Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/425

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12 s. ix. OCT. 29, i92i.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 347 KNOCK OFF. Acquire by artifice; steal. "I knocked it off from a rookie in C. Coy." KNOCKER. Non-payer. LACKEBY. Wood ; a wood-collector was known as a " lackery- wallah." Hindustani. LANDOWNER (TO BE A). To be killed thus occupying a small piece of land. LEADSWINGER. A malingerer. LEADSWINGIXG. Getting out of any kind of duty by malingering. LEAN ON YOUR CHIN STRAPS. Phrase used on the march when ascending a fairly steep hill. LINE (UP THE). The front, as referred to by troops in the rear. LIZZIE. Fuller telephone (British). LOAF o' BREAD. One's head. LONGNOSED CHUM. Horse. LOOPY. Daft ; silly ; mentally deficient. MAHNGEE. Anything to eat (manger). M. AND D. Medicine and duty. Disgusted was the malingerer when marked " M. and D." by the Medical Officer. MESOPOLONTCA. Any unknown destination in the East. In phrase " Drafted to Mesopo- lonica." MIKE (TO). To slack. MOOSH. Guardroom or detention barracks. MUCK IN (TO). To share ; used especially of sharing of a section's rations. MURPHY. Potato. MYRRH. Bum. NAPOO. Nothing left (il n'y en a plus). NICK. Guardroom or detention barracks. No. 9. An aperient pill. ONE UP (TO HAVE). Said of Second Lieutenant with one star on his sleeve, or of lance-cor- poral with one stripe. ON THE NOD. Free ; gratis. OO-JAR-KA-PIV (OO-JAR-CAPIVEE). Used when at a loss for a word. " Thingummy-bob " (cf. Gadget). Any old thing. OO-LA-LA ! Exclamation of pleased surprise. ORGAN (TO WANT THE). To wish to borrow money. PACKET. A wound. " So-and-so has caught a packet." PAWNEE. Water. Hindustani. PEAS IN THE POT. Very hot. PEG (ON THE). Having had one's number and name taken and reported to the C.O. as charged with some trivial military offence. PEG OUT (TO). To die. PHYSICAL JERKS. Physical drill ; Swedish drill. PICKLED MONKEY. A species of animal served by the Germans to prisoners of war as food. Its identity was never determined by the recipients. PIG'S EAR. Beer. PIP. Star worn on shoulder and sleeve of an officer. PLATES. Feet. PLINKITY-PLONK. Vin blanc. POND (THE). The English Channel. POSH. Elegant and stylish in dress ; something good, exquisite ; smart. A " posh " person immaculate, highbrow ; a " posh " job a very excellent job. POSHED UP. Dressed up for a special occasion. POT AND PAN. The " old man." POZZEE. Jam. Hindustani. POZZEE-WALLAH. A man who is fond of jam. Hindustani. PUKKA. Real ; proper. Hindustani. PUSH THE BOAT OUT (TO). Stand treat. PUSHING UP DAISIES. Dead and buried. QUARTERMASTER'S ERASMIC. Soap issued for Tommy's toilet, but really intended for floor-scrubbing. QUIDS IN. Said when everything appears to be to one's advantage. RED INK. Vin rouge. REST CAMP. Cemetery. ROOTI. Bread. Hindustani. RUB OUT (TO). To die. RUN. Charged with a military offence, however trivial. SANDSTORM. A soup consisting of ground maize or analogous grain boiled in water. The ground grain would sink and, with the added re- semblance of colour, would appear like a patch of sand (and tasted like it !). SAN-FAERY- AN. It doesn't matter (cela ne fait rien). SAUSAGE HILL. Prison camp in Germany. To "go to Sausage Hill" meant to be taken prisoner. SCOACH. Rum. SCROUNGE. To search for ; to take anything with- out permission ; pilfer legitimately, e.g., take Government property intended for some one else ; collecting anything one could see without inquiring who the owner was. SCROUNGER. Cadger. SERGEANT-MAJOR'S TEA. Army tea was usually lamentably devoid of sugar or milk when issued to privates ; if, however, the tea ever happened to be served sweetened it was termed " Sergt. -Major's tea " owing to the not erroneous impression that N.C.O.'s of this rank did not deprive themselves of good things in this respect. SHACKLES. Stew of doubtful quality. SHERBET. Anything intoxicating. SHOOTING GALLERY. The war zone ; the front line ; often preceded by the words " God damn " (American). SHOT AT DAWN. Expression for general idea of punishment, SHOW A LEG (TO). To wake or get up ; get out of bed. SHUN ! Word of command ; attention ! SICK (TO GO). To parade for medical treatment. SKEIN. A glass of beer. SKILLY. Stew. SLIPPERY SAM. A gambling card-game. | SLUM (TO). To shirk. j SMOKE (THE). London. SNUFF rr (TO). To die. SOCK IN IT (PUT A). Form of request to make less noise. If a comrade was singing or had too much to say, a polite way of bidding him. " Shut up." SOFT NUMBER. Easy job. So LONG 1 Au rev&ir. SPRUCE (TO). Deceive ; lie. SPRUNG. A degree of intoxication : half sprung ; sprung ; well sprung. SPUD. Potato. SQUARE DINKUM. On the straight. SQUDJFY. Half drunk. STAND BY (TO). Not to be absent. " Stand by your kits, lads ! " initimated the approach of a suspicious person. STEPFS. Dead.