Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/143

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Horwood (W. R. ) on engraving of Chatham's monu- ment, iii. 468. Skottowe (Augustine), i. 213 ' Hosannas to the King, ' anthology of Coronation odes,

ix. 408

Hoskins (Serjeant), verses by, iii. 428 Host eaten by mice, i. 274 Hot waters = spirituous liquors, xi. 465 Hotel sign, curious, xi. 487; xii. 116 Hotham (Sir Richard), Knt., his biography, i. 448; ii.

17, 176, 313, 394

" Hoti" in Howell and Browning, v. 494 ; vi. 117 Hotspur, interment of his remains, xi. 50, 192 ; xii.


Houg on heriot, x. 333 Houghton (Thomas), his biography, iv. 268 Hough ton family, xi. 407 Hougun, its etymology, vi. 211 Houndsditch, inhabitants of, ix. 348, 438 Hour, its varying length among the Jews, ii. 4 Hourglasses, books on, xi. 268, 358 Housden (J. A. J.) on bishops' ornaments, viii. 392. Coronation sermons, ix. 501. ' De Imitatione,' v. 75. Gender of ' ' Church," vi. 435. Gill's Lap, vii. 356. Guest family, x. 51. Motto for laundry porch, vii. 176. Paradise, its meaning, vi. 277. Post Office in 1677, i. 121. Posts in early times, xi. 189. Prime Ministers, Irish and Scotch, x. 302. Religion, a definition, vi. 352. St. Botolph, City of London, xi, 134. " Scriptures out of church," xii. 496. Wordsworth, tragedy by, viii. 332 House, as a measure of arable land, v. 349 ; as a measure of communal rights, vi. 122 ; motto on, vi. 366

House, inverted, at the Paris Exhibition, v. 495 House of Commons, engravings of interior, 1821-3, i. 188, 468; members in 1628, 244; "Her Majesty's" Opposition, 312; Middlesex members 328 ; its key pocketed by Sir Miles Hobart, 367 ; engraving of Cromwell's, ii. 128 ; pairing in, vi. 390, 454 ; fathers of, viii. 147 ; xii. 33 ; new hours of business in, ix. 465; use of term "session," xi 306 ; picture of, 1833, xii. 149; seats reserved in, 376 ; its interior, 1640, 408, 498 House of Lords, issue of its papers, iv. 166 ; picture

of Queen Caroline's trial, xii. 349, 397 Housemaid's knee, v. 388 Housen, use of Anglo-Saxon plural, iv. 205, 278, 335 Houses without staircases, i. 166, 210, 356, 418 ; ii 89; iii. 116; iv. 55; vi. 273, 414; haunted, i. 288 their leprosy, iii. 409, 497; iv. 353. 442; chimney in ancient, 64, 196, 254, 387, 502; pews annexed to, vii. 388, 517; viii. 89, 191, 288, 428; ix. 31 xii. 296, 412 ; old Irish and Scotch, x. 408, 458 Housty=sore throat, ii. 127, 215 How o' the Caillech (Old Wife), hollow near Ballater

xi. 188, 310, 351, 433

Howard (Ed ward) -Catherine Eyre, xii. 486 Howard (John), medal presented to, i. 52 Howard (Joseph Jackaon), his death, x. 20 Howard (Sir Philip), Knt., his biography, i. 135 Howard, Duke of Norfolk. See Norfolk. Howard & Gibbs, scriveners, their documents, i. 2 Howard MSS., notes on, i. 401 Howe (Mistress Rachel), portrait of, x. 8 Howell (Mrs. E.), lines on Milton's blindness, xi.

Howell (J.), "Hoti" in, v. 494 towk, to dig, to scoop, iv. 308, 385 ; v. 55 [owl, its derivation and use, iv. 49, 93, 132 [owley (Archbishop), his mother, vii. 408 ; viii. 333, 426

towlyn (Francis), head master of Westminster School, i. 108

[oworth (Sir H. H.) on Heysham antiquities, ii. 281, 469 lowth Castle, its owners and traditions, i. 54, 193 ;

ii. 417 loxton, Britannia Theatre, its demolition, xi. 386,


loxton and its madhouses. See Miles family. Hoy, Margate, iii. 365, 491 ; iv. 53 ; viii. 469 Hoyarsabal of Qubiburu, xi. 287, 355, 396 loyle, archery term, ii. 209, 252 loyle (Edmond), his ' Short Treatise on the Game of Whist,' 1743, vi. 403; his treatise on backgammon, 1743, ix. 426 Hoyle (W. D.) on Challowe family, i. 209. Duck-

worth family, i. 228

loyt, its meaning, and as a surname, v. 113 lozier (H.) on daggering, ix. 507 Hubbell arms, xi. 228, 296

Hubert (Sir Francis), his ' Life of Edward II.,' iv. 9 Huchon (R.) on Crabbe's MSS., xii. 7

Huchown of the Awle Ryale," iii. 146 luchtenburg and Van der Meulen, pictures by, vii.

87, 117, 453 Huckler, a dance, ii. 149, 332 Hucklow, Little, wake customs at, xii. 107, 134, 216,


BEuddle= winning cast, ii. 187, 255 Eudger, Surrey word for bachelor, v. 67, 256 'Hudibras,' parrot in, vi. 266, 373, 473; vii. 292 Eudaon (C.) on 'Hymns Ancient and Modern,' x. 512. Quotation attributed to Coventry Patmore, ix. 467 Hudson (C. M.) on Klopstock's ' Stabat Mater,' xii.

57 Hudson (G.) on will proved in the Archdeaconry of

London, Register 1, fo. 35, v. 352 Hudson (H. B.) on Cadoux family, ii. 8 Hudson (Robert), of Lapworth, his death, ii. 20 ' Hue and Cry and Police Gazette,' ii. 267, 335 Huet in Dr. Burney's ' History of Music,' vi. 129 Hugely, use of the adverb, xi. 389, 498 Huge de Wareham. See Hugh fitz Grip. Hugh fitz Grip and the Martels, i. 221, 475 Hughes (C.) on Fynes Moryson's 'Itinerary,' x. 247 Hughes (J.) on marriages of persons already married to each other, iv. 212. 'Old English Songs and Dances,' xi. 6

Hughes (T. C.) on ancient beacons, viii. 305. Ancient boats, viii. 366. Antiquities, spurious, xii. 268. Antiquity of businesses, xii, 176. Ashbee (Henry Spencer), vi. 176. Bacon (Sir Nicholas), ix. 69. Barras, ix. 133. Beck (Rev. James), xii. 487. Borough, oldest in England, ix. 114. Brick dated 1383, iv. 276. Bristol puzzle-ring, xii. 228. Brothers Mayor and Town Clerk at same time, v. 8. Bull Plain, Hertford, xii. 412. Csssar (Julius), vi. 474. Carant or corant, x. 416. Cartwright, viii. 287- Charles I. rings, ii. 448. Chasuble at

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