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Bulletin of the American Chess Association. [] 1858, 8vo. Allen
Chess Messenger (in Rusian). St. Petersburg, 1885, &c., 8vo. H.L.
The Chess Monthly. Vols. i.-v. New York, 1857-61, 8vo. B.M. and Allen.
The Chess Monthly. London, 1879, &c., 8vo. B.M.
Chess Newspaper (in Russian). St. Petersburg, 1859-1863, 8vo. H.L.
Chess Newspaper (in Russian). St. Petersburg, 1876-1881, 8vo. H.L.
The Chess Palladium and Mathematical Sphinx. Nos. 1, 2. New York, 1846, 8vo. Allen.
The Chess Player. Vols i.-iv. London [1951-3]. B.M.
The Chess Player. London, 1857, 8vo. Linde. (Is this a continuation of the previous entry?)
The Chess Player's Annual. London, 1856, 8vo. B.M.
The Chess Player's Annual and Club Directory. London, 1882, &c., 8vo. B.M.
The Chess Player's Chronicle. Vol. i. No. 1 to series iii. vol. iv. No. 43. London, 1841-62. 8vo. B.M.
The Chess Player's Magazine. 5 vols. London, 1863-7, 8vo. B.M.
The Chess Player's Quarterly Chronicle (after 1871 "The Chess Player's Chronicle'). York, Lincoln, and London, 1868, &c. 8vo. B.M.
The Chess Record. Philadelphia, 1873, fol. Linde.
The Chess World. Vols. i.-iv. London, 1866-9, 8vo. B.M.
The City of London Chess Magazine. London, 1875-6, 8vo. B.M.
La Cronica de Ajedrez. Vol. i. Mexico, 1878, 8vo. Linde.
Deutpche Schachzeitung. Leipzig, 1846-8, 8vo. Linde.
Die Brüderscbaft, machliches Wochenblatt von A. Heyde. Braunschweig, 1885, &c., 8vo. H. L.
The Dubuque Chess Journal. 7 [vols. Dubuque, 1870-6, 8vo. Linde.
L'Echiquier. Paris, 1869, 18mo. Linde.
L'Echiquier d'Aix. Aix, 1878, &c., 8vo. H. L.
The Gambit. New York, 1859, fol. Linde.
The Hartford Chess Magazine. Hartford, 1875, 8vo. Linde.
The Household Chess Magazine. Nos. 1-3. Manchester, 1865, 8vo. B.M.
Jahrbuch des westdeutschen Schachbundes. Leipzig, 1862, 8vo. B.M.
The International Chess Magazine. New York, 1885, &c., 8vo. H. L.
The Irish Chess Chronicle. Dublin, 1887, &c., 8vo.
Magdeburger Schachzeitung. Vol. i. Magdeburg, 1849, 8vo. Allen.
Mannheimer Schachzeitung. Mannheim, 1881-2, 8vo. H. L.
The Maryland Chess Review. [], 1874, 8vo. Linde.
Neue Berliner Schachzeitung. 8 Bde. Berlin, 1864-71. Allen.
Nordisk Shaktidende. Aarg 1-9. Kjobenhavn, 1873-81, 8vo. B.M.
La Nuova Revista degli Scacchi. Livorno, 1876, &c., 8vo. Linde.
Oesterreichische Schachzeitung. 4 Bde. Wien, 1872-5, 8vo. Linde.
Le Palamede. 11 tom. Paris, 1836-47, 8vo. B.M.
The Palamede. London, 1840-1. Linde.
The Philidorian. Charleston, 1869, 16mo. Linde.
The Philidorian. London, 1838, 8vo. B.M.
Le Philidorien. Paris, 1868, 18mo. Linde.
Le Pion. Marseille, 1873, 8vo. Linde.
Il Puttino. Firenze, 1868, 8vo. Linde.
The Recreationist. A......Magazine of.......Chess &c. Leeds, 1873, 4to. Linde.
La Regence (afterwards 'La Nouvelle Regence,' and after 1863 'Le Palamede Français'). Paris, 1849-65 8vo. B.M.
La Revista de Ajedrez. Montevideo, 1880, &c., 8vo. Linde.
La Rivista degli Scacchi. Roma, 1859, 8vo.
Schachalmanach. Jahrg. i. Leipzig, 1846, 8vo. B.M.
Schachzeitung (after 1871 'Deutsche Schachzeitung') Berlin, Leipzig, 1846, &c., 8vo. B.M.
Schweizerische Schachzeitung. Chur, 1857-9, 8vo. Allen.
Sissa Maandschrift voor het Schaakspel (afterwards De Schaakwerld). Wijk bij Duurstede, 1847-75, 8vo. B.M.
Sonntags-Blatter für Schach-Freunde. Nos. 1-35. Leipzig, 1861, 8vo. B.M.
Le Sphinx. Journal dee echecs. Vol. i. and vol. ii. Nos. 1-18. Paris, 1865-6, 8vo. B.M.
La Strategic. Paris, 1867, &c., 8vo. B.M.
The Sussex Chess Magazine. Nos. 1-13. Brighton 1882-3, 8vo. H.L.
The Westminster Chess Club Papers (after vol. i. 'The Westminster Papers'). Vols. i.-xi. London, 1868-79, 4to. B.M.
Wiener Schach-Zeitung. Jahrg i. Nos. 1-6. Wien, 1855, 8vo. B.M.

Robert A. Peddie.

35, South Molton Street, W.

  • ICON BASILIKE.' At the request of Charles II.,

John Earle, afterwards Bishop of Salisbury, under-

ook to translate this book into Latin. It is said

to be admirably done, and if the dedication be any sample, Earle seems to be an elegant Latinist, far above the average. It was published at the Hague, 1649, for distribution abroad. The authorship of the ' Icon ' is an endless topic of dissidence. To me it appears as plain as a pikestaff that the king wrote it, nobody but the king, and that Gauden could not, even if he would. I think he might have furnished the title, which, though good, is >edantic, and evidently comes from without. In he book, at any rate as I read it, you not only lave the king's words, but you hear his voice, and feel the man's presence in every page. Shak- pere was not dramatist sufficient to have done this, t is Vandyke's Charles addressing you in high- >red melancholiwise out of Venetian point. But f men will write and write to establish wrong on wrong, like our Baconian students in physics, so they must, and twiat opposing lines of fact into a rope to ang themselves withal. I should as soon doubt bat Milton, our noble /uo-oruppavos in phrensy, wrote the * Iconoclastes,' as that Charles, our riAev?, wrote the ' Icon.' If facts fight so hard hat the common law courts are baffled, carry them jurt of equity. The past pleaders have muddled aeir briefs, as men of monstrous learning will at 'mes. When daylight fails resort to inner light, rains have before now served as lantern of the ord, "et lucernam pedibus." Earle, in his dedication to Charles II., writing