Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/278

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224 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s.ix. SEPT. 17,1021. pd Mr Willm Edwards for a small treble drum for the towne 00 13 00 pd Mr Richard Browne for 62 pound of yron for the Townes use . . . . 00 10 04 more to him for a gun of strong beere . . 00 04 06 Paid for tyling the Towne hall for Carpenters worke there and for mending the tyling of the Crosse and Stockhowse viz : . . 01 10 00 pd John Cooper for a bason for the Church 00 03 00 pd willm Bald wine the 24tb of November for the alowance of bread and beere to the prissoners and for making cleane the Jaile and some other this as p bill ap- peereth 01 18 05 more to him for diett lodgine and the roome for widd : Gardner being prissoner there the sumeof .. . . . . . . 00 07 03 Geven more to Mr Hopkens the 20th of december he being in Towne for finding out witches 02 00 00 Geven more to widd : Phillips the search woman then . . 01 00 00 pd mr Tho : Johnson that he paid Mr Skyners man for fetching widd : Phillips the search woman 00 12 08 pd willm Daniell for his worke about the stayers goeing into the Church yard wh mr Edwards put in stuff for and other worke p. bill 00 07 06 Paid Mr Bacon his fee for being Recorder 05 00 00 Given mr Hopkens for a gratuitie for giving evidence against witches in the Jaile the 7th of January 02 00 00 Given the widd : Phillips the search woman for geving evidence against the witches in the Jaile and horse hyre and chargs 01 05 00 pd 6 men to warde at the Seshions and Execu- tion for 2 daies a peece at 12d p day and 6d to drinke all is 001506 Paid John Paine for hangings seaven witches .. 00 11 00 Paid willm Daniell for the gallowes and setting them up 01 00 00 for a post to sett by the grave of the dead bodies that were hanged and for bury- ing of them 00 06 00 pd Henry Lawrence the roper for 7 halters and for making the nogts . . . . 00 08 00 pd for watching wt widd wade . . 00 03 00 to Robt Kidwell for his horse and man to Manyngtree to fetche widd : Phillips 00 08 00 more for his horse to Shriblands to Mr Bacon 00 02 06 Paid Mr John Bence that he paid for the Cure of Robt Nickson that was shott wh other chargs p bill . . ' . . . . 17 11 02 pd Mr Michaell for healing John Brightwells face that was hurt wh gunpowder . . 00 03 04 1646. In this year occurs the only entry in the accounts " for a whipping Coate." The living at Aldeburgh is still " Aldeburgh - cum-Hazlewood," although the church of the latter place has disappeared, and a small part of the wall only remains to mark the site. No information can be obtained of Hazlewood at Norwich, and no registers exist. Agnes Neve of Aldeburgh, in her will, dated May 15, 1476, gives directions to be buried in Aldeburgh churchyard, and leaves twelve pence to the high altar at Aldeburgh, and twolve ponco to the high altar at Hazlewood. A complete list of the vicars of Aldeburgh from 1300 has been lately compiled. Sick people " shutt up." Similar entries appear at different dates, when some epi- demic occurs in. the town, and fines were enacted from those who disregarded the order to remain indoors. Food was sup- plied to those " shutt up." But neither " legg of mutton " nor " sheeps portnance " can be regarded as light diet for the sick, or a prophylactic for the healthy ones immured. 16 RECEIPTS. 46 Reced of Mr Newgate March the 13th 1645 in pte for the chardge of trying a witch in Aldeburgh the some of . . . . 04 00 00 Rec of Mr Richard Browne by the hands of Mr Bailiff e Johnson May 25th 1646 in pte for the chardge of trying a witch in Aldeburgh the some of . . . . 04 00 00 16 PAYMENTS. 46 Paid Henry Lodge Collector of the Monethly Assessmt : for the Towne of Hastlewoocl for two monthes for the viccarage viz : de- cemb and Januuary 1645 some is .. 00 04 paid Richard Duggdale for a whipping Coate 00 02 Paid May the 9th for the viccaridge to a Rate for 5 garrisons to the Collector : for Hastle- wood 00 01 Paid young Barber for carrying and laying the Rayles and posts in Mrs Houldines yard that lay in the Markettstead May 9th 00 00 Paid Peter Buck of Hastlewood Collector of the monthly Assessment paid him May 18th 1646 for 2 months assessment for the viccarage for the Army under Sr Thomas Fayreflax viz : for the moneths of February and March last past 00 04 More to him then for Allarums assessed upon the Towne of Hastlewood for the vicarage that pte 00 02 Paid Jeames Burwood for fower Mus- ketts 01 12 Paid the Collector : for Hastlewood to the Rate for Ireland for the viccarage July llth 1646 00 02 Paid Mr : Thomas Cooper for healeing the arme of the wife of Mathew Smith 00 18 Paid the Collector : of Hastlewood for the viccarage for two moneths assessment for the moneths of June and July the some of 00 04 More paid then to a Rate made August the 24th 1646 for Ireland for six moneths 00 01 Paid for helpe to drive up the Catell the latter drift daye and for beere for them , , t , 00 06 02 10 00 08 02 10 05 00 00 00 10 08