Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/639

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12 s. ix. DEC. si, 1921.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 525 PRINCIPAL LONDON COFFEE-HOUSES, TAVERNS, AND INNS IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. (See 12 S. vii. 485; ix. 85, 105, 143, 186, 226, 286, 306, 385, 426, 504.) (An asterisk

  • Six Bells

South Sea Southampton

  • Southampton Arms

Spotted Dog Spread Eagle Spread Eagle Spread Eagle Spring Garden Spring Garden Spur Spur Staffordshire Standard Standard (" Royal Standard ") Stanhope Arms Star . . Star Star Star Star and Garter Star and Garter Star and Garter Stewart's (some- times Stuart's) Stock Exchange denotes that the house still exists as a tavern, inn or public-house in many cases rebuilt.) King's Road, Chelsea Broad Street 1720 Southampton Buildings, Chan- cery Lane Hampstead Road, Camden Town Bird Street, Oxford Road Opposite Catherine Street, Strand 1768 1789 1793 Charles Street, Cavendish Square At Corner of Pratt Street, Lam- 1779 beth Formerly " Great Place," near Stepney Church Near Newington Green . . . . 1760 Fish Street Hill 1732 Near St. Margaret's Hill, South- 1708 wark 1720 Xew Belton Street, Long Acre . . Strand Leicester Fields . . Strand, near Charing Cross Between the Mint and Dirty Lane in Southwark High Holborn, near Great Turn- stile Edgware Road Mortlake East Greenwich New Bond Street 1732 1724 1780 1788 Opposite the Tennis Court, Hay- 1789 market By the Monument, between 1732 Fish Street Hill and Pudding Lane 1735 1745 1752 1708 1745 London Museum ; water-colour draw- ing by Philip Norman. Daily Courant, Nov. 22. Bell's ' Fleet Street in Seven Cen- turies,' p. 443. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. London Museum : pewter tankard (A2741) ' The Art of Living in London.' ' Life's Painter of Variegated Cha- racters.' " An excellent house. The bar pre- sents a young and sprightly widow of whom it may be said, ' On ne peut tenir centre ses charmes.' " Roach. Larwood, p. 140. Chancellor's ' Strand,' p. 329. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix.. 1916. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. Lyson's ' Environs of London,' iii., 427. The Public Ledger, Apr. 3. The Dover coach started here. ' A New View of London,' i. 78. Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post, Oct. 1. ' Parish Clerks' Remarks of London,' p. 382. Daily Journal, Oct. 21. Larwood, p. 322. Midd. and Herts ' N. & Q.,' 1898, iv. 128. Public Advertiser, Sept. 15. Levander, A.Q.C., vol. xxix., 1916. Annual Feast of the Society of Artists. Macmichael's ' Charing Cross,' p. 91. Simpson's ' London Taverns and Masonry,' p. 41. G. Parker's ' Life's Painter of Varie- gated Characters.' ' Parish Clerks' Remarks of London,' p. 83. The Weekly Oracle or Universal Library, Feb. 1. Rocque's ' Survey.' Walpole Society, vol. ix., 1921. plate xxix. ' A New View of London,' i. 78. Rocque's ' Survey.' 1708 ' A New View of London,' i. 78. Simpson's ' Suburban Taverns,' p. 52. 1731 ' The Taste of the Town ; or , A Guide to all Public Diversions,' p. 60. London Museum: sketch by J. T. Wilson (A22020). 1775 Dartmouth MSS., 1896, ii. 334. 1780 Public Advertiser, Jan. 5. 1777 Doily Advertiser, June 21.