Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/554

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Order of Valour, the new, 209.

Orders of the English church discussed by the Galilean

clergy, 290. 362. 476. Organ, street, their novelties, 94. Orkney, titular bishop of, 76. 143. 217. Ormond dukedom, 121.

Ormond (1st Duke of), Nalson's letter to, 387. Ossian on alteration in Lord's Prayer, 356.

Passage in Juvenal, 356. Ounsel, weighing balance, 377. OUTIS on Capt, M'Cluer, 442. Ouroy, used of things and events, 73. 241. Ouzeley, the bells of, 213. 418. " Over," as a local prefix, 266. 383. Owens (Hugh) on note from fly-leaf, 148.

Numismatic query, 193. Oxford almanacs, 255. Oxoniensis on Bromham parochial library, 520.


P. on De Loges family, 193.

Reading of the Psalms, 337. Paalstab explained, 435. Painting on copper, 56. Paleario's Treatise on the Benefits of Christ, a Slavian

edition, 351.

Paoli (Gen. Pascal), his college at Cork, 111. Pamphlets, how to clean old, 116. 423. 462. Pantomime, its origin, 313. 436. 501. Paper, absorbent, 243.

Paper, white, injurious to sight, 126. 241. 283. Papier-mache' houses, 271. Papin (Denys), his Digester, 240. 303. 381. Paraph, its meaning, 373.420. 481. 521. Paris newspapers in 1856, 389. Parish, its derivation from the Sanscrit, 490. Parish Clerks' Company, 295. Parkyns (Sir Wm.), his execution, 25. Parochial libraries, 459. 520. Pascal (Blaise), personage alluded to by him, 412.


Pasquils, Scottish, 4. 163. 220. 323. Patonce on Barbor family, 275.

Byron's (Lord) mother, 494.

Cotton family, 299.

Hamilton (Bp.), his consecration, 401, Patricius on acoustics, 56.

Lane's Arabian Nights, 115. Patrick (Bp.), " Friendly Debate," 373. Paulet arms in Basing church, 405. Pauline (Old) on Biographia Britannica writers, 455.

Grammar school usages, 462.

Junius, 287.

Strict discipline in early schools, 481. Payne (J. Be'rtrand) on song on tobacco, 378. P. (C. H.) on fleur-de-lis, 225. 245. 309. 328. 348. 368. 387. 408.

Hillier family, 53.

Mayor of London in 1335, 483.

Rhubarb champagne, 420.

Right and left hand, 178. P. (D.) on heraldic colours indicated by lines, 415.

Peace rejoicings in 1814, 508. Peacock (Edw.) on book-worms, 244.

Brownson's Works, 213.

Blood which will not wash out, 461.

Easter Sunday superstitions, 415.

Revolvers, 382. Pearson (Sir Anthony), 239 ; his " Great Case of

Tithes," 13. 203. " Peck Beggar," a local name, 267. Pecuniary punishments, 451. Pedestrian rules, 414. Peerage query, 335. 422. Peerages for life, 1 12. 133.' Pelew Islands visited by Capt. M'Cluer, 353. 442. Pelicanus Americanus on American names, 82. P. (E. M.) on " Veni Creator Spiritus," 432. Pembroke (Ann Countess Dowager), her monument

near Penrith, 114. Penkridge peculiar, 233. Penn (Wm.) proclamation against, 50. Pentateuch, Latin, of 1541, 132. Pentreath (Dolly), her epitaph, 17. 359. Peregrinator on Glanoventa, 231. Peronne (J. J. S.) on passages in Gower, 221. Perry family, of Surrey, 313.

Peter the Great at Sayes Court, Deptford, 365; testi- monial to, 130.

Peterborough (Charles, 3rd Earl), 326. Peterborough (Charles, 4th Earl), 326. Petit (Clement), of the Isle of Thanet, 283. Petre (Father Hugh) and Dr. Busby, 31. Peverill of the Peak's bones, 294. Pews denounced by Bp. Corbet, 252. Pfeifer on signal whistle, 374. P. (G. A.) on Epistle to Pollio, 255.

  • . on Barker of Chiswick, 183.

Philipps (Katherine), " the matchless Orinda," 434. Philips (Ambrose) threatens to flog Pope, 41. Phillips (J.) jun., on bull song at Stamford, 460. Phillips (J. P.) on Kentish proverb, 401.

Madame Hassell's feast, 313.

Mrs. Katherine Philipps, 434.

Similar legends at different places, 400. Phillips (J. W.) on Bacon's (Lord) issue, 413.

Bacon's Reflections on Death, 342.

Judge Jeffreys, 332.

Legends at different places, 282.

National defences, 470.

Pecuniary punishments, 451. Phillott (F.) on acoustics, 114.

Bard, its etymology, 390.

Burial clubs among the Saxons, 411.

Goose, its courage, faithfulness, &c., 246.

Gutta percha, 372.

Homer's telegraph of the nineteenth century, 331.

Judge Jeffreys and the earldom, 70.

Legacy duty among the Romans, 451.

Milton and Napoleon, 81.

Nelson's coffin and grave, 169. Philobiblos on an old Bible, 134.

" Elucidarium," 412. Philorganon on Bridge's organs, 62. Philosopher alluded to-by Thomas Moore, 413. " Philosophy of Societies," 303. Philpotts (Bp.) on publication of banns, 142. Phosphilos on naphthaline, 12.