Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/74

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Hall, Aldersgate," vii. 355. Walthamstow Church bells, v. 89

Clark (W.) on Lusus nature, its meaning, vii. 4 IS Clark (W. Tierney), engineer, his papers, vii. 308 Clark or Clarke family, xi. 508 Clarke (A. L.) on Head's ' Floating Island,' xii. 145 Clarke (C.) on alright=all right, viii. 312. Bar-At- Gin & Co., the name, v. 297. Boon for bookworms, ix. 406. " Bull and Last," vii. 254. Bummel, its meaning, v. 524. Byron's birthplace, v. 412. Cecil, ii. 275. "Chaperoned by her father," xii. 245, 431. 'Charlotte Temple: a Tale of Truth,' v. 89. Church, smallest in England, ix. 431. "Clameur de haro": "Crier haro," xii. 496. Co-opt and co-option, i. 388. Death of an aged Chartist, ix. 86. Dream-lore, x. 351. Exeter, Mayor of, 1642-3 and 1659-60, vi. 155. Garrick's snuff-box, iv. 324. Gwyn, Gwynn, or Gwynne (Nell), vi. 308. Hampstead, Church Row at, ii. 5. Barney (G. J.), i. 157. " Hop the twig," ix. 189. Inscription, puzzling, ii. 347. Joan of Arc, i. 406. Johnson's house at Frognal, iii. 334, 415. Keats and Hampstead, ii. 167. License or licence, iii. 248. London, lungs of, vii. 89. London, vanish- ing, v. 354 ; vi. 506. Mural tablets to the great, xii. 503. Novels with same names, i. 332. Out of print, v. 124. Perspective, historic, ii. 90. Prince of Wales's Theatre, xii. 365. Koscoff, ruined chapel at, vi. 346. Selectmen, iv. 169. Sheep in the Green Park, iv. 29. Siddons (Mrs.), her house in Upper Baker Street, ix. 355. Smoak=to twig, iv. 132. Tablet in West-End square, ix. 288. " 'Tis a very good world," &c., viii. 143. Topographical error, vii. 7. "Twopenny dam," xi. 425. "Up, Guards, and at them!" iv. 497. "Writer of sorts," iii. 167. " You might ride to Komford on it," viii. 306

Clarke (E.) on Yeomanry Cavalry, v. 1 Clarke (Sir Edward), his biography, v. 515 Clarke (G. K.) on Selectmen, iv. 311 Clarke (H. E.) on Bonaparte ballad, vii. 193 Clarke ( J. G.) on corporation chains and maces, viii. 344 Clarke (Mrs. Mary Anne), her biography, vii. 109 Clarke (R. S.) on Cunningham family, xii. 287 : Mac-

donald (Major), ix. 448

Clarke (Samuel), D.D., rector of St. Peter's, North- ampton, 1608-40, x. 408, 491; xi. 95 Clarke (Samuel), M.P. for Exeter 1646-8, v. 496;

vi. 155

Clarke ( W.), his projected work on natural history, i. 63 Clarke (W. A.) on ' Robinson Crusoe,' ix. 48 Clarke's Delight, Cambridge bathing-place, e. 1618,

xi. 207

Classical reference, v. 109 Clattworthy family of Manchester, ii. 88 Claw surname, x. 346 Clay (A.) on Pilleau arms, vi. 448 Claymore stamped "S.H.," viii. 484 Claypole (Lady), her portrait, ii. 448 Claypool (E. A.) on Breadalbane family, i. 147 Clayton (C. E. A.) on abbots of Bury St. Edmunds, xi. 106. Authors of books wanted, x. 36. Charlotte (Princess), xi. 94. "Compass window," x. 517. Frankliniana, xi. 16. Halley family, x. 97. Hewitt (William), surgeon and author, x. 473. Lesbian

rule, x. 432. Longfellow, x. 211. Oldest wooden church and university, x. 416. Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, xii. 69

Clayton (E. G.) on ceiling or cieling, iii. 194. Churches washed away by the sea, iv. 528. Lynch laws, i. 298. Minik, its meaning, iv. 535. Old-time punish- ments, ii. 174. Painting from the nude, i. 233. Register, oldest parish, ii. 176 ; entry in, iii. 214. St. Mildred's, Poultry, iv. 528. Withycombe Church struck by lightning, iii. 342

Clayton (F.) on burial of suicide, ix. 158. Comma misplaced, ix. 267. Mitre, ix. 174. Mourning Sunday, ix. 498. " Parting of the ways," xii. 377. Window glass, ix. 213

Clayton (H. B.) on Ainsworth the novelist, x. 10. Alba pottery, viii. 151. American worthies, v. 340. Armorial, iv. 522. Banners, silk, their preserva- tion, iv. 523. Baronets, their number in each reign, v. 157. Black Malibran, x. 350. Bohun and Pluge- net families, v. 400. Calamity Jane's career, xii. 167. Camplin family, vi. 12. Carbonari, xi. 476. China, Lowestoft, v. 12. Church registers, London, v. 191. Civil War : storming of Lincoln, viii. 250. 1 Comic Annual,' ix. 336. Copperplate cuts, ix. 33. Corn- Law Rimer, ix. 246. Corporation, oldest trading, vi. 13. Darley, a forgotten Irish poet, ix. 205. D'Auvergne family, vii. 176. Dawes (John), his biography, vi. 190. De Benstede or ' Bensted family, v. 115. Defoe (Daniel), last male descendant, vii. 395. Dieskau, iv. 446. * Dr. Syntax,' v. 270. Fashion in language, x. 251. Fashionable slang of the past, ix. 495. February fill-dyke, v. 277. Flogging at the cart tail, vii. 214. Gavarni and ballooning, ix. 446. Glencairn peerage, xi. 75. "Gone to Jericho," vii. 55. Gordon (Robert), Romanist priest, v. 91. Gordon family, v. 460. Gordon riots, ix. 350. Haydon family, viii. 52. 'History of England,' eighteenth-century, v. 189, 398. Jubilee of first International Exhibition, viii. 272. Juggins, its meaning, vii. 392. Julius Caesar, vii. 37. Jury in nautical terms, v. 426. Kane (John), forgotten actor, ix. 26. " Keep your hair on," ix. 335. Knifeboard of an omnibus, viii. 127. " La-di-da," viii. 19. Ladybird, Suffolk name for, vii. 95. ' Last of the Dandies,' ix. 63. Leland family, v. 403. Lyrical poetry, x. 377. Lytes of Lytes Gary, v. 174. Maid of Orleans, x. 306. Marie Antoinette, viii. 223. Mayfair marriages, v. 256. Melek Taus, v. 482. Newspaper cuttings changing colour, xi. 491. Photography, its discovery, v. 116. Prisoners of war in our literature, viii. 153, 514. Proverbs in Herbert's ' Jacula Prudentum,' v. 382. " Raising the wind," x. 85. Roberts (Lord), uncles of, viii. 203. Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, ix. 134. Russells of Aylesbury, viii. 268. Sweep- stakes, its meaning, v. 465. Taxes on knowledge, v. 271. Thackeray's early writings, viii. 383 ; his resi- dences in London, x. 238. Thurbane (John), M.P. for Sandwich, v. 192. Todd (Sweeny), viii. 273, 411. " Uncle Tom," original, xi. 445. Vanishing redskin, xi. 285. Venn (Rev. H.) and Lord Mount- ford, v. 37. Wallington (Nehemiah), his biography, v. 292. Walton family, vi. 313. Wardlaw (Car- dinal), Bishop of Glasgow, 1368, v. 74. Waterloo, baby born on the field of, x. 66