Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/542

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D. (S. M.) Legends on English coins, 313.

Peverill of the Peak's bones, 294. Dublin, Letter from, in 1689, 447. 488. Dublin, two cathedrals in, 152. Ducking a scold, 490. Duel, a submarine, 412. 501. Duncan (Ged), noticed, 132. Dundee (John Graham, Viscount), at the battle of

Kebbock, 328.

Dunkin (Edwin) on Dolly Pentreath, 17. Dunscombe of Dunscombe, 336. Durer (Albert), his picture of Melancholy, 12. 101. 182.


Durham College, inscription on a door, 10. 379. Dutch newspaper, the oldest, 206. D. (W.) on " The right man in the right place," 401. D. (W. B.) on weather proverb, 84.


E. on Curll's Corinna, 449.

Derivation of parish, 490.

Passage in " All's Well that Ends Well," 494. Eagle, double-headed, in heraldry, 73. 138. 196. 263. Eagle, Orders of the White and Black, 139. Eales family, 510.

Earthenware vessels in churches, 83. 1 63. Earwig, its derivation, 65. 302. 357. 384. Easby, on Old Hundredth tune, 494.

" Thoughts in Past Years," 176.

" To be, and not to seem," 453. Easter-day, different in Ireland and England, 94. Easter Sunday superstitions, 331. 415. Eastwood (J.) on Samcast, 522.

Worsborough library, 520. Eaton (Samuel), Sermon at Knutsford, 373. 516. Edward III., his gold noble, 313. Edward VI.'s Treatise on the Supremacy, 112. Edwards (H.) on Samuel Brewer, 100.

Haunted houses, and priests' hiding-places, 488.

Fragments of memorials of former greatness, 405.

Running footmen, 80. E. (G.) on Addison and Erasmus, 146. E. (H.) on De Strode family, 97. Ehrenberg and his microscopes, 277. E. (H. T.) on inscription on John Knox's house, 380. Ein Frager on bull song at Stamford, 392. E. (K. P. D.) on Bonaparte and the number 666, 276. 421.

England's obligations to Capt. Bedloes, 207.

Guano as a manure, 482.

Notes on wife-selling, 420.

Origin of fashions, 503.

Presidential names of places, 508.

Sunday Schools established by Borromeo, 232. Eldon (Lord), his maiden poetry, 249. Elephants, Douce's notes on, 107 ; joints in their legs,

115. 263. 402.

Eling church, New Forest, memorials, 405. Elizabeth (Queen), her letter to Edmund Plowden, 12. Ellacombe (H. T.) on De Strode family, 97.

" Gloria in excelsis," 143.

Sepulchral monuments destroyed by the Conqueror, 75.

Suffolk genealogies, 94.

Ellis (Sir Henry) retires as Principal Librarian of the

British Museum, 183. " Elucidarium," in manuscript, 412. E. (M.) on Bashett family, 382.

Ca Ira, 353.

Singular funeral sermon, 353. Emily on Thompsons of Houghton-on-the-Hill, 314. E. (N.) on Commons Report in 1719, 471.

" In necessariis unitas," &c., 414. " England and Wales," Topographical Account of, 173. English, locality of the purest, 252. English sovereigns die on Saturdays, 469. Envelopes, insecure, 292. 361. 381. Epigram: Metius and Colon, 446.

Epitaphs :

Basnett (Miss), St. Pancras, 202.

Boles (E. L.), Whitnash church, 429.

Din ton churchyard, Wilts, 112.

Dolly Pentreath, 17.

Drury (Elizabeth), Hawsted Church, 205.

Greenhill (Nicholas), Whitnash church, 428.

Greentree (Isaac) at Harrow, 52.

Horsburgh (William) at Kailzie, 190.

Morata (Olympia), 455. 523.

Polish exile, 430.

Ralph (William) of Kilkenny, 332.

Scarlett (R.) sexton of Peterborough cathedral,


Sevenoaks (Fanny) at Crayford, 202. Waterhouse (Rev. Joshua) of Stukeley, 193.

Erck's Irish Ecclesiastical Register, 173. Erica on Isle of Man, origin of name, 454.

Pronunciation of falchion, 174.

Quotation wanted, 304.

Erskine (Rev. R,), hymn on tobacco, 115. 182. 258. Erysipelas, its etymology, 73. 122. 200. 276. Essex (Arthur, Earl of), his Letters, 510. Este on Count Boruwlaski, 240.

Paraph, 420.

Safety-valve, 240. E. (T.) on Sir Henry Gould, 295. Etrennes, its etymology, 76. Eugubean Tables, inscriptions on, 108. 181. Evans (Robert) on Heginbottom family, 268. Exchequer records destroyed, 285. Excommunicated, their bodies incapable of corruption,

194. 239. 263. Execution survived, 490. Exeter (Henry Cecil, Marquis of), 437. Eye church, Suffolk, bell inscriptions, 206.


F. on ancient origin of phrases, 201.

Calcutta black hole, 254.

Elephants, 263.

Ferrara sword, 204.

Marriages made in heaven, 142.

Origin of fashions, 503.

Pope threatened with a flogging, 41.

Revolution song, 137. F. 1. on grammar schools, 202. F. (A.) on " To sow one's wild oats," 229. Faber (M. F.) on Frere family, 75. 342.