Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/273

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documents relating to, iii. 488 ; iv. 96 ; collection

of cuttings relating to, v. 268, 486; "soldiers'

bacca," 332 ; mischiefs of, vi. 226 ; its etymology,

viii. 322, 490 ; new items of history of, ix. 123 ;

old book on, x. 367

Tobacco tongs, 1677, their use, vi. 210, 276, 332 Tobit, Book of, and the 'Arabian Nights,' xi. 481 Toboggan, first use in English, xii. 467 Tod (A. H.) on dress of Charterhouse scholars, v. 27 Tod family of Epsom, i. 248 Todmorden, its etymology, i. 21, 78, 114, 217, 272,

417, 515 ; ii. 137, 173 Todmorden Free Library, its collection of works on

tobacco, i. 362, 415

Todd (Nathan), of Tuddenham, Suffolk, i. 428, 493 Todd (Sweeny), criminal, vii. 508; viii. 131, 168,

273, 348, 411, 512 ; ix. 345, 477; x. 303 Toes, twilly, iii. 406 ; iv. 31 Token, lettered " Three Pound Twelve," iii. 249 ;

iv. 218, 292, 314, 443 ; inscription on one found in

the Strand, ix. 268, 373

Toledo (Eleanora di), her parents, ii. 169, 298 Toledo (Marquises of), streets named after, iv. 345 Toll, pillage, and stallage, meaning of the words, ix.

35, 395

Tollendal (Lally), his 'Me'moires pour la Rehabilita- tion de mon Fere,' vi. 429 Tolpatchery, use of the word by Carlyle, vii. 170 ; ix.


Tolstoi (Count), hid works in Russian, ii. 387, 457, 535 Tom (Grantham) on Arundel : Walden, vii. 336 Tom, Great, of Oxford, xii. 226 Tom-all- Alone's, its locality, v. 246, 324 'Tom Bowling,' meaning of the opening line, v. 474 ;

vi. 15, 156

' Tom Tit Tot,' folk-tale, iii. 146, 211 Tomato, earliest use of the word in a European

language, x. 227

Tomb, rent paid at a, viii. 302, 355, 411; ix. 38 Tombland, place-name in Norwich, viii. 245, 352 Tombstones, skulls on, vii. 448 Tomes (T. P.) on Reynolds portrait, xi. 347 Tomkinson (Thomas), his biography, v. 8 Tomlinson (W. W.) on Jean Bart's descent on

Northumberland, iv. 88. Blenkinsop (John), xi.

407. Dandy-cart, x. 129. Day (Tom), of Twyford,

iv. 25. Harateen, iv. 488 "Tommy Atkins," name for a soldier, ii. 64. See

also Regimental nicknames. Tomohrit, a lofty mountain in Albania, xi. 500 Tonghes, its whereabouts, iv. 28, 96, 214, 314 Tongs, tobacco, or ember, 1677, their use, vi. 210, 276,

332 Tongue-pricks, the word in French proverb, xi. 447 ;

xii. 175, 235 Tongue-twisters, collected examples, xi. 269, 455,

493 ; xii. 55, 233

Tonka or Tonquin bean, origin of the name, xii. 246 Tonn, its etymology, i. 16 Tontine, started in 1817, ix. 8, 113 " Too too," not a modern phrase, ii. 345 Took's Court, Chancery Lane, notes on, x. 6 Tool marks on mediaeval dressed stones, vii. 390 Tooley (G. W.) on Eyre, xi. 328. Sidney (Sir Philip),

his chair, v. 377

Tooth, single, in 'Annals of Japan,' xi. 488 ; xii. 71

Top of a street, x. 368, 435

Top spit, use of the term, xii. 505

Topographical collections for counties, iv. 402

Topographical error, vii. 7

Topography of ancient London, xii. 429

Toque= bonnet, official definition of the word, xi. 366

Torelore, King of, ix. 246, 414

Torphichen on " Often have I seen," x. 390

Tortoiseshell ware, i. 14

Torton in Sussex, its locality, x. 189, 212

Tory, misprint in ' Painter of his own Dishonour,' xii.

9, 97, 134

" Totnesse is turned Frenche," xi. 333 " Tottenham is turn'd French," xi. 185, 333 Toucan, etymology of the name, vii. 486 ; viii, 22.

67, 85, 171, 250, 331

Touchstone on Greek-German lexicon, i. 69 Toulon, the battle off, in 1744, and Lord Hawke, xi.


Tour, aerial, ii. 423 ; iii. 178, 316 Touraine on Sir James Douglas, vii. 28 Tovey (D. C.) on note by Gray, ii. 452. Pope and

Thomson, i. 129, 289, 415. Purbeck (Lady) and

her son, vii. 389

Tower or tour, aerial, ii. 423 ; iii. 178, 316 Tower Hill, register of births on, in 1641, vii. 329.

397 Tower of London, Dudley memorial in, iv. 484, 545 ;

St. Peter in the Chains, ix. 146, 192 ; inscriptions

on its walls, xi. 5, 115

Towers, ancient, in Sardinia, v. 497; vi. 29, 378 ' Town and Country Magazine,' its tte-a-te"te por

traits, iii. 77

Town gates outside London, v. 228, 362 Town's husband, its meaning, i. 109 Towneley (John), tomb in Chiswick Churchyard, xii.

327 Townend (H.) on Coronation Stone, vii. 393. Passage

in Pope, vii. 376 Towns, their population prior to censuses, vii. 168 ;

which have changed their sites, vii. 206, 273,

359, 417, 492 ; viii. 93 ; cruciform, xii. 104 Townsend (Wm.) on Wellington picture, ix. 308 Townshend (D.) on fireback dated 1610, xi. 30, 332 Townshend (J.) on Lady Nottingham, ix. 455 ; xii.


Townshend (Sir John), Knt., his biography, ii. 409 Towson (John Thomas), 1804-81, xii. 190, 238 Towton, battle of, numbers slain at, i. 203, 297; and

Marston Moor, iv. 127, 191 Toynbee (Mrs. Helen) on " Difficulted," i. 156.

Gray, note by, ii. 365. Howard MSS., i. 401.

"King of Bantam," iv. 626. St. Germain (Count),

ii. 128. Walpole (Horace) and his editors, i. 91 ;

ii. 75, 332, 531; iii. 54, 131, 257,353,451; iv.

165, 243, 284, 323, 392, 532 ; v. 61, 122, 282, 371,

451 ; vi. 2, 81, 201, 344, 483 ; vii. 103. Weymouth

pine, ii. 389

Toynbee (P.) on St. Fursey, ii. 104, 491 Tract, rare Scottish poetical, viii. 118 Trade=road, iv. 186, 256, 312, 462 Trade routes in the Middle Ages, ii. 167, 238 Trade signs, xii. 16, 71, 128, 295 Trade winds, etymology of the word, xii. 202

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