Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/485

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2tS. If "24., JUNE 14. '56.]



the Holy Office of the subjoined formal decision on the matter :

" Johannes Clemens Gordon, Scotus, fuit ordinatus et constitutes in episcopum vel potius pseudo-episcopum secundum ritus Anglicanos, anno Domini 1688, die 19 mense Septembris in ecclesia cathedrali Glascoensi in Scotia, presentibus pseudo-archiepiscopo et tribus pseudo- episcopis. Actio sic fere peragebatur. Primo fiebant preces secundum liturgiam Anglicanam. Secundb habe- batur concio ad populum de dignitate et officio episcopi. Tertib, supradicto Johanna genibus provoluto, omnes su- pradicti pseudo-episcopi imposuerunt manus capiti et humeris, dicendo=accipe Spiritum Sanctum et memento ut suscites gratiam quas in te est per manuum imposi- tionem, non enim accepimus Spiritum timoris sed virtdtis, dilectionis et sobrietatis. Quartb, peractis pauculis pre- cibus pro gratiarum actione, terminata fuit actio. " Feria quints die 17 Aprilis, 1704.

" Fuit congregatio S. O. ( -Sam Officii) in palatio Apos- tolico apud S. Petruin coram 1 1 mo D.N.IX Clemente di- vina providentia Papa XI. ac Euiis et Rmis DD. S.R.E. cardinalibus Carpines, Mariscotto et generalibus inquisi- toribus prajsentibus R.P.D. Casone assessore V. gerente, P. Generali Ord. Prsedicatorum, Molines S. Rotas decano, P. Mfo S. Palatii, &c., et fiscali S. 0. consultoribus, me- que notario, proposita fuit loco casus instantia a SSmo ad 8. O. remissa Johannis dementis Gordon natione Scoti nunc Romae ad fidem conversi exponen : quod episcopatus gradum in patria obtinuit ritu haereticorum utcumque consecratus fuit: cum autem hujusmodi consecrationem opinetur nullam ob rationes quas exprimet, supplicat de- clarari hujusmodi ordinationem esse illegitimam et nul- lam atque secum ut ordines sacros catholico ritu suscipere queat dispensare. SSfiius auditis votis Cmorum decrevit quod prasdictus Johannes Clemens Gordon ex integro ad omnes ordines etiain sacros et presbyteratus promoveatur et quatenus non fuerit jam Sacramento Confirmationis munitus, confirmetur.

" Testor ego infrascriptus supremce Sacrae Inquisitionis notarius qualiter in volumine de ordinibus sacris anni 1704 in archivjo hujus S. Officii asservato invenitur In- stantia cum Decreto ut supra. Datum ex S. O. hac die 2 Aprilis 1852. Angelus Argenti S. Romans et UiJlis Inq i9 Notarius."

This formal decision of Rome against the va- lidity of Anglican Orders is everywhere received and acted upon. D. ROCK.


(1 st S. xii. 27.)

AVith reference to the Query of MB. MACUL- LOCH of Guernsey, asking information concerning the famous medallist Thomas Simon, I would refer him to three interesting articles in the Nu- mismatic Chronicle on the subject, viz. :

1. "Numismatic Chron., vol. iv. (April, 1841 Jan., 1842), p. 211. ' Notices of Thomas Simon.' "

2. " Ibid., vol. v. (April, 1842 Jan., 1843), p. 161. The Will of Thomas Simon the Medal Engraver, with Observations thereon.' "

3. " Ibid., vol. vii. (April, 1844 Jan., 1845), p. 22. ' Thomas Simon and the Koettiers." "

From which articles may be gathered the dates of some of Simon's appointments, his pay, &c. ; and

from two recently discovered documents, there printed, viz. his will, dated June 17, 1665, and proved August 23, 1665, by Elizabeth Simon, his widow, and a petition to the king from the widow for payment of sums owing to Thomas Simon her late husband it is clear that he must have died some time between July 1, 1665 (as his pay as chief engraver ceased then), and the date of prov- ing his will, viz. August 23. following, the cause of death, according to popular rumour, being the plague.

Pegge's story of Simon's surviving 1665 for many years must now therefore be given up.

In the above articles the Christian name of the widow (Elizabeth) is alone mentioned ; whilst MR. MAcCuLLocH gives but the surname, which^ he states (without citing authority) to have been Fautrart of Guernsey.

But the " complaint " quoted by MR. MAcCuL- LOCH as happening "about the year 1665 " (Query the exact date ?) against the Bailiff of Guernsey, is important, as showing Simon's connection with that island. The will, however, is silent as to any property there, or claim thereto.

In his will Simon calls himself "Thomas Simon, of the parish of St. Clement Danes, in the county of Middlesex, and citizen and goldsmith of Lon- don," and desires to be buried in that church, under the stone where his children lie.

He mentions his wife Elizabeth ; his three children, Samuel, Elizabeth, and Anne Simon ; his nephew William Simon, son of his brother Nathaniel, deceased ; his brother, Laurance Si- mon ; Anne Simon, daughter of his brother, Abraham Simon ; and Judith, sister of Anne.

Besides willing personals and two houses in the parish of St. Stephen, Walbrook, in the City of London, &c., he wills his farm in Shorne, county Kent (this is near Gravesend), in tail, to his son, re- mainder to each daughter, remainder to brothers, &c. He mentions also his sister Hannah Yates, then Massey, and " the French church of which I am a member."

From the will having been proved in the Con- sistory Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, it is concluded that he did not die at St. Clement Danes, but perhaps at Canterbury, where there was a French church. But might he not have died at his farm at Shorne? And the French church, of which he was a member, might have been that in London. This membership, how- ever, suggests the possibility, if not probability, of a connection with Guernsey.

The place of Simon's birth is doubtful, though Vertue, Martin, Folkes, and Pinkerton (citing no authority) say that he was born in Yorkshire.

Jos. G.

Inner Temple.