Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/322

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[2nd s. NO 16., APRIL 19. '56.

Margaret, daughter of Perry of Thorpe, co.

Surrey, sister of Col. Perry. Their daughter, Eli- zabeth, married Sir Thomas Hare, Bart., who in liis will, dated 1688, mentioned his "uncle John Perry," and " uncle William Perry." I shall be obliged for information as to this family of Perry, and for their armorial bearings. G. H. I).

" Oh, what a miracle is grace!" Where is the line, " Oh, what a miracle is grace ! " to be met with ? W. C. B.


Consecrations. Would any of your readers kindly give me the names of the officiating pre- lates at the consecration of Bishop Graham (Chester), and Hamilton (Sarum), with place and date ? MACKENZIE WALCOTT, M.A.

The Bustard. There is generally little use in asking a question when the time has gone by for obtaining an answer. I hope it will not turn out so as to what I would ask.

Is there any one now living who can inform us when the last bustard was known to breed on Salisbury Plain? for thanks to that most mis- chievous of all selfishness to which we Englishmen are so prone, the propensity to appropriate, and consequently to destroy, whatever is rare in either the animal or vegetable world, we now look in vain for what but for that propensity might still be flourishing and delighting the heart of the naturalist. R. G. T.


Does the Spider eat its own Web ? Rennie, in his Insect Architecture, asserts that the common garden spider does not eat its own web. A close observation has convinced me that it does. After cutting a web, so that it hung only by a thread, the spider came out, gathered the whole up, soaked it with the glutinous liquid from its mouth, carried it to its den corner, and then, opening its jaws, took the entire ball in. The thought how- ever struck me, was the mass conveyed into the proper stomach of the insect, or into some cavity whence it might be reproduced through the spin- nerets ? I should feel much obliged if you could answer this question, for I can assert that the web was swallowed.

Query, What became of it ?


143. Cambridge Street, Pimlico.

MacCarty More. In the Dublin Penny Journal, vol. ii. p. 216., is the following paragraph, published in the year 1834 :

" A descendant of MacCarty More, King of Munster, had in his possession the crown, sceptre, and other re- palia, appertaining to his ancient dignity and family. He had also a cup, said to have been made from the

cranium of an ancestor of Brien Boirohme, whom the MacCarty had slain in battle. It was highly polished, and had a lid of silver. Another descendant of the great MacCarty More is now living, in very humble circum- stances, in the county of Cork, and has in his possession the title-deeds of the vast estates of that familv in that county."

What has become of these interesting relics of former cfays ? ABHBA.

Arms wanted. Tiddimann, Tiddemann, Ted- dimann, or Tieddemann, is, I understand, a com- mon surname in parts of Germany. I should be greatly indebted to any of your correspondents who could furnish me with the armorial bearings of such a family. MEECATOR, A.B.

Song by F. B. P. In the Gentleman's Mag. for December, 1850, p. 582., there is a hymn en- titled " A song made by F. B. P. to the tune of Diana." Who is the author/ what is the date, and where can the tune be found ? *


George Manners. Can you give me any in- formation regarding George Manners, who, about fifty years ago, was editor of The Satirist f This gentleman was for many years British Consul in Massachusetts. Did his death occur in 1839, about which time he ceased to be consul ?

X. (1.)

Thompsons of Houghton-on-the-Hill. Which branch of the family of Thompson settled at Houghton-on-the-Hill, in the county of Leicester, about the middle of the seventeenth century, and were lords of the manor of that place, bearing arms, Or, on a fesse dancettee, az. three estoiles, ar. on a canton of the second, the sun in glory, ppr. ? EMILY.


The Bible. What word is used in Patristic Greek for the Bible ? I am aware that TO. &i\ia and T; IA.OS are used by some of the Greek Fathers in referring to the books of the Old or New Testaments ; but I have not yet met any term applied to the collected writings, after their number was ascertained and settled by authority. Chrysostom was, I believe, the first to use a single word for them, and his example was, I suppose, followed by others. If so, where may I find au- thorities on the subject ? THOMAS HODGINS.

Toronto, Canada.

Lewis Family, Merioneth, Wales. Can any of the many genealogists among the readers of " N. & Q." favour me with information as to that branch of the Lewis family that formerly resided near or at Dolgelly, Merioneth, Wales ? Does

[* This is the original version of the hymn, " Jerusalem, 4^y happy home." Jn the Gentleman's Mag. for 1851, Pt. i. pp. 66. 114. 516., are several guesses at its authorship.]