Page:Notes and Queries - Series 1 - Volume 1.djvu/169

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Jan. 5. 1850.]

Literature," all recently purchased; and also from Bernard Quarritch, of 16. Castle Street, Leicester Square, his twelfth Catalogue, containing some curious articles in Heraldry, Genealogy, British and Foreign History, and Antiquities, Fine Arts, Am.

Messrs. L. Sotheby and Co., of Wellington Street, commence their bibliopolic campaign on Monday next, with the sale of the valuable library of a gentleman deceased, which contains fine sets of the Chronicles of Holinshed, Grafton, Hall, &c.; the Archæologia, in 34 vols., Grose's Antiquities, and other works of the same character. This sale will occupy three days. On Thursday and the two following days they will be occupied with the sale of the valuable library of the lute John Poynder, Esq., of South Lambeth, comprising most of the best editions of English history and theology; the collected works of the English poets and dramatists, including the First Four Editions of Shakspeare. Of these we may remark, that the copy of the Second Edition is the only one seen by Malone or Boaden with the name of Apsley in the imprint. Many of the books are illustrated with autograph letters and notes of distinguished authors. Many contain, also, autographs of learned men, through whose collections the volumes have passed. Among the latter, by far the most interesting is a copy of Aratus, of the edition printed at Paris in 1519, 4to., which formerly belonged to the author of Paradise Lost, who has written on the fly-leaf—

"Jo. Milton, pre. 2s. 6d. 1631;"

and, on the title-page, the pentameter—

"Cum sole et luna semp' Aratus erit."

The volume is also enriched with the poet's autograph corrections and emendations, and a few others by Upton, the learned editor of Epictetus.

There is scarcely a query in literary and political history which has more completely baffled those who have endeavoured to solve it than the authorship of Junius. The subject is one which still excites great curiosity, and Mr. Bohn has no doubt done wisely in including in his Standard Library "Junius's Letters, with all the Notes of Wood fall's Edition, and important Additions." The first volume contains the Original Letters complete; a second will contain the Illustrations, and conclude the work.

Mr. J. G. Bell, of 10. Bedford Street, Covent Garden, has just issued—

"Biblioteca Splendidissima, a Catalogue of Valuable and Interesting Books, mostly enriched with extra Prints, Autographs, Manuscripts, &c., with an amazing gathering of Prints, Newspaper Cuttings, and Collections, and a Choice List of Autographs and Autograph Letters."

Mr. Brown, of 130 and 131. Old Street, St. Luke's, has just issued—

"A Catalogue of English Theological Books, Ancient and Modern, now forming a small portion of his Stock."

Mr. Oliver Lasbury, of 10. Park Street, Bristol, the successor of Mr. Strong, has also put forth—

"A Catalogue of Useful and Valuable Books of every description, including Selections from the Library of S. H. Smyth Pigott, Esq., Brockley Hall, Rev. F. Lyte, and many other Collections recently dispersed."



(In continuation of Lists informer Nos.)

Arnold's Life. 2 vols.

Arthur Young's Tour in the North of England.

Select Letters of Cicero. Edited by Sturtnius.

Odd Volumes.

Robertson's Works. With Life by Lynam. 8vo. London, 1826. Vol. I.

Cooper's (C. P.) Account of the Public Records. 8vo. 1832. Vol. I.

Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.


1, 2, 3 and 4. have been reprinted, so that our Subscribers have now an opportunity of completing their Sets.

Communications received.D. S. Y. —— B. —— H. J. M. —— One that intends,&c. —— J. G. —— C. H. C. —— Ceredwyn. —— Pwcca. —— C. P. F. —— W. J Brown. —— Naso. —— Roydon. —— J. H. M. —— ם א —— S. A. M. —— A. T. (Bath). —— C. B. —— A. G. —— Q. D. —— W. J. (with thanks). —— R. J. S. —— E. V. —— R. H. —— Alpha. —— H. L. B.

S. L. will no doubt find the information he desires respecting the several London Charities named in his communication in Mr. Sampson Low's valuable little History of the Charitable Institutions of the Metropolis, of which a new edition is, we believe, on the eve of publication.

We have again to explain to correspondents who inquire as to the mode of procuring "Notes and Queries," that every bookseller and newsman will supply it, if ordered, and that gentlemen residing in the country may be supplied regularly with the Stamped Edition, by giving their orders direct to the publisher, Mr. George Bell, 186. Fleet Street, accompanied by a Post Office order for a Quarter (4s. 4d.).

A neat Case for holding the Numbers of "Notes and Queries" until the completion of each volume, is now ready, price 1s. 6d., and may he had, by Order, of all Booksellers and Newsmen.