Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/63

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. N 3., JAN. 19. '56.]



the Rev. Charles Wolfe to the Ode on the Burial of Sir John Moore ? ABIIBA.

Miller s " Modern History Philosophically Illus- trated." Why is it that in booksellers' catalogues the first edition of Dr. Miller's Philosophy of Mo- dern History (8 vols. 8vo., Dublin, 1816-28) is invariably spoken of as " the best and only com- plete edition "? The second (4 vols. 8vo., Lond., Duncan, 1832) and the third (4 vols. post 8vo., London, Bohn, 1848) are very much to be pre- ferred. So thinks every one who has read the work ; and so thought the author himself. The second is the best library edition. ABHBA.

Excommunication by Bishop Prideaux. This bishop is known to have excommunicated those of his diocese (Worcester) who took up arms against King Charles. Are the formalities of its publica- tion, and the form of the document, now known or to be found ? II.

Old Silver Medal. What is the origin or history of art old silver medal which may be de- scribed as follows? Diameter, two inches and three-sixteenths ; thickness, one-sixteenth of an inch. Upon one side, at the top, is a scroll in- scribed " Sedes Vacans, 1761." A cordon, as of an order, goes from the scroll, and forming a circle around the outer part of the face of the medal, returns to the opposite side of the scroll. From this cordon are dependent sixteen coronetted shields, each having a name attached, as "V. Furs- tenberg, V. Bechtolsheim, V. Lerrodt,"&e. Within this circle of shields is a church, apparently rest- ing on a cloud, and an empty chair under a canopy, and ugon a throne ; a mitre lies upon the seat of the chair. Upon the opposite side of the medal, a circle of shields, &c., appears, in like manner, the label at the top bearing the words " Capitulum Hildesien," and the shields being different from those on the other side, though occasionally the same shield occurs twice. Beneath the scroll is a dove, or Holy Spirit, in a glory, over the head of a Virgin and Child seated on a cloud. With a sceptre, the Virgin points to a covered crown, and a shield resting on a fringed and tasselled cushion. The same cushion supports a crozier, a sword, and the cross of an order. The blazonry of the shield is gules and or, parted per pale.

The medal was received by the cashier of a bank in Maine, U. S., from a sailor lad, arriving from the West Indies. I should be glad to know to what it refers. SERVIENS.

" ve all heard of Paid Jones, have you nut? have you not? " In Mr. George Farquhar Gra- ham's collection of the Song* of Scotland (Edin- burgh, 1853), vol. i. p. 29., he states that the ballad on the celebrated pirate, Paul Jones, begin- ning as above, is sung to the air of " My love's in

Germany." Can any of your readers furnish the , words of the first-named ballad, which is appa- rently a popular song in some parts of Scotland?


" Cato" a Latin Tragedy. There is a Latin translation of Cato, published under the following or a similar title : Cato, a Tragedy, translated into Latin without the love scenes, 8vo., 1764. Can you inform me who is the author ? R. J.

Madame de StaeL About the middle of last century, there was printed, in four volumes, tho Memoirs of a Madame dc StaeL In the fourth volume are two dramatic pieces; both the memoirs and dramas are in French. Where can anything be found relative to this book ? J. M. (2.)

Vaux Family. I shall feel much obliged to any of your readers who will favour me with notices of descents of any branches of the Vaux family subsequent to the Heralds' Visitations, or copies of monumental inscriptions relating to any members of the family. JNO. RICHARDS.

20. Charterhouse Square.

Physiognomy and Chiromancy. I have lately stumbled upon an old book on these subjects, about which I should be glad to know something. It is a small folio of 279 pages, the title-page wanting, dedicated to Elias Ashmole, by Richard Sanders. The Preface to the Reader is signed by the same Richard Sanders, and dated from " The Three Crane?, in Chancery Lane, November 17, 1652." To the body of the work are prefixed commenda- tory pieces, by "William Lilly, Student in As- trologie ; John Booker, Astrophil., R. L., Nobilis et Medicus ; Saxoniensis ; and G. Wharton."

The title-page of the second part runs :

" The Second Part, or Second Book, wherein is treated of Physiognomy, Metoposcopy, Oneirocracy (sic), with many secrets thereto belonging. ' Sapientia homines ita illustrat faciem ejus ut Firmitas vtiltus ejus duplicetnr.' Eccle.siast. cap. 8. ver. 1. London : Printed for Nathaniel Brooks, 1G53."-

To these are added thirty-two more pages of " A Treatise of the Moles of the Body of Man and Woman, illustrated by Richard Sanders." From all which arise four Queries' :

1. Who was Richard Sanders ?

2. Is his book considered valuable, after its kind ?

3. Where can I meet with a perfect copy of it ? Mine wants a leaf or two at the end.

4. Who was "R. L., Nobilis et Medicus"?


Collectors of Rare Books: William Fillingham, Exq. In Dr. Dibdin's Bibliomania, 1811, a por- tion of a note runs thus :

" To these, let me add, the Cutitlor/iie of a Portion of the. Library of William FilUuyham, Esq., consisting of Old