Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 8.djvu/107

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12 S. VIII. JAN. 29, 1921.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 83 Earl of Rothes' Regiment of Foot (continued). Captain Lieutenant Lieutenants Ensigns Frederick Bruce (6) . . William Baird (7) William. Brodie George Scott (8) Harestreet James William Lucas James Hamilton (9) David Watson (10) David Douglass David Home (11; Charles Stevens James Levingston (12) George McKenzie Thomas Goddard (13) James Sandiland Robert Hay Alexander Garden Alexander Mackay Thomas Goodrick (14) ^Patrick Lundin Dates of their present commissions. 1 Mar. 1738/9 . 21 Apr. 1724 . 12 Mar. 1728 . 30 May ditto 4 Oct. ditto 15 June 1732 18 July ditto 22 Dec. 1733 19 July 1735 8 Feb. 1737/8 1 Mar. 24 May 1733 1 Nov. ditto 14 Feb. 1734 20 June 1735 19 July ditto 14 Feb. 1736 11 Aug. 1737 8 Feb. 1737/8 Dates of their first commissions 1 Mar. 1738/9 The following additional names are entered in ink on the interleaf : Captain .. .. James Cunningham .. ..23 Apr. 1740 Lieutenant .. .. Archibald Campbell .. .. 13 Mar. 1740/1 /Charles Wedderburne .. 1 July 1740 Henry Riggs 13 Mar. 1740/1 Ensigns . . . . 1 John Abercrombie . . . . ditto Peter Labilliere . . . . ditto I Francis Hay .. .. .. 7 June 1741 (6) Captain, July 1, 1740. (7) Captain-Lieutenant, July 1, 1740. (8) Ensign', Oct. 29, 1726 ; Major, Oct. 4, 1754 ; Lieut.-Colonel, Mar. 22, 1757. : (9) Captain, Feb. 25, 1745/6. (10) Cap tain -Lieutenant, Jan. 22, 1755. (11) Captain, July 4, 1749. (12) Lieutenant, July 1, 1740. (13) Lieutenant, Mar. 13, 1740/1. FT (14) Captain, July 4, 1749 ; Major, Mar. 22, 1757. J. H. LESLIE, Lieut. -Colonel^ (Retired List). (To be continued.} AMONG THE SHAKESPEARE ARCHIVES. (See ante, pp. 23, 45, 66.) THE TOWN CLEBK'S PIG. 1 ALLOWANCE must be" made at this time for people's tempers, including that of the old Town Clerk. Richard Symons had a grievance against the wife of Christopher Smith, j glover L and whittawer not to be confused with Christopher Court, alias Smith, yeoman and kinsman of the new Steward. Christopher Smith, glover and whittawer, interests'?, us as being of the same craft as John Shakespeare and there- fore known to him. Besides being a glover and whittawer he kept, as John Shakespeare did not, an alehouse. He was a respected man, who had served at least once on the the Jury of Frankpledge, but like other respected townsmen he had been fined for breach of the bye-laws for allowing his dog to go unmuzzled, making a sterquinarium by the Mere side (where perhaps he lived) and permitting gambling in his house. On Feb.J28, 1560 which was Ash Wednesday and a day of sorrow his dog bit the Town Clerk's pig. Even the Town Clerk had his delinquencies. On more than one occasion he had been fined for suffering his pig to wander in the streets. The pig in question was a particularly fine beast, valued at thirteen shillings and four- pence. It was deliberately worried, the old gentleman alleged, at the instigation of Christopher Smith's wife, Margaret., She