at my AuntGargraues. MyL. Osborn then told her stoijy.

May 24, Munday. My L. Osborn went into Norfolke. My sister told my Aunt Gargraue her story. The same day my Aunt Gargraue afterwards told jt mee.

May 28, Friday. My sister remoued from the Goldsmiths and lay at the homes Inne.

May 29, Saterday. Shee went for Chicksands, Mr. Stephens went part of the way with her.

May 31, Munday. About a weeke since the issue on my arme was finished.

June 4. The 3rd day of this month being Thursday I went with my C. Thorold to see my Lady Osborn at the next doore in Queene Streete after her return that day from my C. Deenham (?).

June 5, Saterday. I mett S r T. Osborn after his returne out of Norfolke who said he would come to speake with mee next morninge.

June 7. Sir T. Osborn came to mee and gaue mee an account of what hee had said to his mother.

June 8, Tuesday. My sister came to mee from Chicksands.

June 10, Thursday. My sister went backe againe for Chicksands.

June 18, Friday. I went to my C. Thorelds, and heard my L. Osborn and Charles were gone to Cornibury. Yesterday I writ to my A. Gargraue the story of S r T. O. and my Lady.

I came out of Towne that night about 8 a clocke and came to Chicksands in the morning about 7. I stayed at Wellen [Welwyn] by the way.

I writ that euening to Mr. Seth Ward and gaue it T. Petchett to giue to one Gellibrand in Pauls church yard about S T I. Isham.

June 23, Wednesday. Tuesday Mrs. Gold- smith icrit to Mr. Vaughan of the epistle from Mr. Gibson.

June 29, Tuesday. I and my sister went with my Lady Grey and Mrs. Pooley to the buriall of Mrs. Rolf.

July 3, Saterday. I came for London. I mett at Hatfeilde with Mr. Stephens, Mr. Cardonelfc and T. Petchett going for Chicksands.

Sunday the 4th of July I went to S r I. Isham who [? vpon] the [? receipt] of Mr. Gibsons letter said he had entertained a neiv treaty.

July 11, Sunday. My brother Robin and Philfc froude dined with mee at the Homes in Warw : Lane.

July 13, Tuesday. I went to see my L[ady} Carre who was then in Towne at the orange tree in Couent Garden.

July 14, Wednesday. I remoued from the Homes. . . .to Goodales.

July 15, Thursday. I dined at Phill Froudes,. at Lambeth, where my brother Rob : propounded to moue my father for somethinge in present in lieu of the 500 n in reuersion.

July 17, Saterday. I came that day to Chick- sands, and baited at Wellen.

July 19. Munday. I sent R. Squire to Corne- bury for the bucke my Aunt promised.

July 22, Thursday. Mr. Winch and young Ol : Luke came to see my father.

My sister receiued a letter from Mr, Met- calfe that he had not receiued the box of. writings from my father that I sent to be left at Capt. Manleys brothers at the holy Lambe in bearebinder Lane.

Ralph Squire came backe and brought a bucke though not the best from Cornebury.

My Lady Osborn was gone from Cornebury but- S r Thomas he found there.

July 25, Sunday. I went with my sister andi my Lady Grey and Mrs. Pooley to dinner to S r William Briars.

July 28, Wednesday. I vowed a vow to Gfod to< say a prayer euerie day for my sister and when shee was married to giue God thanks that day euery yeere so long as I lined.

July 29, Thursday. R. Compton came to inee- from Mr. Barbor who informed my father would! be sequestred againe for not producing his dis- charge to the Committee at Bedforde vpon a pretended order we had to doe so.

July 30, Friday. I went to Cornebury with- Owen and Pyman where I had an account of my_ Lady Osborne. [describes the house]. I found'-*, there W. Legge and his wife, my L.O. and S r T. were gone, and my L. Carre.

Aug. 7, Saterday. I came home to Chicksands.

Aug. 15, Sunday. I writ to my Vncle Francis by the Oxforde foote post, I dated the letter- yesterday.

Aug. 16, Munday. My sister went to London- to go to Ebsham [Epsom] to drinke the waters. -^

Aug 19. My Cousin Screuen writ to mee fo- her money my Vncle Ch : owed her.

Mr. Goudrey was here and told mee my brother Johns wife was dead.

Aug. 23, Munday. Mr. Gibson went to see- Doctor Scarborough but founde him gone to Battles- den, i

Aug. 25, Wednesday. I went with R. Compton, R. Squire and Pyman towards Fam- bridge.

Aug. 27, Friday. Came to Chicksands. _

When I came home I heard my Lord Rich and' my L. of Manchester and my Lady&were at Amptill and that my L. Rich and my Lady Man- chester had sent a seruant to waite vpon my father from them.