Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/398

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. OCT. 23, 1920

Feb. 6, Monday. I went to London to [? take] of my vncle's Iniunction in Chancery and to pre- pare for another Triall this assizes at Chelmesforde.

Feb. 7, Tuesday. I went to see my Aunt Gargraue who lay at an vpholsters in Henrietta Streete.

Feb. 8, Ashwednesday. I saw at my C. Dauers chaber my Ld Protector ride in state into the

Feb. 25, Saterday. I came home to Chicksands.

Mar, 9, Thursday. My sister told me shee would marry Temple.

Mar. 1 1 . Being saterday my father died iust at eleuen a clocke of night being within two moneths

69 yeares old.

Mar. 13. My sister told mee shee had tied vp her

han\d]s that shee could marry no body but Temple.

This night Mr. Goldsmith buried my father at Camp ton.

Mar. 24 [22], Wednesday. My brother came to Chicksands from Gloucester.

Mar. 29, Wednesday. Mr. Daniell, Mr. Wheeler and R. Compton Inuentoried and preized my fathers goods and Chattels at Chicksands.

Apr. 3, Munday. My brother John went back into Gloucester shire.

Apr. 10, Munday. I went with my sister to Bedforde where Mr. Yeluerton mett her to carry her to Easton.

Apr. 12, Wednesday. I went to Easton.

Apr. 13, Thursday. My Lady Ruthin was married.

Apr. 17, Munday. My Lady and my sister and I came away from Easton, Mr. Yeluerton and his sister and my Lady Ruthin came with vs to Bedforde where my Lady Briars coach mett them, and my sister went that night to my Lady Briars.

Apr. 20, Thursday. My sister went to St. Albons in my Lady Briars coach, and from thence in a hackney to London.

Apr. 21, Friday. I came to London leaving Euans to keepe the house and garden at Chick- sands.

Apr. 25, Tuesday. My A. Gargraue spoke to my sister of Temple.

Apr. 27, Thursday. My A. Gargraue went out of Towne towards Cornebury.

June 6, Tuesday. T wente downe to my Lady Briars in her new Chariott my sister made stay 'there that night and the next day came to Chick- sands.

June 9, Friday. I came to London from 'Chicksands and the night before was the greate search for Caualliers about killing my Ld Protector.

June 12, Munday. Mr. Crofts and I mett at Mr. Keelings about acknowledging a iudgment [?] to my Lady Briars for the 1300 1 ' and another as Executor.

June 14, Wednesday. My A. Gargraue and my Cousin Thorold my sister and I dined at the Swan in Fish streete, m.y sister and I had the greate falling out and were friends again.

June 15, Thursday. My Lady Ruthin went out of Towne my A. Gargraue who came to Towne about my C. Thorolds businesse went out of towne againe. This day my sister remoued from my Lady Ruthins lodging in Queenestreete, to my C. Thorolds lodging in Drury lane.

June 26, Munday. My sister and I went to Grauesend towards our way to Knolton.

June 27, Tuesday. My brother Peyton mett vs at Sittingborne, and his coach mett vs at Canter- bury and that night wee came to Knolton.

July 1, Saterday. We dined all at Mr. Ing- cam's house.

July 13, Thursday morninge. I left Knolton.

July 17, Munday. My horses came vp to London I intending to goe to Chelmesforde about my Triall, but Preistman putting in (? iv) acres insteade of a thirde part in the Declaration I declined the Triall.

Aug. 2, Wednesday. I went toward Cornebury and lay this night at Buckingham at the Vnicorne thanks be to

Aug. 3, Thursday. I came to Cornebury.

Aug. 9, Wednesday. My C. Thorold came from London to Cornebury, hauing been there about the businesse of her vncle Rochester Carre.

Aug. 15, Tuesday. I came to London.

Aug. 17, Thursday. I went to Grauesend toward Knolton.

Aug. 18, Friday night. I came to Knolton. While I was at Knolton came Coll : Thornhill and his wife and Ascott.

Sept. 11, Munday. I came from Knolton towards London.

Sept. 12, Tuesday. The Parliament doores were shutt vp, and onely those admitted to sitt who would subscribe to the present gouuerment.

Oct. 17, Tuesday. My Lady Peyton and my sister, &c., came from [?] to London from Knolton S r Thomas Peyton staying behinde, I kept my chamber that day and they stopt at my lodging at Mr. Palins, and my sister came vp and stayed supper with mee, and then declared shee icould marry Temple. They lay at Honny burns in Drury lane, and the small pox being there they remoued to Mrs. Broadstreetes in Queenestreete.

Nov. 9. My sister being ill of the small pox removed to her lodging in Queene streete, and then my Lady Peyton and her company remoued and went next day into Kent.

Nov. 29, Wednesday. About the middle of this moneth my C. H. Dauers died.

Dec. 13, Wednesday. Sir J. Temple came to S r T. Hattons about a Treaty with my sister.

Dec. 22, Friday. I carried S 8 T. Hatton S r J. Temples draught for setling thinges vpon mariage with the corrections of S r O. Bridgeman, which he seemed to consent to all but the 1500 H that was to returne to the family in case her issue failed, as he said, but he, in truth, would only meddle with the businesse of the 1000 11 and would haue nothinge to doe with the other 3000 11 wherevpon S r T. Hatton told him that without he did one we should (? not) doe the other, and that it was not in my sisters power to hinder it. Vpon this, he quite flew of and said he would doe nothinge and so parted. The next day my sister told it mee, and wee vtterly fell out about it.

Dec. 25, Munday. Being Christmasse day my sister was married, and went as shee said to Mr. Franklins.

Dec. 28, Thursday. Temple and my sister writ to mee to deliuer vp the writings of her Portion, which I answered by the same bearer-.



(To be continued.)