Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/478

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~The Worm of Spindlestonheugh . . . . 1909

Border Ballads . . . . . . . . 1909

"The Saviour of Society . . . . 1909

liberty and Loyalty 1909

M. Prvidhomme at the International Exhi- bition .. .. 1909

Xietters on George Chapman . . . . 1909

Ode to Mazzini 1909

Xetters to Thomas Purnell . . . . 1910

A Record of Friendship . . . . 1910

Letters on William Morris . . . . 1910

The Ballade of Truthful Charles.. .. 1910

Letters on the Elizabethan Dramatists . . 1910

Letters to A. H. Bullen . . . . 1910

Xetters to 'J. Churton Collins . . . . 1910

A Criminal Case 1910

.Letters concerning Edgar Allan Poe . . 1910

The Ballade of Villon and Fat Madge . . 1910 Letters to Edmund Gosse .. 1910-1911

Letters to E. C. Stedman .. .. 1912

Blest and the Centenary of Shelley . . 1912

Letters to Sir Richard p. Burton . . 1912

Letters to Sir Henry Taylor . . . . 1912

Letters to F. Locker Lampson . . . . 1912

Letters to the Press . . . . . . 1912

The Cannibal Catechism 1913

lies Fleurs du Mai .. .. .. 1913

Letters to Sir E. Lytton-Bulwer . . . . 1913

Xetters to Frederick Locker . . . . 1913

Letters to Stephane Mallarme . . . . 1913

^olus 1914

A Study of Hugo's Les Miserables . . 1914

Pericles . . . . . . . . . . 1914

Letters to Lord Morley . . . . 1914

Thomas Nabbes . . . . . . . . 1914

Christopher Marlowe . . . . . . 1914

Letters to Edward Dowden . . . . 1914

Letters to Lord Houghton . . . . 1915

Lady Maisie's Bairn . . . . . . 1915

Felicien Cossu .. .. .. .. 1915

Theophile . . . . . . . . . . 1915

Ernest Clouet . . . . . . . . 1916

A Vision of Bags . . . . . . 1916

The Death of Sir John Franklin . . . . 1916

The Triumph of Gloriana . . . . 1916

Letters to Lady Trevelyan . . . . 1916

Wearieswa' . . ' . . . . . . 1917

.Letters to John Nichol . . . . 1917

Rondeaux Parisiens . . . . . . 1917

Letters to Victor Hugo . . . . 1917

The Character of Dr. Johnson . . 1918

The Italian Mother . . . . . . 1918

The Ride from Milan . . . . . . 19 18

The Two Knights . . . . . . 1918

A Lay of Lilies .. .. .. .. 1918

A Letter to Emerson . . . . . . 1918

Queen Yseult .. .. .. .. 1918

Lancelot, The Death of Rudel .. .. 1918

Undergraduate Sonnets . . . . . . 1918

The Queen's Tragedy . . . . . . 1919

A Romance of Literature . . . . 1919

Autobiographical Notes by A. C. S. . . 1920

.Letters to R. H. Home 1920

By Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

The Antichamber .. .. .. 1906

By E. J. Trelawny.

The Relations of Shelley with his two Wives 1920 The Relation of Lord Byron and Augusta

Leigh 1920

By William Watson. Lachrymae Musarum Shelley's Centenary

By Thomas J. Wise. Verses

By William Wordsworth. The Law of Copyright

By George Gissing. Letters to Edward Clodd

1892 1892

1882 1916 1914

By Joseph Conrad. Some Aspects of the Inquiry into Loss of


Some Reflexions on the Loss of Titanic To Poland in War-time The Shock of War Tradition

My Return to Cracow Henry James Autocracy and War The North Sea Guy de Maupassant

I have in many instances shortened, the above titles.

Mr. Wise also issued in limited numbers nineteen separate papers extracted from the Proceedings of the Shelley Society. Robert Browning's 'Pauline,' noted above was seen through the press by Mr. Wise, but was issued for the Browning Society.

W. B. S.

1919 1919 1919 1915 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919

FLOOR COVERINGS OF THE TUDOR EPOCH (12 S. vii. 311, 357), May I point out that in Tudor inventories, as a rule, the word carpet does not refer to a floor, but was a cover for a piece of furniture or window seat. In the early period rushes were still used, but with the advance of the Renaissance, which arrived mostty through Holland, parquetry floors were introduced, and we next notice flat cushions for the feet, with perhaps a small mat at the bedside or fire- place, and finally fair-sized central floor carpets. As Henry VIII. spent lavishly on furnishing his palaces, it is quite likely that Holbein specially introduced the Turkey carpet into his picture, as being rich in colour, rare and costly. There are some excellent papers on the subject in Archceo- logia. V. L. OLIVER.


SIR OSCAR OLIPHANT (12 S. vii. 349). According to Allibone's 'Dictionary of English Literature,' he was the author of 'Firwin,' a Novel, London, 1856, and of 'China: a Popular History,' 1857. An extract from The Athenaeum, 1857, p. 1110, s given, protesting "against popular his- tories by writers who have no knowledge "