Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 9.djvu/668

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552 SUBJECT INDEX. x otes and Q Uer i C s, j a n. -zs, 1922. Murray (Major William), attack on in Northum- berland Street, 309, 359, 396 Musgrave (George and Richard), Westminster scholars, 70 Music transmitted by wireless, 248 Mustard family, 211, 254, 295, 313 N Xairne (Katharine), her escape from Edinburgh prison in 1766, 290, 335 Names, old English, for girls, 7 1 Neck or Nothing/ authorship of, 34 Nelson, his signal at Trafalgar, and the man who hoisted it, 301, 356, 464 ; corrigenda, 360; his daughter : date of birth, 527 Neolithic implements, fixing the horizon of, meaning of phrase wanted, 410 Netherlands, old British hatchments in the, 247 4 Newcastle Apothecary, A,' authorship wanted, 491 Newell (R. Henry), b. 1836, 273, 313, 374, 477, 519 ' New English Dictionary,' report of speeches delivered at dinner, 1899, wanted, 388 Newman (Cardinal) and Wales, 354, 438 Newman (Rev. J. H.), his ' Lives of the Engh'sh Saints,' 231, 276 Newman family and Wales, 354, 438 Newspaper placards, 58 Newspapers, reprints of old, 209, 377 New Year cards in the eighteenth century, 207, 296 Nicholas IV. (Pope), survey of, 31 Nicol (Walter), d. 1811, 52 Nollekens (Joseph), the prints and library of, 328, 376 ' Non-Descript,' magazine of Macclesfield college, 377 Norden (John), map-maker, 1548-1625, 488,533 Norland's Academy, 469 Norris and Eyre families, 212 ' Notes and Queries,' predecessors of, 229, 308 ; note on ending of 12th Series, 421 " Not lost, but gone before," authorship of phrase, 529 Netting Barn Farm : see under London Nursery rime : ' Jemmy Jed,' 330 Obituary : Burtchaell (George Dames), 180 Dobson (Henry Austin), 220 Pigott (William Jackson), 140 " Oddment," earliest use of word, 208 Ogilvie (Mrs.) : see Nairne (Katharine) Oil cake, oxen fed with, 70 ' Old Rowley ' and King Charles II., 135 Omar Khayyam, verses in E. H. Whinfield's translation, 272, 317 O'Neill (Owen Roe) and the defence of Arras, 487 " Opinionation,"Fuse of word, 69, 108 Order of the Golden Spur, 121 Ordnance Survey, ignorance of officers of the, 289 " Orgy," use of word, 55 Oriental brass pot, 469 Ormiston family, 50, 135, 198 " Otherwise," word omitted in Tennyson concor- dance, 248 Oxen, origin of feeding with oil cake, 70 Oxford's (Bishop of) coinage, 33 Oxford University, double firsts at, 94 ; under- graduates' requirements on entry in 1638, 221 ; article contrasting with Cambrdge, 370 Owling trade, 407 Oyster and Parched Pea Club, 1 89 Page (J. T.), memorial window to, 500 Pall Mall, demolition of premises formerly erected for the Gothic Hall Exhibition of Military Antiquities, 288 Palma (Georgius), 212 Parker (Richard), leader of Nore mutiny, 8, 42, 91 ; and Masonic emblems, 123 " Parliament Clocks " : see Clocks Parody 'on famous French sonnet, 9 Parr (Robert), centenarian, 99 ! Parsons (Alfred), his burial-place. 211 Parsons (Henry) of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, m. 1777, 90 Parsons (Sir John), Lord Mayor of London in 1703, 129 Parsons (Miss Mary Anne), b. 1781, 130

" Passing Stress "
see Accent

Pastoral ear-rings, 71 Paul II. (Pope), medal of, 447 i Payne, private secretary to James II., 408 1 Peckitt (William), glass-painter of York, 323, 363, 404, 442 " Pecks of mutton," use of the expression, 507 | Peers' mantles, first use of ermine bars on, 10, 55 Pell (Thomas), early settler in America, 463 | Penance, public, date of abolition, 32 I " Pentecostals," meaning of term, 259 i Penzance Fair : ' Caput Johannis in Disco,' 30, 78, 298 i Pepys (Samuel) and John Evelyn, 430 i Perkins, Surrey brewers, 499 Peter (John), Patriarch of Antioch, 201, 278 i Petrograd, pictures in the Hermitage at, 528 Petronicus and a modern advertisement, 88 Petty (Sir John), glass-painter of York, 61 Petty family, glass -painters of York, 21, 61, 103 Pewsey : proverbial saying, 211 i Pharaoh as surname, 407, 454, 537 I Pheasants, feeding on milk and cheese, 10 settlers in America, 4uo his collection of MSS. and autograph letters, 24 Philobiblon Society, its formation, 250, 317 Phoenix (John) : see Derby (Capt. G. H.) Piavonius, Latinity of word, 150 Pickering, English versions of Latin characters in, 49 Pies, tossing for, 449, 494 Pigou (Francis), Dean of Bristol, his burial-place, 211 i Pig, names for smallest of a litter, 15, 94, 138 Pillow Club, 169, 235 Pinchbeck (Edward and Christopher), makers of clocks and toys, 370, 413, 519 " Pisanus Fraxi " = Henry Spencer Ashbee, 330 Pitt (William [the younger]), his nickname, 352, 477 Place-Names : Benard-Greyn, 251 Cateaton Street : see under London Philippse family, early settlers in America, 463 Phillipps (Sir Thomas), his