Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/277

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34. Dedication by author to himself, v. 167, 320. Defoe, vi. 337. ' Difficulted," i. 336. Dorp, use of the word, vi. 113. Editors, their evolution, v. 323. 'Eglises de Palestine,' iv. 442. Eliot (George), anecdote of, vi. 287. Esquire, the title, vi. 452. Foot of beef, vii. 510. Foulrice : lock elm: chincherer, vii. 353. Frail, its meaning, vi. 378 ; vii. 33 ; viii. 531. Garland, new sense, vi 337. "Gone to Jericho," vii. 56. Grass widow, x. 374. Grissard, x. 352. Groat, ix. 84. Gurney (Hudson), his papers, vii. 17. Hagioscope or oriel, xi. 491. Halsh, viii. 255, 411, 529. Hander, its meaning, iv. 477. Hazy, vi. 87. Help, followed by an infinitive, vi. 30. Henry III. pawns an image of the Virgin, vii. 327. Henslowe's ' Diary,' xi. 169. Heresy and beer, i. 507. Hide, its area, i. 28. Hirst, its meaning, v. 323. Hoastik carles, v. 17. Hocktide customs, ii. 172. Hog, ix. 411. Hognel or hognayle money, ix. 115 ; xi. 138. Honorificabilitudinitas, ix. 494. Honourable, the title, ii. 292. " Hop the twig," x. 16. Hops, petition against their use, vi. 12 ; their intro- duction, x. 304. Horse-gentler=:hor8e-breaker, v. 218. Hoti in Ho well and Browning, vi. 117. Howk, its meaning, v. 55. Huguenot, its deriva- tion, viii. 308. Humbug=nonsense, v. 404. Imaginary or invented saints, xii. 516. Imple- ment, domestic, ii. 210. India Office records, vi. 287. Ink, price of, 1288, viii. 14. Inten- tions, use of the word, v. 504. Interview, xi. 9. Inundate, its pronunciation, vi. 193. Jarndyce v. Jarndyce, v. 295. Jeu d'esprit, v. 167; vi. 392. Kathmath, a precious stone, viii. 464. ' Kinmont Willie,' viii. 284. Lability, its meaning, vii. 386. Lamb (Charles), his hoaxes, vi. 216. Lambsuckle, viii. 63. Land tax, viii. 62. Late, ix. 86. ' Letters on the English Nation,' v. 297. Lion as an emblem of St. John, vi. 268. Log-rolling, earliest use of the phrase, v. 208. London Bridge, i. 313. Lordship, Scotch, use of the title, vi. 268. Lungete, its meaning, viii. 325. Makau, a precious stone, vii. 469. Malt and hop substitutes, viii. 247. Man-of-war, vii. 311. Max, slang for gin, vi. 476. Merchant Adventurers, v. 487. Meresteads or mesesteads,x. 10. Mithered, its meaning, vi. 510. Mogul cards, v. 292. Monster from the Tiber, iv. 4U6. Motto, proud, iii. 204. National flag, viii. 112. Newspaper, early, vi. 436. Pall-mall and golf, vi. 444. Parchment and vellum, their prices, vi. 328. " Passagium Bead Johannis," xi. 509. Penny, the, vii. 38. Pillage, stallage, and toll, ix. 35. Regent Square, St. Pancras, ii. 230. Reprint, lines omitted in, iii. 5. " Ringing-out," its meaning, ii. 127. Rolls in Augmentation Office, i. 497. Roman numerals, iv. 428. 'Rotuli Scotise,' 1814-9, glossary, ix. 29. St. Martin's Parish, its extent, iv. 36, 175. Sandwich, ix. 214. Saranine, its origin, vii. 9. Sawe, its meaning, viii. 424 ; ix. 75. Seneschal, xi. 354. Shakespeare v. Bacon, x. 137; his Seventy-sixth Sonnet, 412. Shakespeariana, iv. 454. Shimmozzel, vii. 11. Skimmington, iv. 388. Stepinother:=mother-in-law, ix. 517. Sur- names from single letters, vi. 398. 'Tempest' anagram, viii. 512. Tenure by burnt offering, vi. 327. 'Three Jovial Huntsmen,' ii. 88. 'Three

wise men of Gotham,' v. 293. Tiger = boy groom, i. 493 ; iv. 445. Tip, origin of the word, v. 52. Troy weight for bread, vi. 468. Turnover, xii. 471. Typulator, x. 516. ' Veni, Creator Spiritus,' i. 449. ' Vocabolario della Crusca, ' i. 6. Walpole ( Borace), iii. 1 56. Whig, early instance of the word, i. 306. 'Whole Duty of Man,' iii. 118. Wife v. family, i. 275. Wig=bun, vi. 454. Yeoman, x. 354 ; xi. 113

V. (V.H.I.L.I.C.I.) on curmudgeon, x. 45. Epitaph, well-known, ii. 229. Hot-cross buns, v. 421. Pecchio (Count Giuseppe), vi. 395

V. (W. I. R.) on President Adams, ix. 57. Age of entry at Inns of Court, vi. 195, 333 ; vii. 17. " All Cooper's ducks with me," ix. 127. Anglo-Hebrew slang: kybosh, vii. 416. "Ben-clerk," viii. 512. Betts (Job), watchmaker, v. 394. Blackburne (Archbishop), anecdote of, iii. 484. "Books are all open," viii. 524. Bouquett (David), watchmaker, vi. 103. Broad wood - Widger, its parish register, viii. 333. 'Character of Drunkennesse,' v. 267. Chocolate, ix. 53. Cliffe, co. Kent, epitaph at, ix. 8. Cluzzom, its meaning, vii. 70. Cockayne family, v. 499. "Coming out of the little end of the horn," iv. 114 ; vi. 98. Cooling Castle, Kent, iv. 105. Counting another's buttons, vi. 371. Cricket, early lines on, vi. 506. Crosier and pastoral staff, viii. 151. "Crown" behind the Royal Exchange, vii. 418. Derby (Lord), letter to C. A. Bristed, v. 101. Dickens and Westland Marston, viii. 521. Dickensiana : phrase of Mrs. Gamp, ix. 13. ' Dirty Old Man,' ix. 428. Dream of a Queen's Reign : ' God save the Queen,' ix. 201. Durham account rolls, vi. 235. East (Edward), watchmaker to Charles I., v. 433. Epitaph, curious nautical, vi. 47 ; at Gravesend, xii. 409. Esquire, the title, vi. 471. February fill-dyke, v. 384. Forster (Capt. S.) to N. Tilson, ix. 105. Free-bord, vi. 235. " Gone to Jericho," vii. 56, 472. "Gone to Wellingborough fair to blow their bellows," viii. 421. " Half Moon" Tavern: "The Maypole," vi. 356. Handbill of a Welsh guide, vi. 25. Harcourt (Lord Chancellor), i. 366. Harvey and circulation of the blood : in- edited poem, ix. 26. Herne (Richard), Sheriff of London 1618-19, vii. 374. High and Low : Con- servative and Liberal, vii. 238. Hopton (Susanna), viii. 109. Humphry (Ozias), iii. 401. Joan of Arc, i. 441, 462. Johnson (Robert), Sheriff of London 1617, vii. 313 ; viii. 290, 448. Jones (Sir Francis), viii. 190, 309, 366. Landed property, earliest auction of, viii. 485. Law and his Mississippi scheme, iv. 84. Lincolnshire sayings, v. 95. Lob- ster, nickname for soldier, vi. 266. Lodge (Sir T.), vii. 127. London and Lonnon, iv. 31. London churches, vii. 335. London coffee-houses and taverns, viii. 509. London M.P.s, ix. 75. London street cry : " Any bad shillings ? " viii. 482. London tavern, old, iv. 98. Lord Mayors, unmarried, vii. 513; their pageants, ix. 216. "Ludi magister," ix. 86. Machyn's 'Diary,' vii. 185. Macky's 'Court Characters,' v. 165. "Man, thee behoveth oft," v. 503. Mandeville (Sir John), his ' Travels,' iv. 25. Mortimer's Hill, Nottingham, i. 144. Motto on bell, viii. 430. Nesquaw, dialect expression, v. 500. Newbery and Goldsmith, viii. 353. " Nice fellows," i. 489. Olney, place-name, i. 250. Pennington