Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/378

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NOTES AND QUERIES. : [12 s. vn. OCT. IG, 1020.

We must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

SETON MERRIMAN'S 'LAST HOPE.' Headers of this fascinating story will remember the small decayed town of Far- lingford in which the English part of the tale is laid. In the too brief biographical account of this delightful author, prefixed to the bijou edition of his works, it is stated that by Farlingford is intended Orford, a small place about 12 miles north of Felix- stowe. Interest in the story has led me to pay two visits to Orford with the hope of identifjdng some of the scenes therein described, but I must confess to failure. Allowance must, of course, be made for the difference made in the port itself by the seventy years which have elapsed since the date of the story, but its shoreward portion is what puzzled me. Orford can boast at one end the grand old keep of a Norman castle, and at the other end a spacious parish church formerly attached to a large Priory some of whose large ruined arches remain attached thereto. The interior of the church itself is in a very dismantled condition. When one thinks what wonderful use Seton Merriman might have made of these pic- turesque surroundings it seems surprising they are not alluded to in the novel. More- over the situation of the rectory, where so much occurs, scarcely seems to tally wdth the original, and the back of the little town or village is not such a wilderness of marsh and dykes as Dormer Colville and Loo Barebone are made to traverse on their night departure from Farlingford. As afore- said I am puzzled ; can any of Seton Merri- man 's many lovers enlighten me upon this point. I made some inquiries at the pretty little Inn but the 'Last Hope ' did not seem to have been heard of. SURREY.

THE ORIGINAL^WAR OFFICE. During the 1913 Congress of Historical Studies, I was told that the present weighty building in Whitehall covers the site of the building in which the war department was first housed when it became an independent entity. May I be referred to some book in which the subject is dealt with ? I am shocked to find, at page 45 of the fifteenth (1913) edition of E. V. Lucas's delightful ' Wanderer in London ' the statement with regard to

Pall Mall: "The War Office is here, and here are the Carleton and the Athenaeum." What are the dates of the commencement and the end of the War Office's tenure of the building in Pall Mall ? Q. V.

THTTRLOW FAMILY. Particulars concern-/ ing the Rev. Edward South ThurlowJ Rector of Houghton-le-Spring, 1789-1847/ Has he any family connexion with the Lord Thorlows ? Where can I find a pedigree of the family ? HAYDN T. GILES.

11 Kavensbourne Terrace, South Shields.

THE " GOOSE CLUB.' ' Can any information be given as to the invention of the " GooSe Club ? " The first reference to the wcrd in the 'N.E.D.' (Oxford), is in 1859.

J. H. LESLIE, Lieut. -Colonel Sheffield.

HUDIBRAS REDIVIVUS. To what pei and events do the following allude ?

1. So cheek by jole away we went- Like Old Nick and the Earl of Kent

2. As civil As Dr. Edwards to the Devil.

3. That light Which Father Ramsy first, in spite To old King Harry's Reformation, Struck up, to plague the English nation.


EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. Is there any <pm-

plete list or any public record of Episcopal

Churches erected in England. &c., bypri r ate

individuals in the nineteenth century ?


14 Esplanade, Lowes toft.

CHAMBERLAIN. Was a portrait of Jobph Chamberlain painted by Sir John Millap in 1887 ? Would someone be kind enougl to forward details, including the name of the present owner if such a picture act Ally exists ? K. NORMAN HILLSOI

108 Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.


(1) The present location of the Recoi of Feckenham Forest removed to Lond<( 1629.

(2) The existence at present time Prince Rupert's ring left in pledge wrl Mr. Millward of Wollvescote, and tl register of the royal grant of an estate ai church living in St. Kitts which Mill ward's S( received 1670.