Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/141

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2"< S. NO 7., FEB. 16. >56.]



Bristol Tolsey. Can any of your readers in- form me in what part of Bristol stood the Tolsey, so often mentioned in the records of Bristol during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries? Also whether any engraving of the building is extant ? None of the local histories that I am acquainted with contain any representation of it. T. E. R.

Allport Family. ' Can any of your correspon- dents furnish me with a pedigree of the family of Allport, of Cannock, Staffordshire, and Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire?


StotJiarcTs Mother. In Mrs. Bray's most in- teresting Life of Thomas Stothard, R.A., it is stated, p. 1 ., that his mother's .maiden name was " Reynolds, a native of Shrewsbury, highly re- spectable both in her family and connexions." Can any one state more particularly who this lady was ? PRIOR ROBERT OF SALOP.

Landing of the French in 1621. Extract from the register- book of Grappenhall, Cheshire :

" 1691. Collected for Mr. Tremaine, whose shop was burnt, and his father-in-law, James Hatch, Doctor in divinity, was murdered by y e French y* landed, and burned his house, 8s. 6d."

Query, Is there any historical record of this descent of the French ? J. K.

Heaven in the Sense of Canopy. Was the word heaven at nny time used to express "a canopy"? as, in the German at the present day, Thron- himmel, literally, " a throne-heaven," means the canopy over a throne.

Dr. Johnson, in Lives of the Poets (vol. i. p. 54.), whilst criticising Cowley, says, " he offends by ex- aggeration as much as by diminution," and gives the following instance :

" The king was placed alone, and o'er his head A well-wrought heaven of silk and gold was spread."

To a person conversant with German, there is some difficulty in seeing at a glance what exag- geration is contained in these lines; and should the word heaven have been used at any time in England in the sense I have suggested, Cowley will be freed, in this- instance at least, from the accusation. B. S. KENNEDY.


Col Tal P. Shaffner. I recollect this per- sonage's marriage, forming the subject of a para- graph which went the round of the newspapers some few years ago. It was remarkable for the immense number of titles and letters, filling some lines which followed the colonel's name ; and it ended with " Newspapers throughout the Union, including Texas, please copy." If any render of " N. & Q." should have preserved the paragraph, this may serve to fix the date about the time when filibusters recognised Texas as one of the

United States, although not formally acknow- ledged as such by Congress. If 1 recollect aright* the full name is Taliaferro ; though, from his expertness in making "noses of wax" for the Russians, one might imagine he was named after the "learned" Taliacotius. E. G. R.

The Champneys Arms. Did any English family, besides Champneys, bear per pale a lion ram- pant, within an engrailed border? I can find no other in Berry's Heraldic Dictionary. Also, can any of your antiquarian readers tell me if a lady of this family married a Bowes, between the years 1550 1690? There were Lord Mayors of Lon- don, I have ascertained, in both houses, circ. temp. Edw. VI. or Elizabeth. A reply would confer a great obligation, as it is wanted to fill up an hiatus valde defletits. A. B.

Mrs. Middleton and her Portraits. G. S. S., who is putting together some notes relating to the celebrated beauty Mrs. Middleton, wishes to learn in whose gallery of paintings is to be found her portrait by Gascar, with a lamb, which has been engraved in mezzotinto ; and who engraved it. He would like also to know, where the full-length portrait by Lely is, which has been engraved by Browne in mezzotinto ; and where the original by Lely, which has been engraved by Thompson in the same style. Perhaps the latter is from the Windsor portraits. The date and place of Mrs. Middleton's death, and of her burial, are required.

Defence of Charles /. Who was the author of the following work ?

" A Just Defence of the Royal Martyr King Charles I., from the many false and malicious Aspersions in Ludlow's Memoirs, and from some other virulent Libels of that kind. Motto from the Psalms, Plal. [szc] xxxv. 11, 12. Cicero ad Herenn., &c. 8vo., London, 1699."

Y. B. N. J.

Motterus. I have a copy of Southey's Minor Poems, in which some former possessor has written in vol. iii. p. 66., at the end of " God's Judgment on a Bishop" :

" Though Southey quotes Coryat at length, and men- tions ' other authors,' he does not name Mollerus, from whose poem nearly every thought in this is literally translated."

I shall be glad to know the title of Mollerus'a poem, and where it is to be found. T. M.

A Life Peerage Query. Perhaps a genealo- gical correspondent of Cl N. & Q." would inform me what change, if any, would occur in the pre- cedence of children of a life peer after his death ? For instance, if Lord Wensleydale had a son, would he be still Honourable ? and would he hold place as eldest son of a baron ? L. M. M.

Mrs. Meeke, alias Galrielle. Can any of your readers give any account of Mrs. Meeke, who, about the end of the last century, and the begin-