Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/496

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [i2s.vii.Nov.2o,i92o.

.' THE MISTLETOE- BOUGH. 'What houses have this legend ? Will any one give me the story of each ? I want to collect and compare them.


Finchampstead Place, Berks.

[The following are the references to this subject in our own columns: 11 S. ii. 326; 9 !S. vi. 227 ; 5 8.206, 354; 4 S. viii. 8, 116, 177, 195, 313,554, ix. 46, 128, 142, 477.]

ANCIENT PAINTING AT NICJEA. A few months ago, I think in August, there was rapine and massacre at Nicsea. I gathered that the old church was destroyed. Can anybody tell me whether there perished with it a painting of the Council of Nicaea which Sir Edwin Pears ('Forty Years in Constantinople ') suspected was nearly con- temporary with the event, and of whicfh it seemed impossible to get a good photo- graph ? ST. SWITHIN.

ENGRAVING BY BLAKE. Portrait of John Brown, M.D., engraved by Blake after a painting by Donaldson. Is this William Blake the artist and poet ?

D. A. H. MOSES. 78 Kensington Park Road, Netting Hill, W.ll.

HUNDREDTH PSALM : GAELIC VERSIONS. I shall be glad to be referred to any Gaelic Versions of the Hundredth Psalm that have appeared in print, other than those whose first lines I append.

" Sinnish gu hait do Dhia, gach tir " [Kirk]. " Togadh gach tir ard-iolach glaoidh " (Synod

of Argyll). " Seinnibh, gach fluagh air thalamh fa "

(Smith). "Fuaim luathghaireach deanardh gach

tir " (McLeod). " Gach slogh d'an comhnuidh'n cruinne-

ce " (Macintyre).

" Gach uile thir air thalamh tha " (Whyte). " O ! uile shluagh an domhain mhoir " (?).

Who is the "gentleman in Arran, whose name we are not at liberty to give," to whom the last version is assigned by Archibald Sinclair, 1867 ? P. J. ANDERSON.

Aberdeen University Library.

" ASSOCIATION BOOKS. "Within the last year or two this term has been used in book- sellers' catalogues, but I have not noticed it elsewhere until in The Times of Sept. 27, 1920, Mr. E. V. Lucas wrote, of collections in U.S.A., that "autograph" and "association books" are unique, and America " is the place for them " ; the phrase being put within

inverted commas. Can I be informed if an "association book " is supposed to earn that title if autographed by any person, ho wever celebrated or notorious, other than its author, or if the signature, &c., of the- writer alone confers the right to the newly- coined epithet, for which no warrant appears, in the 'N.E.LV W. B. H.

BRIDGET BAKER. Wanted the parentage- of Bridget Harris who married about 1714 the Rev. George Baker, Vicar of East Allington, Devon (later of Modbury, Devon and Archdeacon of Totnes). She was. buried at Modbury, Mar. 21, 1737. Bridget was mother of Sir George Baker, 1st Bt. of Loventor, Devon, Physician to George III. She was stated by Sir George to be cousin to Sarah Strangeways, of Hadstock Manor^ co. Essex, his godmother.

After Bridget's death the Rev. George- Baker married Mary, daughter of Stephen Weston, Bishop of Exeter 1724-42, who d.s.p., Mar. 3, 1717, aged 76 years.


77 Accrington Road, Blackburn.

" CANO D. GREGOR. " I have a large old silver watch, weighing about two pounds, made by Dan St. Leu, with the mark on the case R, which stands, as I understand it, for London, 1772. The face of the watch is white with painted figures, and under the figures is the following : " Cano D. Gregor." I am told this means Dr. D. Gregor Cano.

Who was he, and when was he born, and, when did he die ? JOHN F. LEWIS.


FOSTERSMITH FAMILY. Philip Foster- smith, senr., gent., and Philip Fostersmith, junr., gent, were the " quaereiits " in a final concord in 1679, the property changing, hands being land in Leigh or Lee, Fole and Checkley, co. Stafford. Information is desired, or references to sources of informa- tion either in print or MS., as to persons bearing this somewhat uncommon surname.

BERNARD P. SCATTERGOOD. The Grange Farm, Far Headingley, Leeds.

THE APOCRYPHA AND CORONATIONS. Is it true that our late King Edward VII. refused to accept a special edition of the Bible printed for use at his coronation on theground that the Apocrypha was not bound up with it ? Was the Apocrypha bound up with the Bible presented to our present king at his coronation ? STAPLETON MARTIN-

The Firs, Norton, Worcester.