Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/148

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63, 123, 164, 390; mural, vi. 46; on medal, 106, 197; at Lincoln, 208 ; in Mull, 329, 393 ; London monumental, xii. 514 Insect names, English, ii. 266 Insel Ruuo, its history, viii. 385 Instrumental choirs, modern, viii. 304 Instruments, musical, catalogue of, vii. 207 Insurrection, use of the word, vii. 66, 111, 314 Intelligence, secret, and newspapers, iv. 390 Intemperance, war, pestilence, and famine, vii. 309 Intentions, matrimonial, earliest use of the term,

v. 435, 504 ; vi. 252 ; ix. 233

Interested on Henry Sidney, Earl of Romney, iv. 47 Interludes, the presentation and players of, xii. 245 Interlunar, use of the word, iii. 57 Interments, orientation in, vi. 167, 276, 335 ; vii. 195,

338, 431 ; viii. 88

Interview, origin and meaning of the term, xi. 9 " Intimidated thrones," v. 335, 401 Inundate, its pronunciation, v. 395, 497; vi. 52, 112,

192, 218, 251, 354 ; vii. 71 Invalids, Independent Company of, vi. 429, 493 ;

vii. 171

Inventions, great, and iron, vi. 170, 256 Inventions, mechanical, Bacon on, xi. 267, 337 Inverkeithing, battle of, and Sir Hector McLean,

vi. 251, 372

Inverness coat of arms, x. 308, 410 Inverury spelt Inverurie, ii. 84 Investigator on evolution of a nose, x. 34. Montez

(Lola), nee Gilbert, v. 476

Invisible green, early quotations of the phrase, v, 435 Inwardness, renascence of the word, v. 475 ; vi. 237 Inwood (J. P.), his biography, viii. 505 Ipplepen, co. Devon, its derivation, vi. 409 ; vii. 50,

113, 217, 297, 353, 473

" Ipsissima verba," misuse of the phrase, xii. 345 Iredale (A.) on Camden ancestry, vii. 14. Ibbetson's

portrait of Bonaparte, i. 214 Iredala (Gr. H.) on Miss or Mrs Startin, xii. 328 Ireland, sweating-pits in, ii. 107, 157, 271 ; iii. 54 poem relating to, iii. 248 ; Cromwellites and Wil- liamites in, 283 ; early printing in, 288, 479 arrest for debt in, iv. 29, 195, 262 ; Jewish money used for subjugation of, 263 ; and frogs, vii. 186 292 ; origin of the Red Hand, x. 247, 335 ; Hugue not settlers in the seventeenth century, 367, 478 list of soldiers with Lord Essex in, xi. 69, 256 rebel flag of, xii. 228 Ireland (Richard), master of Westminster School

ii. 148 Ireland (Samuel), of Prince's Street, Middlesex, i. 887


Ireland Yard, Blackfriars, ruins discovered in, r. 434 Irenesse-bag, use of the word, vi. 408, 498 Ireton (Sir John), his family, x. 508 Ireton family, xi. 93, 177 Irish, early,' in Iceland, vi. 170, 232, 353, 415 ; in

Pembrokeshire, ix. 77 Irish assize courts, green table in, i. 156 Irish badges, viii. 484 ; ix. 133 Irish bells, ii. 482 Irish Brigade at the battle of Fontenoy, vii. 25, 114

211, 333 Irish device anticipated in England, iv. 262

rish MS., English translation of, vi. 420

rish famine, verses on the, vii. 148, 251

rish Fearagurthok, its meaning, v. 108, 174, 234, 296

rish "Glibbes," or " Coulins," iii. 449 ; iv. 11

rish harps, vii. 228, 338

rish historical genealogy, xi. 208

rish houses, old, x. 408, 458

rish names, their etymology, vii. 50, 113, 217 ; in

manuscript book, ix. 148 rish parish registers, iv. 328 rish Prime Ministers, xi. 116 rish provinces, iii. 161 dsh soldiers at the battle of the Boyne, ir. 341, 486

vi. 26

rish spelling and pronunciation, xii. 349, 392 rish troops at first Crusade, i. 145 rish wills, 1600-1760, vii. 9, 71 irishmen, their ubiquity, iii. 309 ron, and great inventions, vi. 170, 256; female

worker in, vii. 466 ; for paving roads in 181 6, xii. 242 Iron- Beard (Dr.) and ^Esculapius, ii. 146, 516

n Duke and the Duke of Wellington, ix. 466 ; x.

11, 73, 156, 172, 295, 517 Ton-making in America, xii. 266 [ron mines in West Warwickshire, v. 515 ; vi. 54 [rony, origin of the phrases connected with the word,

v. 514 ; vi. 137 [ruin (Sir Alexander), of Drum, proceedings against,

iii. 107, 172

[rvine (A.) on an ancient chair, viii. 282 [rving (Somerset Gore), his biography, viii. 484 [rving (A.) on reference to Edward Irving, vi. 106 Irving (Edward), reference to in E. B. Barrett's

' Essay on Mind,' vi. 106 ; his residences in London,

vi. 125, 276, 390 Irving (Frances B.), c. 1850, ix. 107 Irving (J. H.) on De Feritate, iii. 47. Licence to

crenellate, ii. 147 Irving (Washington) and Sir Walter Scott, iv. 108 Isabella colour, origin of the term, xi. 49, 174, 392 Isaac, family of Kent, viii. 124, 312 Isaac of Norwich, his "armiger," vi. 8 ; his title, viii.


-Ish, verbs ending in, i. 86, 136, 315, 355, 516 Isle of Dogs, origin of the name, ix. 165, 397 Isle of Man and Austria ; history of Berwick, x. 69 Issanchou on " Homo additus naturae," iii. 448 It, used with regard to persons, viii. 242 ItaTestor on William Baffin, i. 346. Banister (Sir

William), i. 304. Brome (Alexander), i. 324.

Cateley (Ann), i. 214. Flatman (Thomas), i. 246 Italian ball games, ii. 509 ; iii. 213 ; v. 207 Italian law, sentences inflicted by, ii. 7 Italian literature, early, iii. 7, 231 Italian translator of Tennyson, i. 503 Italian wars, poem on the, vi. 448 Itineraries, their publication, xii. 287 -Itis, termination, its etymology, vii. 468 ; viii. 472 I tie, to sway to and fro, xii. 89, 151 Iveagh, co. Down, its pronunciation, vii. 428 ; viii. 50 Ivers, etymology of the word, v. 188, 291 ; vi. 92,


Ivo, Bishop of Chartrea, legend of, iv. 129, 195 Ivo, Christian name as evidence of race, xii. 48 Ivory sceptre of George I., xii. 409