Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/194

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[2nd g. NO 10., MAR. 8. '56.

Of this work a second edition, including the Supplement, was published in 1818.

The following was by Olivia W. Serres, "and intended to enforce her former arguments in favour of the claim of Dr. Wilmot :

"Junius. Sir Philip Francis Denied! A Letter ad- dressed to the British Nation. London: Williams. 1817.'

Mr. Chalmers now brushed up his old argu- ments, added new facts and circumstances, until, as he said, they amounted to " moral demonstra- tion," and produced

" The Author of Junius Ascertained : from a Concate- nation of Circumstances, amounting to Moral Demon- stration. By George Chalmers, F.R.S.S.A. London : T. Egerton, Whitehall, 1817."

This tract was re-issued in 1819, with a new title-page and a Postscript then first added.

" The Author of Junius Ascertained : from direct proofs, and a concatenation of circumstances, amounting to moral demonstration. A new Edition, with a postscript, evinc- ing that Boyd wrote Junius, and not Francis. By George Chalmers, F.R.S.S.A. London: Egerton. 1819."

A claim was next put forward in favour of Gib- bon the historian :

" Junius Unmasked. A well-known and most eminent literary character of the last century. London : Wilson. 1819."

The following I have not seen, and presume it was an American publication :

" A Refutation of the Claims preferred for Sir Philip Francis and Mr. Gibbon to the Letters of Junius. Reed. 1819."

The object of the writer of the next pamphlet was to ridicule the many absurd conjectures on the subject of Junius, by advocating the claims of Suett the comedian :

' Junius with his Vizor up ! or the real author of the Letters published under that signature now for the first time unveiled, and revealed to the world. In two letters to my cousin in the country, from CEdipus Oronoko, tobacconist and snuffseller. Sherwood : 1819."

There was published about this time, but I have not seen the pamphlet :

" Another Guess at Junius."

The following title-pages show the intentions of the several writers :

" The Author of Junius Discovered in the person of the celebrated Earl of Chesterfield. London : Longman & Co. 1821."

" A Critical Enquiry regarding the real author of the Letters of Junius ; proving them to have been written by Lord Viscount Sackville. By George Coventry. London : Phillips. 1825."

" Junius proved to be Burke ; with an outline of his biography. London : Longman & Co. 1826."

I. " The Claims of Sir Philip Francis, K.B., to the Authorship of Junius's Letters disproved. II. Some En- quiry into the Claims of the late Charles Lloyd, Esq., to the composition of them. III. Observations on the Conduct, Character, and Style of the Writings of the late Right Hon. Edmund Burke. IV. Extracts from th Writings of several Eminent Philologists, on the laconic

and Asiatic, the Attic and Rhodian styles of eloquence. By E. H. Barker, Esq., of Thetford, in Norfolk. London : John Bonn. 1828."

Mr. Barker argues in favour of the claims of Charles Lloyd.

The Americans appear, at this time, to have taken up the subject, and we have in rapid suc- cession

"Junius Unmasked ; or Lord George Sackville proved to be Junius. With an Appendix, showing that the au- thor of the Letters of Junius was also the author of 'The History of the Reign of George III.,' and author of ' The North Briton,' ascribed to Mr. Wilkes. Boston : Billiard & Co. 1828."

" Memoirs of John Home Tooke, together with his valuable speeches and writings; also, containing proofs identifying him as the author of the celebrated Letters of Junius. By John A. Graham, LL.D. New York: Gould. 1828."

" The Posthumous Works of Junius. To which is pre- fixed an Enquiry respecting the author ; also a Sketch of the Life of John Home Tooke. New York : G. & C. & H. Carvil, 108. Broadway. 1829. 8vo."

As might be inferred from the title of the work, the writer advocates the claims of Home Tooke.

"The Secret Revealed of the Authorship of Junius's Letters. By James Falconar, Esq., Jun. London: Holds- worth & Ball. 1830."

Mr. Falconar is of opinion that the coincidences, and the direct evidence adduced in his pamphlet prove so conclusively that Daniel Wray was the writer, that, " he who doubts," after reading it, " would doubt though one rose from the dead for his conviction."

" Letters on Junius, addressed to John Pickering, Esq., showing that the Author of that celebrated Work was Earl Temple. By Isaac Newhall. Boston: Hilliard. 1831."

" An Essay on Junius and his Letters ; embracing a Sketch of the Life and Character of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and Memoirs of certain other distinguished Individuals ; with Reflections, &c. By Benj. Waterhouse, M.D. Boston : Gray & Bowen. 1831."

In this, and the two following, the claims of Chatham are advocated.

" Junius Lord Chatham, and the ' Miscellaneous Let- ters ' proved to be Spurious. By John Swinden. London : Longman & Co. 1833."

" Who was Junius. London : Glynn. 1837."

Mr. Jaques argues in favour of the claim of Lord G. Sackville :

" The History of Junius and his Works ; and a Review of the Controversy respecting the Identity of Junius. With an Appendix, containing Portraits and Sketches by Junius. By John Jaques. London: Bell & Wood. 1843."

' The Authorship of the Letters of Junius Elucidated : including a Biographical Memoir of Lieutenant- Colonel Isaac Barre', M.P. By John Britton, F.S.A., &c. London : J. R. Smith, 1848."

' Some New Facts and a suggested New Theon' as to the Authorship of Letters of Junius. By Sir Fortunatus Dwarris, Knt. [Privately Printed.] 1850."

In favour of Francis, with the assistance of others.