Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 7.djvu/87

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12 S. VII. JULY 24, 1920.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 67 Oheynesmore Lane, bought of Rob. Ardon. The seals have been impressed one with an "I." and the other with a crowned " R." There is no place description of Thomas, [Robert's son. M. DORMER HARRIS. WARWICKSHIRE SONGS AND SAYINGS. THE following, though probably not all of 'them new to readers of ' N. & Q.' have been jotted down as heard in use within the last iten years : 1. It is dark. It's as dark as a black pig in a iSbean rick. 2. Better a man had ne'er been born Than pare his corns on a Sunday morn. "3. If two stars peep out in the sky at night, Its time to go home tho' the master's in sight. 4. Kain signs : Black bats (beetles) running to the fireplace, Black snails {slugs) facing east. If the mist goes from the mill to the hill. When Ilmiagton hills begin to smoke, Crimscot folks will wear their cloak. If the cock crows when he goes to bed, He gets up in the morn with a wet head. 5. The Leather Bottel : The local version sung by an old man of Crimscot as late as 1912, had as a chorus after each verse : God bless the cow and the old cow's hide, And everything in the world beside. I hope his soul in heaven may dwell Who first found out the leather bottel. 6. Ilmington drinking chorus : In yonder green copse There lies an old fox A-mumping a-mumping a-mumping his chops. Shall 1 go and catch him ? Aye, if you can. [They drink.] There he is, bolted down the red lane. There is evidently something here more than meets the eye. To hunt the fox down the red lane may "suggest a drinking bout. I heard this in Ilmington in 1912. 1. " Just the thing," like old Berry's wife. Like Bassen's miller, always behind. He thought a lie, like Cox's pig. (That is, he thought his breakfast had come, Imt 'twas the butcher.) Like Hunt's dog. (Hunt's dog would neither go to church nor stay at home.) Who were these celebrities ? I could never discover. J. HARVEY BLOOM. PRINCIPAL LONDON COFFEE-HOUSES, TAVERNS AND INNS IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. (12 S. vi. 29, 59, 84, 105, 125, 143, 162; vii. 27.) Cadogan Arms: Carpenter's Arms . . Castle Castle Inn Castle Inn Castle Tavern Castle Tavern Castle and Falcon Tavern 'Caveac Tavern Clockmakers' Arms 'Coach and Horses . . Coal Hole Tavern . . Cock and Lion Tavern Cock and Magpie . . Crown Crown Orown Orown Inn . . Crown Tavern Crown Tavern Chelsea . . . . . . 1790 Tottenham Court Road . . Fleet Street . . . . 1708 Castle Yard, Cursitor St. 1728 Brentford Lombard Street (south 1731 side), opposite No. 58 High Street, Highgate . . 1731 Aldersgate Street . . 1775 Simpson's ' Suburban Taverns.' Simpson's ' Suburban Taverns.' Larwood, p. 487 ; Chancellor's * Fleet Street,' p. 289. Simpson's ' London Taverns and Masonry.' Simpson's ' Suburban Taverns.' Simpson's ' City Taverns and Masonry.' Simpson's ' Suburban Taverns.' Simpson's ' City Taverns and Masonry.' Spread Eagle Court, Threadneedle Street Tottenham Court Road . . New Palace, Westminster c.1720 Fountain Court, Savoy . 1786 Cornhill . . . . .1740 Drury Lane Adjoining Gray's Inn 1726 Smithfleld .. . Bedford Row . . . 1730 Kensington . . . . 1701 Narrow Lane, Lambeth 1735 Bloomsbury Square . . 1735 1700 * N. & Q.', May 1, 1920, p. 170. Simpson's ' Suburban Taverns.' A pewter tankard in the possession of Lewis Clapperton, Esq. Simpson's ' London Taverns and Masonry.' Simpson's ' City Taverns and Masonry.' Thornbury iii., 38. G. I. Pension Book, vol. ii., p. 201. Larwood, p. 259. Apperson's ' Bygone London Life,' 1903, p. 31. Calendar of State Papers (Treasury) 'N. & Q.', May 15, 1920. Simpson's ' Suburban Taverns.' Middlesex County Records Sessions Books, 902-931.