Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/438

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. vn. OCT. so, 1920.

"Pull Together"



THE message of the Prince of Wales on his return home is one of the greatest importance in the present day. We all must pull together if we would enjoy the fruits of prosperity.

Distrust generates industrial unrest. Understanding promotes harmony. The employer of labour who shows that he understands the needs and conditions of his workers, and is genuinely mind- ful of their welfare, makes a big stride in dispelling distrust and helping to solve the industrial problems which continually menace National prosperity.

An important question by most married workers is what would happen in case of death ? Who would look after the wife and children in that anxious period of the re-adjustment of family life ?

The employer who shows that he makes monetary provision for his employees in suoh contingencies clearly proves his interest in their welfare. Further, if such provision can be shown to be a " right" instead of a " charity " so much more is it appreciated by every self-respecting worker.

Group Life Insurance, such as devised by the " British Dominions," provides

an ideal plan for stimulating good-will between employer and worker.

The Policy is of a particularly simple yet comprehensive character, enabling the employer to provide for the pay- ment of certain fixed benefits on the death of an employee. Among its- special features are :

1. No Medical Examination is re- quired. 2. The policy provides for the payment in the event of death of an employee of (a) a fixed sum say 100 per employee, or (bj the equivalent of one year's earnings, or (c) payment of the sum as in (b) with bonus increasing according to completed years of service. 3. All employees are included, irrespective of age, occupation or sex, or, if desired, Policy can be issued in respect of male employees, only. 4. Certificates setting out the terms and benefits are issued to the employees, thus creating a personal interest in the scheme. 5. The Policy can be renewed yearly, or a five or ten-years' contract can be arranged. 6. Unless otherwise arranged the maximum liability of the Insurance Company in respect of any one life is 1,000.

Full particulars will be gladly for- warded free upon request.

EAGLE STAR AND BRITISH DOMINIONS INSURANCE COMPANY,, LIMITED : Head Office, British Dominions House, Royal Exchange Avenue, London, E.C.3. West End Branch, 79 Pall Mall, S.W.I. Branches and Agents throughout the United Kingdom. The most progressive office for all classes of insurance. Assets exceed 19,000,000.

Printed by THE ATHEN^UM PRESS, Breun'i Building. E.C.4. and Published by THE TIM]

Printing Houit 8qur. London, E.C.4.-Odoor 30, 1MO