Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/376

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. NO 19., MAY 10. '56.

I think of Paris with so much pleasure. It is very unbecoming an English patriot, and ungratefull to my good friends here. I will only whisper you that I mean stil! to return to the amiable Papists of Paris before the end of May, for I think ten days will com pleat all the great arrangements for myself and the little ones for Miss Wilkes.

I kiss the fair hands of Madame Suard, and am ever, my dear Sir,

Your most affectionate

and sincere friend and humble servant,


I beg to trouble your servant with the enclosed to Miss Wilkes' oldfemme de chambre.

Dominique will be declared a free port.

Mr. Pitt is gone to Bath very sulky. The Par- liament will sit till June. The King is at Rich- mond, but returns to St. James' to-morrow.

This is a letter only to a friend. The next post shall tell you of Wilkes the politician, who is more admir'd and caress'd than at any moment.


(Continued from p. 350.)


Burke's Peerage and Baronetage (1846) sup- plies the following list of names in connection with the fleur-de-lis or royal tressure :

Aberdeen, E., R. T.

Acton, Bt., of Aldenham, (1 and 4) 6 Fs.-d.-L. arg.

Ashtown, B., L. P. G. between 3 Fs.-d.-L. az., sup. L. crowned, powdered with Fs.-d.-L.

Atholl, D., R. T.

Barrow, Bt., of Ulverstone, 2 swords, or, between 3 Fs.- i-L.

Beaufort, D., Fr. and Eng. (See Heylin, A.D. 1514 1682.)

Beaumont, Bt., of Stoughton (French), az. semee of Fs.-d.-L., cr. on a chapeau az. seme'.

Beresford, V., 3 Fs.-d.-L., sups. 2 angels, charged on breast with 3 Fs.-d.-L.

Berners, B., (1 and 4) on a chief, a F.-d.-L.

Birch, Bt., of the Hazles, 3 Fs.-d.-fc. arg.

Blair, Bt. (for Kennedy), (2) 3 Fs.-d.-L. within R. T.

Blois, Bt., of Grundisburgh, gu. a bend vaire, between 2 Fs.-d.-L. arg. ; cr., a gauntlet holding a F.-d.-L. arg.

Boswell, Bt., of Auchinleck, R. T. or.

Bromhead, Bt., of Thurlby, az., on a bend a mural crown, gu. between 2 Fs.-d.-i. sa.

Brown, Bt, of Colston, gu. 3 Fs.-d.-L. or ; cr. in dexter paw of L. R., a F.-d.-L. or.

Buccleuch, D., (1 and 4) arms of Chas. II.

Bute, M., R. T. gu. (for Stuart).

Caithness, E., R. T. or. r Canterbury, V., 2 Fs.-d.-L. or. ~ Carlisle, E., R. T.

Carington, B., cr., neck of elephant, charged with 3 Fs.-d.-L. (2 and 1).

Castle-Stuart, E., R. T.

Clancarty, E., (1 and 4) L. P. G. between 3 Fs.-d.-L. az., sup. D. a L. G., semd of Fs.-d.-L.

Clarke, Bt., of Dunham (as Clerke, Bt, of Hitcham), on a sin. canton, az., &c. in chief 2 Fs.-d.-L. or (H. 1513).

Cleveland, D., arms of Chas. II. (H. 1674).

Coghill, Bt, 3 Fs.-d.-L. or.

Colchester, B., R. T.

Cope, Bt, of Bramshill, 3 Fs.-d.-L. or; cr., a F.-d.-L. or, &c. (H. 1624).

Cottenham, E., on a bend or, 3 Fs.-d.-L. sa. ; sups., a horse arg. with escocheon charged with F.-d.-L. sa.

Cuffe, Bt, arg. on a bend indented, sa. 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg.

Cuninghame, Bt., of Milncraig, arg. a shake fork be tween 3 Fs.-d.-L. sa.

Curtis, Bt, of Gatcombe, in base 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg. (with Ld. Howe on the 1st of June).

Dacre B., (1 and 4) or, on a fess, gu., 3 Fs.-d.-L. or; a grant by Edw. II. ( ? ), Nov. 15, 1307 (Porny, p. 73.).

Denys, Bt., of Easton-Neston, arg. a cross-patonce, gu. between 4 Fs.-d.-L. vert.

Desart, E., arg. on a bend dancette'e, 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg.

Digby, E., az. a F.-d.-L. arg. (H. 1672, 1765).

Dufferin, B , (2) az. a F.-d.-L.

Duffus, B. (for Randolph), R. T.

Dunbar, Bt, of Mochrum, (2 and 3) R. T.

Dunbar, Bt, of Durn, R. T. gu.

Dunmore, E. (for Murray), R. T.

Dysart, E. (for Murray)," R. T.

Edmonstone, Bt, R. T.

Edwards, Bt, of Garth, a F.-d.-L. or.

Effingham, E., R. T.

Eglinton, E., (1 and 4) 3 Fs.-d.-L. (for Montgomerie), 7? T*

'El'ibank, B., R. T.

Erskine, Bt., of Cambo, a royal crown, within R. T.

Fairfax, Bt, az. a chevron between 2 Fs.-d.-L. in chief.

Falkland, V., (3) Fr. and Eng.

Ferrers, E., (2 and 3) Fr. and Eng. (fr Plantagenet) (H. 12981711).

Ffolkes, Bt, of Hillington, (1 and 4) a F.-d.-L. gu.

Fitzwygram, Bt, of Walthamstow, cr., armed hand holding a F.-d.-L. or.

Fowke, Bt, of Lowesby, vert, a F.-d.-L. arg. (H. 1653).

Gage, V., sups. 2 greyhounds gorged, with coronet of Fs.-d.-L. or.

Galloway, E., R. T. gu.

Geary, Bt., (2 and 3) a chevron voided between 3 Fs.- d.-L. gu.

Gibson, Bt., of Clifton Hall, R. T.

Godolphin, B., (2 and 3) 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg. (2 and 1).

Goodriche, Bt., of Studley, (1 and 4) a F.-d.-L. arg., &c.

Gordon, Bt., of Letterfourie, R. T. gu.

Gordon, Bt, of Earlston, R. T.

Grafton, D. (1 and 4) Fr. and Eng., &c. (H. 1672).

Guilford, E., az. L. P. or, between 3 Fs.-d.-L. arg. (H. 1683).

Halford, Bt., on a chief az. 3 Fs.-d.-L. or, with augment- ation.

Hamilton, D., 3 Fs.-d.-L. or (for Chatelherault).

Hawkins, Bt., of Kelston, 5 Fs.-d.-L. or.

Headfort, M., erm. on a chief, gu. a F.-d.-L. or, &c.

Hertford, M., (2 and 3) 6 Fs.-d.-L. az. (H. 1537, 1660 1750).

Hicks, Bt., (2 and 3) gu. a fesse wavy, between 3 Fs.- d.-L., or.

Hillary, Bt, of Rigg House, arg. 3 Fs.-d.-L. sa.; sups. 2 lions g'orged, with a collar charged with Fs.-d.-L.

Holland, B., on a canton of 2d, a F.-d.-L. or (H. 1763).

Huntly, M., R. T.

Ilchester, E., on a canton, a F.-d.-L. or (H. 1(56).

Kellett, Bt, of Lota, a grant of Edw. IV., (2 & 3) arg. a cross gu. in the first quarter a F.-d.-L. gu.